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Resident Evil: Game Boy Color - Released on the 4th of feb (2012)

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  • #91
    Wow the author of the article is a complete dick, and it's even more surprising that Joystiq gives a **** since it's basically unknown, now if it was 1.5, I'd bet they'd keep their mouth shut.

    FFS. I'm still going to donate when it gets closer to the end date.


    • #92
      quote from Joystiq (WealthyBigPianist said

      Half a heart

      I couldn't agree more with this article. This game belongs in a museum. Once the ransom is met, how will the game be distributed? Certainly not through MegaUpload. Will Assemblergames be hosting the illegal ROM? That forum is very shady and is well known to have leaked other games. My friend has proof that the owner and certain moderators have Resident Evil 1.5 so I wouldn't be surprised if all of a sudden another ransom is put up.

      I have email Capcom (or at least through the Capcom-Unity forum) to make sure Capcom was aware of this ransom. Will they care? We'll find out. Hopefully we will see that forum shut down for their illegal activity.)

      What a fag this guy is. If he does not like RE GBC then dont play it. (why should he care its not like he will get compensation for reporting I am sure he wont even get thank you from Capcom) damn I hate people like that they are really on my nerves. If 1.5 pops up like this one and people (like this person) tries to report Capcom about it (I am 100 % sure that Capcom will care about RE 1.5) I am going to kill that person!

      Btw fund has got larger $1,597.81
      only $402.19 left
      Last edited by Guest; 01-31-2012, 01:59 PM.


      • #93
        Some people...

        What do they hope to gain from reporting to Capcom? Special praise? Glee from attempted spite?
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • #94
          Originally posted by GameTak3r View Post
          quote from Joystiq (WealthyBigPianist said
          I couldn't agree more with this article. This game belongs in a museum. Once the ransom is met, how will the game be distributed? Certainly not through MegaUpload. Will Assemblergames be hosting the illegal ROM? That forum is very shady and is well known to have leaked other games. My friend has proof that the owner and certain moderators have Resident Evil 1.5 so I wouldn't be surprised if all of a sudden another ransom is put up.

          I have email Capcom (or at least through the Capcom-Unity forum) to make sure Capcom was aware of this ransom. Will they care? We'll find out. Hopefully we will see that forum shut down for their illegal activity.)
          Original post right here.
          He deserves stitches. Lots of them.
          Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 02-01-2012, 12:48 AM.
          If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


          • #95
            qoute from person who reported: Is capcom involved or do they support this?

            Quote from Capcom employe: We are not involved and nor do we support this.

            Christian Svensson
            Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-President

            hahahaha looks like Capcom does not care I hope it stays this way.

            $1,682.53 raised so far
            ($317.47 left)
            Last edited by Guest; 02-01-2012, 03:18 AM.


            • #96
              Originally posted by GameTak3r View Post
              qoute from person who reported: Is capcom involved or do they support this?

              Quote from Capcom employe: We are not involved and nor do we support this.

              Christian Svensson
              Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-President

              hahahaha looks like Capcom does not care I hope it stays this way.

              $1,682.53 raised so far
              ($317.47 left)


              • #97
                Since it's going in the right direction, I donated 5 bucks.

                About Capcom, who seriously think they'd care about that. It's like people pissing themselves 3 years ago about Capcom being potentially aware of these kind of deals. They probably couldn't care less.


                • #98
                  Why would they - it's free publicity to their series after all.
         The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                  Review and contributor for


                  • #99
                    From Gradon:


                    I'm a Network Moderator and Assistant in the Ask Capcom forums over at Capcom Unity, and saw the thread you guys mentioned a few posts up.

                    I thought I'd drop in and let you know that Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/Senior Vice President, responded here.

                    I completely support you guys and hope that you raise enough funds to release the prototype! IMO, it may have no monetary value to the company, but for the sake of preservation, it will be incredibly valuable to the community of worldwide Resi fans.

                    Good luck with everything! Will be checking in here more often

                    Awesome. And from the posts above this one, sounds like they couldn't care less (because of free publicity).

                    We're almost there!


                    • So basically - he's a moderator.

                      Or in real terms "a nobody".


                      • Awww. You hurt my feelings, Stu.

                        Honestly, Capcom isn't likely to care. If it was a pre-release build of ORC or RE6, maybe, but not for a scrapped port of a game this old.


                        • You say moderator, I say shill.

                          Mind you, that description is not entirely accurate but it's the best I can come up with. Afterall, who wants moderators who will question their benefactors?
                          Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 02-02-2012, 01:51 PM.
                          See you in hell.


                          • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                            Awww. You hurt my feelings, Stu.
                            ha that honestly wasn't the intention despite our PMs - i meant in the grand scheme of things to Capcom.


                            • That's OK Stu. It's not like I have feelings anymore, years of being online having crushed the humanity from me one drip at a time.


                              • Fundraiser has reached $2000
                                now we have to wait until they release the games.

