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Various Translations

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  • So a few things with REV2's localization:

    "Dhurgla" is literally gibberish. The Japanese is ドルーガ (Durga). A Hindi goddess.
    Alex is referred to as "Madam Alex", "Lady Alex", "My Lady", "Our Lady" or "Mother." Never Master.
    Stuart is referred to as "Sir/Lord Stuart" in Japanese. The respect for him is lost in English.
    Uroboros is referred to as the "Blood of Darkness" or "dark blood" in Japanese.
    Barry says the relationship between S.T.A.R.S. is never talked about with others.
    The transfer ceremony is referred to as the "rebirth" or "transmigration" ceremony.
    Zabytij Island is not called "No.46." Fabricated by the translators.
    The Kafka files are not excerpts, they are transcriptions by Alex.

    One from BIO2:

    ANNETTE (ENG): The G-Virus has the ability to revitalize cellular functions.
    ANNETTE (JPN): G has the ability to revive the dead.

    The reason this is dumb is because every virus in the series has the ability to "revitalize cellular functions." That's kind of their whole thing.
    Last edited by News Bot; 03-24-2015, 01:55 PM.


    • Originally posted by Grem View Post
      Now that is great news! I always thought it was too much of a coincidence for Leon to be involved in all of this. Now that makes perfectly sense.
      Well, I think it's still quite a coincidence. Even with Ada intentionally leaking intel to the US government, she couldn't predict who exactly they would send. Also, she's genuinely surprised to see Leon in the first Separate Ways chapter, guess she expected some American agent(s) infiltrating the village, but not Leon exactly.
      The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


      • Now that I have the Japanese files I've gone through them. While there are typical discrepancies/alterations/mistranslations, there is also one thing that stands out above all others. The name of "Zabytij Island."

        For starters, right off the bat "Zabytij" is completely made-up. In Japanese, the island's name is "ザイン" (Zain). The interesting thing is that this word actually means "Existence" in Japanese. With the exception of Rockfort and Gadiwall, the islands in this series are named quite specifically based on geographical location, something the translators took into account when giving it a Russian name.

        Therefore, the island's name is most likely intended to be Sushestovanie Island (Existence Island) or any similar Russian->English transliteration. "ザイン" is used as shorthand in Japanese. It also means "subsistence" in Russian which explains why the islanders have so much pride and love for it... something "forgotten" doesn't quite get across as much.

        Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
        Well, I think it's still quite a coincidence. Even with Ada intentionally leaking intel to the US government, she couldn't predict who exactly they would send. Also, she's genuinely surprised to see Leon in the first Separate Ways chapter, guess she expected some American agent(s) infiltrating the village, but not Leon exactly.
        It's not that she wasn't expecting Leon, she was just shocked to see him in that moment after six years. Or she just wasn't expecting, we'll never really know. But we do know Ada is responsible for luring him there.
        Last edited by News Bot; 04-03-2015, 07:47 AM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Translation of the REV2 "Notes on the Transfer Procedure" file.


          憐れなる我が父スペンサーが、その晩年にワラにもすがる思いで執着していた不滅の力、”不老不死”の研究は 、未完成で終わっていた。
          私は彼の研究を引き継ぎ、その核となる技術、”精神と記憶の転移システム”の実験改良を繰り返 してきた。




          Recorded for the "rebirth ceremony"...
          In his later years, my pitiful father Spencer was obsessively clutching at straws in the study of undying power and "immortality", and it ended unfinished.
          I took over his research and repeated experimental improvements of a "mind and memory transfer system" and the technology that is its core.
          I've obtained stable results, but there are still many unstable portions.

          The requirements currently clear are as follows
          1. The "vessel" must be mentally strong to overcome the "fear" with facing the new mind.
          2. To minimize strain on the "vessel", a period of about half a year is needed after the transfer to stabilize and adapt.

          It won't be long before I run out of the time I've been given.
          I must hurry to finish it as soon as possible...
          Official translation for comparison:

          Notes on the Transfer Procedure

          The transfer will take place soon, and my success is nigh.
          Spencer. You poor, pathetic old man. You spent your final years desperately searching for the secret to immortality. And you died while your research was still incomplete.
          But I have been continuing that research. The body will age; this is an inescapable fact. But we can escape our death by transferring our mind into another vessel. All of my efforts have been invested into developing and refining this system.
          I've had a few successes, but I still have so much more to do before I can consider my work to be complete. As of now, I can confirm the following

          1. The new vessel must be mentally strong, and be able to overcome any emotions of fear.
          2. After the transfer it will take six months before the transferred mind can be stabilized. During this time the vessel should be protected at all costs.

