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Various Translations

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  • Nobody said BIO should be heralded as such.

    MGS is about as developed as an aborted fetus, in all honesty. The reality is that it's made-up on the spot without any regard for what was already written.


    • I'd agree with that in regards to 2 and 4, but the rest have had stories and such developed with a good quality. Those games are generally well-constructed, barring the occasional error like 2 and 4.


      • He didn't disagree with Umbrella's decision to destroy it, he just ignored it.
        I don't know the original Japanese text, but my interpreation of Wesker's plans in PS1 RE1 in English was that Wesker decided to steal the Tyrant when he was ordered to destroy it. It's a vanity thing for him.

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        Which is why the Birkin connection changes his motive, if not his actions. And motives are just as important as actions in a good story

        Of course, the dialogue is famous for being confusing. I don't know how much of that is due to the translation and how much of that is in the original text.

        As for Rebecca, she just explains that Umbrella is a pharmatical company to Chris in RE1 (can't remember the REMake dialogue) as she doesn't know anything about their experiments at that point. But the fact that her experiences in 0 don't filter into the REMake feel like a mistake. Where's the "You want me to relearn the piano on a whim Chris? ON A WHIM? WHILST WE'RE TRAPPED IN A HOUE FULL OF THE UNDEAD AND I'VE RECENTLY KILLED ON OLD MAN THAT CAN TURN INTO SLUGS!!!".

        That is intentional.
        Intentional or not, I prefer anything relevent to the games to be explained by the games. If a developer has to explain something to you in an interview after release then it's because they were clear enough in their story telling. I know that MGS won't introduce a twist in a sequel that relates to a book that I didn't read. But RE does tread a difficult path. It was an early hit on the PSOne and attracted alot of casual fans. I'd love to know what the various demographics that bought 5 & 6 were like in relation to their experience with older titles.

        MGS has always had an issue with too much story and MGS4 really pushed that out too far, but it's unfair to refer to the whole MGS series as Interactive Movies. They all have a wider variety of gameplay mechanics and puzzles than RE, even if they are more linear (not by much), and have a similar play time.

        Also, MGS:GZ hints at a complete re-evlaution of the series is coming up in TPP, re-addressing the gameplay / story balance once and for all and updating the gameplay to focus on the series' strengths. I'm hoping Capcom are doing something similar with RE.
        "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


        • Your interpretation is off the mark I'm afraid, and yes, the original Japanese text is quite a bit different from the butchered English. Wesker's intention of using the t-Virus to evolve mankind is hinted at in the Japanese, but nowhere to be seen in the translation.

          Anything relevant to the games having to be explained by the games is a limitation of games themselves. A lot of the time it simply isn't possible, not even for MGS despite its superfluous cutscenes or droning audio calls. Not much if anything in BIO is reliant on information from supplemental material. It's just that: supplemental. It's an extra, but not at all necessary to understand the stories. At best they simply provide more depth. It's just there for people who'd like to know, unlike MGS which feels the need to tell you about every little detail repeatedly without good cause simply because Kojima's faith is more invested in his mediocre writing ability than his fan's ability of comprehension.

          The BIO games also intentionally withhold details in order to preserve mystery. Fear of the unknown plays a part in that. There's also the fact that the early games simply weren't developed to be story-driven. The story serves as a backdrop, in comparison to MGS where it is the main driving force.
          Last edited by News Bot; 08-04-2014, 11:45 AM.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Hold up, my interpretation of the English can't be as as being "off the mark" if the English is ambiguous, even if the English deviates from the original Japanese text. There is no dialogue or text within the original English translation that contradicts what I've said or supports a significantly different chain of events. And neither the Remake or UC really did anything to rectify that.

            Not much if anything in BIO is reliant on information from supplemental material.
            My apologies, it sounded like that was being said earlier posts. I've missed out on the Gun Survivor titles, RE0, Outbreak & 6 and thought novels & developer interviews were required to fill in gaps between them.

            I don't mind that we don't see eye to eye on the RE series (or related titles,we've not even begun on Deadly Premonition) but your staunch defense of the series (I appreciate that you've built up a close relationship with those that have worked on it) followed your comments above on both MGS and Hideo Kojima hint that things could intensify if we continue debating the topic so I'm going to end things here.

            On an unrelated note, I would like to know if there are better translations of the events in 1&2 available, be they novelizations or fan translations.
            "Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one."


            • RE and continuity don't co-exist simple and if anything when they try it's done in haste and ends up sloppy, let's be honest re0, recv and re3 are nothing but after thoughts to push console sales they didn't care about tailoring the storyline to fit no amount of sequel, prequels or reports can fix that and anyone who believes so is retarded.


