Oh yeah, I know Alzaire's the man. Like I said, I may not be very active (except for the 1.5 itch we all get from time to time
), but I've been coming around for many years, so yeah, I know Alzaire's the man. But hey, there are other people besides Alzaire here, and posting theories for everyone to postulate about is what we do. Even if it means Alzaire has to take the role the bad guy i.e. theory-debunker
As for vehicles, this ain't Dead Rising. I can't imagine any point where you would actually get to drive something in-game. A cutscene of Elza's dramatic entrance into the RPD main lobby via motorcycle, however, is VERY likely imo. As for the whole gorilla door busting-out thing, take a look:

Leon and Ada/Linda are talking, the cage door is still in place. It's obvious they met first, then the gorilla bust out. Whether or not the gorilla bust out during their conversation is up for debate, but looking at this pic:

I'm guessing that blocky blob I circled is really the dead gorilla. And since we all know dead enemies disappear when you exit the room, I'd say the gorilla did in fact interrupt Leon & Ada. Ada probably hid while Leon killed said monster, then joined back up afterwards, explaining the still-visible body.
Now as far as my other picture, the cage door might be a glitch, but looking at the two pictures, it's also possible the difference is, once again, different development stages. The Umbrella van in the "Official Capcom" pic on the left is a little longer in length, probably to better block the player from being able to stroll up the ramp (in the retail version, they just used shutters to block the player). Also, the cop car in the lower right has been scooted back some-odd feet, probably to give the player some extra maneuvering room during the fight. So yeah, it does seem like the "unofficial" pics on the right were from earlier in development, with the left pics being from later on, which explains the slightly better room dynamics. How's that for analysis
I am sorry to hear the 1.5 section won't make it. Was really looking foreward to it
I know at some point someone translated some, if not all, japanese text in various 1.5 pics. Anyone got that info? I gotta get this fish before the 1.5 bug leaves me again

As for vehicles, this ain't Dead Rising. I can't imagine any point where you would actually get to drive something in-game. A cutscene of Elza's dramatic entrance into the RPD main lobby via motorcycle, however, is VERY likely imo. As for the whole gorilla door busting-out thing, take a look:
Leon and Ada/Linda are talking, the cage door is still in place. It's obvious they met first, then the gorilla bust out. Whether or not the gorilla bust out during their conversation is up for debate, but looking at this pic:
I'm guessing that blocky blob I circled is really the dead gorilla. And since we all know dead enemies disappear when you exit the room, I'd say the gorilla did in fact interrupt Leon & Ada. Ada probably hid while Leon killed said monster, then joined back up afterwards, explaining the still-visible body.
Now as far as my other picture, the cage door might be a glitch, but looking at the two pictures, it's also possible the difference is, once again, different development stages. The Umbrella van in the "Official Capcom" pic on the left is a little longer in length, probably to better block the player from being able to stroll up the ramp (in the retail version, they just used shutters to block the player). Also, the cop car in the lower right has been scooted back some-odd feet, probably to give the player some extra maneuvering room during the fight. So yeah, it does seem like the "unofficial" pics on the right were from earlier in development, with the left pics being from later on, which explains the slightly better room dynamics. How's that for analysis

I am sorry to hear the 1.5 section won't make it. Was really looking foreward to it
