"THE FIRST OF THE BLACK HUEYS drops, hazardously, into a small clearing with barely enough space. Unable to land on the scrub-brush, it hovers ten feet off the ground. Its rotors CLIP TREE LEAVES as WESKER, BARRY, and TWO OTHER S.T.A.R.S. COMMANDOS jump out, heavily armed. The chopper lifts off, placed by HUEY NUMBER TWO."
Why does the George Romero version of Resident Evil script wasn't accepted, seeing that it's great, more faithful to the source, and he is recognized as the father of zombie movies? I can imagine a poster written: GEORGE A. ROMERO'S RESIDENT EVIL. Wouldn't it be a more successuful series of movies by now? And how does people get their hands on those scripts anyway?
Why does the George Romero version of Resident Evil script wasn't accepted, seeing that it's great, more faithful to the source, and he is recognized as the father of zombie movies? I can imagine a poster written: GEORGE A. ROMERO'S RESIDENT EVIL. Wouldn't it be a more successuful series of movies by now? And how does people get their hands on those scripts anyway?