          Time is of the essence. I must work quickly.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Alex's thoughts on The Metamorphosis story are completely different between English and Japanese.

            JPN: 私は、グレーゴルのように、兄弟を見捨てはしない。血を分けた兄弟と運命を共にする、私は、グレーゴルのよ うに醜い毒虫に変身はしない。創造主にふさわしい姿へと生まれ変わる。
            (I won't abandon my brother like Gregor was. I will share my flesh-and-blood brother's fate and not transform into an ugly poisonous insect like Gregor. I will be reborn in a form appropriate for the Creator.)

            ENG: But I refuse to shrivel up and die in solitude. I refuse to let myself become a hideous monster. You must have felt the same way too, Albert.

            Very obvious that she had deep feelings for Wesker that are simply gone in the English version. She refers to him as flesh-and-blood even though he's not, too.
            Last edited by News Bot; 05-06-2015, 10:14 AM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • The "Thoughts on Kafka" file is very different in English. The Japanese file focuses entirely on the fact that The Metamorphosis is a story of siblings and death. The only reason Alex likes (and hates) it is because she views it as a parallel to herself and Albert.

              Originally posted by Japanese

              I both deeply love and hate this monstrous story.
              It's an inscribing of death involving siblings.
              The story begins when the protagonist Gregor Samsa awakens one morning to find himself transformed into a huge and ugly insect.
              While initially baffled at his sudden transformation, his family try to protect him, but before long they no longer understand his insect-transformed self and rid themselves of him.

              When even his devoted sister Greta abandons him, his fate expires, and brother Gregor soon passes away quietly and alone.
              I will not abandon my brother like Greta.
              I will share my true brother's destiny.
              I will not become an ugly insect like Gregor.
              I will be reborn in a form appropriate for the Creator.
              Originally posted by English
              THOUGHTS ON KAFKA

              I have a love/hate relationship with this story. Perhaps I can relate to it more closely than I'd like to admit.
              One morning Gregor awakens to find himself transformed into a hideous
              insect-like creature. His family is bewildered at first, but they do try to take care of him. Eventually he becomes too much of a burden to them. Nothing more than an ugly monster, a nuisance to the family. When Gregor learns of this, he retreats to a solitary death.
              Up until his transformation Gregor had been supporting the family. Now that he was no longer useful he was a burden to them. They were relieved when he died. I, too, have been bred to serve a purpose. Once that purpose accomplished, I too would have been cast aside.
              But I refuse to shrivel up and die in solitude.
              I refuse to let myself become a hideous monster.
              You must have felt the same way too, Albert.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Operation Javier's prologue and Game of Oblivion's epilogue have some very close yet different dialogue in Japanese:

                The Veronica Virus was taken by a man named Wesker and slipped through Chris’ pursuing hands... The virus left in Steve's body once again appeared in the land of South America through that man... The viruses continue to multiply... Changing form, increasing in strength, until they can be exterminated...
                As for B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon) related cases, origins of t-Virus leaks haven't been reported at all and the pharmaceutical company Umbrella has virtually collapsed while information concerning the t-Virus is decreasing in the world, with the incident itself about to be forgotten.
                Military intelligence has obtained intel that a former Umbrella researcher had escaped judicial eyes to a small South American country and made contact with Javier Hidalgo, once a drug lord said to have the power to rule half the country, but he disappeared from the spotlight one day and his current movements are unknown.
                Since the Raccoon City incident, the pharmaceutical company Umbrella, the origin of the t-Virus leak, has virtually collapsed, and incidents involving B.O.W.s (Bio Organic Weapons) haven't been reported at all. Meanwhile, information has come in that a former Umbrella researcher has contacted a man named Javier Hidalgo in a small South American country. Javier was originally known as a drug lord boasting immense power, but he disappeared from the stage one day.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • The Umbrella Corps official website implies that the Raccoon City incident happened in 2003 so lets nip that in the bud right now.