              • Originally posted by Jimmy_Jazz View Post
                Hold up, my interpretation of the English can't be as as being "off the mark" if the English is ambiguous, even if the English deviates from the original Japanese text. There is no dialogue or text within the original English translation that contradicts what I've said or supports a significantly different chain of events. And neither the Remake or UC really did anything to rectify that.
                There's nothing that really supports your interpretation either since it's not actually stated in either language, it's just an assumption not really based on anything. Which is honestly fine. The remake and UC didn't rectify anything because there was nothing to rectify. The chain of events aren't significantly different, you just drew connections where there are none. Wesker decides to use the biohazard as a cover to abandon Umbrella and pursue his own goal with the Tyrant and the virus. This is brought up again in 0, UC and remake. His decision had nothing to do with Umbrella desiring to destroy the Tyrant, because even supposing that they didn't want to, Wesker still would've betrayed them and tried to steal it.

                I don't really defend the series that much, I have just as much criticisms as I do praise. This particular topic just doesn't happen to be one I can criticize.

                Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
                RE and continuity don't co-exist simple and if anything when they try it's done in haste and ends up sloppy, let's be honest re0, recv and re3 are nothing but after thoughts to push console sales they didn't care about tailoring the storyline to fit no amount of sequel, prequels or reports can fix that and anyone who believes so is retarded.
                They co-exist fine and dandy. Continuity is one of the main things they paid careful attention to. You're completely incorrect about any of those games not fitting, because all three fit fine. They were also all proposed before BIO2 was even released, so they were not after-thoughts. Of course they were meant to push sales. That's the whole point of retail video games.
                Last edited by News Bot; 08-05-2014, 05:01 AM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Originally posted by Drake View Post
                  I'd agree with that in regards to 2 and 4, but the rest have had stories and such developed with a good quality. Those games are generally well-constructed, barring the occasional error like 2 and 4.
                  4's story was kind of a mess, but MGS2 was pretty well done imo. Took me a few playthroughs to properly understand though it i admit, i recomend looking at some of the indepth reviews of it, shines a new light on the game

                  great thread btw, been looking through alot of this the last few days
                  Last edited by Don Piano; 08-16-2014, 12:22 AM.


                  • The Submarine file in BIO6 was slightly mistranslated. The English file mistakes "warship/艦" for "submarine/潜水艦." The warship in question is the one Chris/Piers/Ada infiltrate towards the end of the game. The file is meant to state that both the submarine and warship were personal products of Simmons that he gave to Carla. That's why the warship has a U.S. Navy insignia.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 09-22-2014, 10:01 AM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Very small update. The BIOHAZARD 6 Graphical Guide has a small line about Ada:

                      "There are reports that a member of Neo Umbrella is Ada Wong, a female spy previously involved in Umbrella's opposing organization."
                      Confirms a few things:

                      1) Neo Umbrella is not Umbrella's rival company.
                      2) Umbrella's rival company is gone.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Translated file readings by 3 Resident Evil actors!

                        Many updates to the only full translation of the Biohazard Heroes Never Die official site, based on the observations of Japanese speaker, Resident Evil composer & actor Raj Ramayya, who has also allowed us to officially release for the first time outside of Japan, his original Resident Evil theme! Resident Evil actor for Morpheus Duvall & Japanese resident Angus Waycott, talks about his extensive time in Japan, with particular reference to Japanese ghost narratives, and Michelle Ruff reads, in character, our translation (by YUKI) of Jill's Diary from Resident Evil 3. ALL on the Halloween podcast. Live at the site on Halloween night, or catch it afterwards on iTunes.

                        Click image for larger version

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                        Last edited by GEORGE TREVOR; 10-29-2014, 10:58 PM.


                        • "Tall Oaks Cathedral" is not a thing. It is a church. The Japanese word (教会) doesn't even mean cathedral.

                          EDIT: "Chrysalid" is an adjective form of chrysalis, which is an alternative term of "pupa." It just so happens that the Japanese version literally spells out pupa in Katakana (サナギ). However, pupa refers to certain insects that go through complete metamorphosis through four life stages (embryo, larva, pupa and imago). Chrysalis is the most correct, as it refers to a single stage, which is what is observed with C-Virus CMS's.

                          It seems the translators got confused, as "chrysalides" is the plural form of chrysalis, while "chrysalid" is an adjective relating to a chrysalis ("most chrysalid", "more chrysalid", etc). But they assumed it was the singular English term. I guess.
                          Last edited by News Bot; 11-03-2014, 07:03 AM.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • In this BIO4 file, the person who leaked information about Ashley's whereabouts to the FBI that led Leon to the village was actually Ada. The English file makes no allusion to this.

                            Just before the agent arrived, the egg we injected into Luis was removed before it hatched and information was passed to the United States.
                            This woman must have contrived all of it.
                            Ada did the same thing in Damnation.
                            Last edited by News Bot; 11-10-2014, 10:28 AM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Now that is great news! I always thought it was too much of a coincidence for Leon to be involved in all of this. Now that makes perfectly sense.


                              • Great work, NB. Finally it makes sense. Fucking trans.

