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1.5 picture comparison

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  • #31
    Oh yeah, I know Alzaire's the man. Like I said, I may not be very active (except for the 1.5 itch we all get from time to time ), but I've been coming around for many years, so yeah, I know Alzaire's the man. But hey, there are other people besides Alzaire here, and posting theories for everyone to postulate about is what we do. Even if it means Alzaire has to take the role the bad guy i.e. theory-debunker .

    As for vehicles, this ain't Dead Rising. I can't imagine any point where you would actually get to drive something in-game. A cutscene of Elza's dramatic entrance into the RPD main lobby via motorcycle, however, is VERY likely imo. As for the whole gorilla door busting-out thing, take a look:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2_info_02.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	71.4 KB
ID:	400739

    Leon and Ada/Linda are talking, the cage door is still in place. It's obvious they met first, then the gorilla bust out. Whether or not the gorilla bust out during their conversation is up for debate, but looking at this pic:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	BIO1.5_130cp.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	32.6 KB
ID:	400741

    I'm guessing that blocky blob I circled is really the dead gorilla. And since we all know dead enemies disappear when you exit the room, I'd say the gorilla did in fact interrupt Leon & Ada. Ada probably hid while Leon killed said monster, then joined back up afterwards, explaining the still-visible body.

    Now as far as my other picture, the cage door might be a glitch, but looking at the two pictures, it's also possible the difference is, once again, different development stages. The Umbrella van in the "Official Capcom" pic on the left is a little longer in length, probably to better block the player from being able to stroll up the ramp (in the retail version, they just used shutters to block the player). Also, the cop car in the lower right has been scooted back some-odd feet, probably to give the player some extra maneuvering room during the fight. So yeah, it does seem like the "unofficial" pics on the right were from earlier in development, with the left pics being from later on, which explains the slightly better room dynamics. How's that for analysis

    I am sorry to hear the 1.5 section won't make it. Was really looking foreward to it I know at some point someone translated some, if not all, japanese text in various 1.5 pics. Anyone got that info? I gotta get this fish before the 1.5 bug leaves me again
    Attached Files
    It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


    • #32
      Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
      Now as far as my other picture, the cage door might be a glitch, but looking at the two pictures, it's also possible the difference is, once again, different development stages. The Umbrella van in the "Official Capcom" pic on the left is a little longer in length, probably to better block the player from being able to stroll up the ramp (in the retail version, they just used shutters to block the player). Also, the cop car in the lower right has been scooted back some-odd feet, probably to give the player some extra maneuvering room during the fight. So yeah, it does seem like the "unofficial" pics on the right were from earlier in development, with the left pics being from later on, which explains the slightly better room dynamics. How's that for analysis

      I am sorry to hear the 1.5 section won't make it. Was really looking foreward to it I know at some point someone translated some, if not all, japanese text in various 1.5 pics. Anyone got that info? I gotta get this fish before the 1.5 bug leaves me again
      Different eras. The official images come from an earlier era, while the unofficial ones came from the final era. That would explain the difference in the trailer's door placement and the other minor changes.

      The text translations have been done a few times over the years. Wesker from survivhor had them translated originally, but a few others have taken a shot at them over the years. I believe there are translations for them over at Project Umbrella.


      • #33
        Ah, thnks Alzaire. For the record, Project Umbrella does still have the translations of all Jananese 1.5 text. So everybody, if you don't have them and would like them, go get'em! As for me, they were enlightening, but immediately after I ran across another picture question. Specifically, this one:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	bh2preview_bossalligator.png
Views:	2
Size:	127.1 KB
ID:	400745

        As far as I knew, this was from the sewer control room (the barely there room with the baby alligators) and that green blob was the big crocodile. Then I saw Dark Biohazard/MartinBiohazard's vid on where they thought it was, and well, I was more than a little surprised. But, I'd already been mistaken about a couple things they were right about, so I think I'll ask first: Are they right again?
        It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


        • #34
          Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post

          As far as I knew, this was from the sewer control room (the barely there room with the baby alligators) and that green blob was the big crocodile. Then I saw Dark Biohazard/MartinBiohazard's vid on where they thought it was, and well, I was more than a little surprised. But, I'd already been mistaken about a couple things they were right about, so I think I'll ask first: Are they right again?
          Ah now this is a fun little image. For a long time, everyone believed it was a sewer area and the green thing in the rear of the image was the giant alligator (even Inflames has this image as a reference to the alligator on Bioflames).

          But, c2keo provided some great observations about the image that has pretty much cleared this up. This is indeed the area in front of the RPD. He pointed out the building in the background is the same design that can be seen from the helipad and the street lamps can be seen from inside the RPD Lobby. Can also match up the pipes lying on the ground and wall with this:



          • #35
            Originally posted by towerofpowerx View Post
            Ah, thnks Alzaire. For the record, Project Umbrella does still have the translations of all Jananese 1.5 text. So everybody, if you don't have them and would like them, go get'em! As for me, they were enlightening, but immediately after I ran across another picture question. Specifically, this one:


            As far as I knew, this was from the sewer control room (the barely there room with the baby alligators) and that green blob was the big crocodile. Then I saw Dark Biohazard/MartinBiohazard's vid on where they thought it was, and well, I was more than a little surprised. But, I'd already been mistaken about a couple things they were right about, so I think I'll ask first: Are they right again?