                  Originally posted by Official English Translation
                  The year was 2003. Umbrella's secret biological weapon development caused the unprecedented biohazard outbreak that descended upon Raccoon City and led to the collapse of the pharmaceutical conglomerate. However, the destruction of Umbrella did not mean the end of bioterrorism; ironically, their downfall allowed the threat of B.O.W.s to spread further across the globe.

                  Fast forward to 2015: Bioterror is rampant throughout the world, and the research left behind by Umbrella has only increased in value. Combatants slip into quarantine districts infested with the infected. Many are zombie hunters entering on their own for sport, but behind the scenes are businesses seeking to obtain treatment development rights or develop new B.O.W.s.
                  Originally posted by Project Umbrella Translation
                  2003. The unprecedented biohazard that struck Raccoon City was concluded tto be caused by biological weapons covertly developed by the Umbrella Corporation, toppling the giant pharmaceutical company Umbrella.
                  However in an ironic result, Umbrella Corp's collapse spread the threat of biological weapons worldwide, it did not exterminate biohazards.

                  Then, in 2015. In a world where bioterrorism has become par the course, the value of Umbrella Corp's remaining research results has increased as well.

                  Soldiers sneak into blockade districts where carriers roam.
                  Most are diligent people in illegal "Zombie hunting" at their own behest.
                  However, there was speculation of companies scheming concessions on treatment agent development and developing biological weapons behind the scenes.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • More translations from the UMBRELLA CORPS website. The story is actually looking quite interesting. We learn that TRICELL HQ was attacked in a bioterrorism incident, and the village from BIO4 was cleaned up of Ganado but a wild Plaga continued to grow and infect others. These are the little details I love about the series.

                    TRICELL HQ
                    TRICELL Inc. was a once world famous multinational conglomerate which appeared in "BIOHAZARD 5."
                    The head office's functions were kept secret as the name of HQ (Headquarters) implies. In particular, biological weapon development data was the center of the classified information the company couldn't make public. Due to bioterrorism mainly using the t-Virus, it became an infection district where Zombies and Cerberuses now wander.

                    Most are t-Virus infected victims. The Zombies appearing in this game include people newly infected by combat in the blockade areas as well as people remaining from past incidents.

                    The Cerberus is a B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon) under research by Umbrella, a biological weapon created intentionally by infecting large Doberman breeds with the t-Virus. Now appearing in this game, someone manufactured them with a clear purpose and they seem to be deployed.

                    Ganado means "cattle" in Spanish and refers to parasitized hosts of the "Plaga" parasite discovered in Europe. The bioterrorism shown in"biohazard 4" planned by the Los Iluminados cult was suppressed and afterwards the Ganado were cleaned up. Entrance to the district was prohibited, but there was no end to residents breaking the prohibition by going home, and it seems they've been parasitized by a natural Plaga species growing naturally in the area.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • I'd like to think Raymond and Jessica launched the bioterrorist attack on Tricell HQ.


                      • Taking note of Claire's words in RER2 opening, she says "TriCell is history" (two years after Kijuju's incident). I've been wondering how could such a huge company just dissapear from the world so easily considering that during RE5 events the BSAA only takes down Excella and Wesker, not the whole TriCell actually. I mean, we all know that it took a lot more than that to destroy Umbrella.

                        Well, if Umbrella Cocks brings somehow a more elaborated insight on how actually did TriCell fall that should be a good thing coming from this game at least.
                        The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                        • The game is supposed to take place in 2015 though, so Tricell should already be long gone at that point.


                          • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                            The game is supposed to take place in 2015 though, so Tricell should already be long gone at that point.
                            So Umbrella, but maybe some files will provide any interesting background info.

                            It's kind of silly how Capcom has just been spamming companies/organizations on the series these years that cannot last longer than one game, TriCell, the FBC, The Family, Neo-Umbrella, allways portraying them as super important organizations in the game they appear but then the next game they no longer exist
                            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                            • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                              The game is supposed to take place in 2015 though, so Tricell should already be long gone at that point.
                              It's unlikely the game follows a normal timeline.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Probably not, I'll give you that. Now that the game has a semblance of a single player campaign, maybe, just maybe, we can expect some kind of interesting backstory. One can only hope.

