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Resident Evil: Game Boy Color - Released on the 4th of feb (2012)

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  • #16
    I wouldn't care that much because of the ROM instead of the cartidge...
    Afterall, it's just a beta.


    • #17
      Well, Anders is a hard-copy collector and for a good reason - documenting and keeping track of all official and unofficial releases (considering he's also written up differences between bootleg versions of things for people as well).

      When dealing with ROMs and the like, shit can happen something such as a virus, hard crash and so-on so I can certainly see where he's coming from. It's safer to collect physical copies than purely dealing with digital because sooner or later a prototype build, press build and so-on will eventually end up getting leaked making it redundant to be paying for the actual prototype ROM had it already been leaked in the first place.

      Considering that the actual, physical copy is not for sale and purely a digital copy of it is - had there been a chance to get it, I'm sure someone would have snapped it up right away.

      The issue being is, that there are prototype collectors' and then there are the actual franchise collectors. I prefer the ones that document items, such as Anders because it makes it much easier to recognize items that have surfaced 'in the wild' and also helps prevent people from falling for scams - like those modded RE2 burnt trials that a bunch of asses were passing off as 1.5 before.

      (Hell, I could have bought a Clock Tower PC sample version ISO but that would be utterly redundant as it's a released game which is the exact same as what is presented on the sample version - making it pointless to waste money on a digital copy of a game I already have copies of physically and given the chance - I'd rather send money to the former Human Entertainment CEO for the original RPP than pay for the ISO).

      So, considering that this seems to be one of the only copies of RE1 GBC that seems to have surfaced properly (probably the same as the previous one that had been confirmed before) then at the very least, there's a chance to document it in the case of there being any remaining versions out there - which combined with what Anders has already said, would be my own justification to donate money to this (which I will if I can, even if it is a small amount).
      Non-blurry Signature Version
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      • #18
        This doesn't seem legal.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #19
          It's a legal gray area, depending on your country. But how do you think any of the other betas came about? And likely how 1.5 will in the future? Pooling of money. It happens a lot with this sort of thing.


          • #20
            It's extremely unlikely Capcom will step in and do anything. It would cost money to even send out a Cease and Desist, if they can find out the owner. And they're not going to make any money or save it doing so.

            Still, it is legally grey.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Anders View Post
              There is a very large difference, and you're basically not making any sense whatsoever.

              1. The RE1GBC ROM up for donations is a ROM file, not the actual GBC cartridge. It is stated that the original cartridge will remain with the current owner. If the ROM file had already been online, why would anyone pay to download the same ROM file again?

              2. Buying original games is buying collectibles. Buying the original RE1GBC cartrige is also buying a collectible, but the cartridge is not offered for sale. I would gladly pay money for the original cartridge, even if the ROM file was available for download.

              3. Releasing an old, cancelled game like this may not be entirely legal - after all the game is still Capcom's property, even though it was never released. However, downloading released retail games is plain and simple piracy. You should support the developer by actually purchasing any game they have released which you want to play.
              I was asking that just because I remember seeing the ROM floating around in ~2002, so the answer I was waiting was a "yes" or a "no", maybe I'm mistaking, but I remember the game, as I already told to Alzaire.

              I think I've express what I meant in the wrong way, I intend something like:

              The collectors surely will buy hard copies of the games also if they are spread all over the internet, so is not that strange to ask money for a cartridge also if the game is already on the internet.

              Now that you point out that the deal refers to the ROM and not the cartridge (in the first post there are no reference about a ROM file) I find too pretentious asking 2000$ for that.


              • #22
                It's a legal gray area, depending on your country.

                People here in Brazil can sell CD copies downloaded from the internet...
                Why? Because the CDs are licensed to America (I think).

                No matter, the point is, here is legal.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post

                  Still, it is legally grey.
                  It is not grey, is flat out illegal. Released or not this is Capcom intellectual property and distributing it without permission is illegal. Morally however since never released and never will be, or any assets of it used for somthing harm, no foul.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • #24
                    We have about 2 months to go and we're already at $54...not much but in a day or two that's good.

                    Let's hope it keeps rising!


                    • #25
                      Who gives a flying crap if it's legal or not.

                      I'm all for these kind of initiatives, because that's how we'll eventually be able to get 1.5. I'm absolutely not interested in that GBA game though, I was 10 years ago, but now... Still I'll gladly donate 20 bucks or something like that just to make things move forward. But I doubt it'll reach 2000.


                      • #26
                        Also, I'd like to just point out that if we do raise $2,000 and REGBC is released, the person(s) who own RE1.5 might see this actually worked, and do their own kind of fundraiser to release it.

                        Although it is unlikely, it doesn't mean it's not possible.


                        • #27
                          Donating for a port that don't even works well would be very stupid (unless you're a collector/beta reporter)
                          We have the original...In the case of 1.5, it's a totally new game compared to RE2.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                            Donating for a port that don't even works well would be very stupid (unless you're a collector/beta reporter)
                            We have the original...In the case of 1.5, it's a totally new game compared to RE2.
                            As far as I understand it, you just need to do some haxxing to bypass a specific point, and then you can play through pretty much the entire game, only it seems endings may not work. When 1.5 surfaces, it may not work properly either, for example no FMVs may be on the disc, or the game crashes, or it's seriously incomplete. That's the world of prototypes. (But sure, 1.5 is a while other matter, I agree.)
                            Last edited by Anders; 11-30-2011, 06:21 PM.
                            lostreleases // demopals


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Anders View Post
                              There is a very large difference, and you're basically not making any sense whatsoever.

                              1. The RE1GBC ROM up for donations is a ROM file, not the actual GBC cartridge. It is stated that the original cartridge will remain with the current owner. If the ROM file had already been online, why would anyone pay to download the same ROM file again?

                              2. Buying original games is buying collectibles. Buying the original RE1GBC cartrige is also buying a collectible, but the cartridge is not offered for sale. I would gladly pay money for the original cartridge, even if the ROM file was available for download.

                              3. Releasing an old, cancelled game like this may not be entirely legal - after all the game is still Capcom's property, even though it was never released. However, downloading released retail games is plain and simple piracy. You should support the developer by actually purchasing any game they have released which you want to play.
                              Can you tell me where I can download this rom?


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Anders View Post
                                As far as I understand it, you just need to do some haxxing to bypass a specific point, and then you can play through pretty much the entire game, only it seems endings may not work. When 1.5 surfaces, it may not work properly either, for example no FMVs may be on the disc, or the game crashes, or it's seriously incomplete. That's the world of prototypes. (But sure, 1.5 is a while other matter, I agree.)
                                I know this...
                                The point is, we have the working, no-hacking needed, better graphical version of RE1.
                                We don't need this port that much as we have the original content right here.