            Which then brings me onto another question without the use of room jump was it ever confirmed that both Leon and Elza could use both exits of the RPD to get into the sewers? and they weren't just stuck to the actual default escape points if that makes sense.

            As for vehicles, this ain't Dead Rising. I can't imagine any point where you would actually get to drive something in-game. A cutscene of Elza's dramatic entrance into the RPD main lobby via motorcycle, however, is VERY likely imo.
            Aye I know it wasn't possible to drive said vehicles what I meant was does anyone looking at these backgrounds have a idea of what, actual real life cars capcom based their models off 1.5 wise? The main reason being is that i'm wanting to model said vehicles for my art portfolio but I need some kind of real world vehicle to work off. Sorry if I didn't make sense before hand

            Another Edit: Another thing also that always confused me looking at the 1.5 backgrounds was these:

            were these confirmed as pre final re2 or were these in development for a 1.5 section that was cut?
            Last edited by DXP; 12-06-2011, 12:38 AM.


            • #36
              Those backgrounds are concept for retail RE2.

              As for confirmation on sewer entrances, it's not 100% known for certain. But one piece of info Inflames' source told him at the time was that Leon's main sewer entrance was the garage and Elza's was outside. But without playing it, hard to say for sure. Especially since supposedly choices and pathing in the game could dictate events/repercussions later (like RE1).


              • #37
                Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                Ah now this is a fun little image. For a long time, everyone believed it was a sewer area and the green thing in the rear of the image was the giant alligator (even Inflames has this image as a reference to the alligator on Bioflames).

                But, c2keo provided some great observations about the image that has pretty much cleared this up. This is indeed the area in front of the RPD. He pointed out the building in the background is the same design that can be seen from the helipad and the street lamps can be seen from inside the RPD Lobby. Can also match up the pipes lying on the ground and wall with this:

                Yeah I was actually going to fix that some years ago but I guess I forgot, it all come down to some mislabeled images, the image with the green blurry blob in the back I (at the time) assumed was the giant alligator and labeled it as such without checking image list for what it really was meant to be, the images originally listed as giant alligator are these:

                Elza's scenario

                Leon's scenario

                You really can't tell what's going on on any of the images, it's basically just a big blur, sadly there is no other images that I know of from this part of the sewers. //Kim


                • #38
                  although I'm not really into the mechanics of games I still found this thread very interesting!
                  I havent seen quite a few of these images and the video held a fair bit of footage I've never seen before anywhere I can find more of the lesser known or more recently leaked photos or footage.



                  • #39
                    speaking of 1.5 i heard some where that in japan you can get the 1.5 demo of the game with either biohazard value plus or was something like that if u guys know which one it is could you tell me please


                    • #40
                      False. There is no demo of 1.5, only magazine review copies (which are what we keep trying to buy) but no, there never was a demo.


                      • #41
                        Yeah, no public demos existed. Some European magazines supposedly got a review disc in a press kit, from info that I've gathered from a few people, but there's also the "E3 build" that is the one sold back in Sept. 2007 and the Playstation Museum reviewed, that word seems to be it was a private journalist review build that was behind closed doors at the "Playstation Expo & E3" event held together in the same building in Japan in November, 1996. From what I've been told, several people ended up with a copy of the "E3 build" after the event. Just only one person with it surfaced so far and sold to someone else back in 2007.


                        • #42
                          I know that Era 4 and Era 5 exist (PSM and Source). You think there is a chance that Era 3 or older might exist outside Capcom?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by GameTak3r View Post
                            I know that Era 4 and Era 5 exist (PSM and Source). You think there is a chance that Era 3 or older might exist outside Capcom?
                            I would say it's unlikely, but pre-2007 I would have told you it unlikely anything other than the final build Inflames's source had existed and I would have been wrong. Not to mention I never would have thought we'd see the RE1 alphas that have been released as well before I knew they existed. So I'd say anything is possible. But, I wouldn't count too much on it. As it stands, we'll be lucky enough to get a copy of either of the couple of builds we know for sure are out there. I think if we could get even one build of 1.5 released, or at least covered extensively, for the public that it would improve chances for other builds to surface. Possibly just like RE GBC being sold seems to have brought out another owner of a cart that has a different build, despite years of it not surfacing.


                            • #44
                              I dont know why I cant just forget about this game because of my curiosity. Even if its been 1.5 decade I havent lost a hope cause everything is possible
                              BTW thanks for the fast reply Alzaire


                              • #45
                                hmmm alright i jut remember seeing on another resident evil site some peoples extensive collections with close ups and i remember commenting about some biohazard game i thought it was for dreamcast or something that came with an actual playable demo of 1.5 but i guess not i will go back to the site to see if i can find it again but it could have just been a fake

