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Various Translations

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  • #61
    And here's the full scenario for BH0, translated. Might need a little bit of work in parts as it was done fairly quickly, but is already more accurate than the official localization.

    An American Midwestern town, Raccoon City.
    A solitary island in the distant sea, "Rockfort Island."
    It became the second Raccoon City, "Sheena Island."
    Much truth is still hidden regarding this series of incidents, which caused a large number of victims.
    The origins of "Umbrella", known as an international corporation, are wrapped in mystery.
    Who founded it? When...?
    And the "t-Virus"?
    To solve all the mysteries, we should return to the beginning, before the Mansion Incident...

    July 23, 1998 20:17
    Raccoon Forest

    Two hours later
    Above Raccoon Forest

    REBECCA: It all began… a spate of bizarre murders in the outskirts of Raccoon City. It spawned a nightmarish situation nobody could have imagined…
    ENRICO: What happened!?
    EDWARD: Engine trouble! Making emergency landing!
    ENRICO: Hurry and confirm current position and status!
    REBECCA: Captain, that!? Captain!
    ENRICO: What?
    REBECCA: Transport instructions… Second Lieutenant Billy Coen. 26 years of age. Based on the court-martial decision, transfer to the Regason Base… Execution!?
    EDWARD: In the long run, two MPs were murdered… Did this guy successfully escape? Damn it all…!
    ENRICO: Okay, everyone split up and search the surrounding area. Our friend is brutal; don’t let your guard down!
    REBECCA: A train…?

    REBECCA: This is the Raccoon City Police Department’s S.T.A.R.S....! Please answer! Is no-one here…?

    =ZOMBIES 2==
    REBECCA: What are they!? They were dead for sure…

    ==MEET BILLY==
    REBECCA: Second Lieutenant Billy Coen……!?
    BILLY: I’m surprised, do you know me?
    REBECCA: First-class murderer scheduled for execution, and veteran…
    BILLY: S.T.A.R.S. indeed. Now, I don’t want to be your acquaintance, so allow me to end the chat.
    REBECCA: Wait! You’re under arrest!
    BILLY: Sorry young lady. This decoration is enough.
    REBECCA: Fool!
    REBECCA: Edward!? Are you alright!? What on earth happened?
    EDWARD: Shit… what the hell… Be careful, Rebecca… In… the forest, zombies and monsters… full of…
    REBECCA: Zombies and monsters?

    REBECCA: Rebecca here, over.
    ENRICO: Rebecca, can you hear me? This is Enrico, where’s your position now?
    REBECCA: Captain! Can you hear me? Please respond!
    ENRICO: I can hear you. Listen well, Billy Coen’s document was found by the patrol wagon… Furthermore, it turned out it’s detailed. The guy once… killed 23 people.
    REBECCA: 23… people
    ENRICO: We also confirmed a history of psychiatric visits. Take great care… Can you hear me? Rebecca! I hope, Rebecca. Please be careful.
    REBECCA: Captain!

    BILLY: This point is dangerous. How about it? Why don’t we cooperate?
    REBECCA: Cooperate with you?
    BILLY: Listen lady, I think you’ve noticed, but both inside and outside are full of monsters. I don’t know why this happened, but we have to help each other.
    REBECCA: You seem to have a problem. I don’t need your help. I’m fine by myself, unfortunately. And don’t call me lady!
    BILLY: Okay, Ms. Policewoman. What should I call you?
    REBECCA: Rebecca Chambers. For you, it’s “Officer” Chambers!
    BILLY: Well then, Rebecca. You should try it alone. I’ll wait here.

    REBECCA: That... …I’m sorry, pop?

    BILLY: Are you okay?

    BILLY: What? That son of a bitch!
    REBECCA: It’s begun to move… Who’s driving?
    BILLY: Seems better to investigate… Wait! You’re cooperating with me, I hope!?
    REBECCA: But, I…
    BILLY: You’re a woman I don’t know! You were going to be killed by that guy a little while ago!?
    REBECCA: I understand. But, I will shoot you if you try anything funny.
    BILLY: Okay. Take this. We’ll stay in touch via radio, alright?

    ==DELTA TEAM==
    U.S.S: This is Delta Team. We’ve finished securing the train.
    WESKER: Roger.
    BIRKIN: Impossible… Why was the t-Virus leaked? And from the laboratory in the mansion three miles away?
    WESKER: You talk too much. More importantly… If this fact leaks out, it will ruin us. We’ll dispose of the train. Completely. Time to the incoming line?
    U.S.S: Another ten minutes…
    WESKER: What happened!?

    BILLY: If we leave this, it’ll derail or crash. We have to stop the train!

    REBECCA: I’ll go the rear deck and move the brake control unit, and then you apply the brakes here!
    BILLY: Okay, Rebecca! Do it well?
    REBECCA: Naturally.

    ==BILLY GOES==
    BILLY: I’ll go to the rear deck and remove the brake’s control unit. Afterwards, you apply the brakes. Right?
    REBECCA: I got it! Billy!
    BILLY: What?
    REBECCA: …Be careful.
    BILLY: Yeah.

    COEN: The Umbrella executive training school... The first director, Dr. James Marcus...
    BIRKIN: Who are those two?
    WESKER: The woman is a S.T.A.R.S. rookie.
    BIRKIN: Hmm... The man?
    WESKER: I don't know him...
    "Silence. This is Director Marcus."
    "I will inform you of our training school's guidelines."
    "Loyalty" births "Obedience."
    "Obedience" births "Discipline."
    "Discipline" becomes power."
    "Power is the source of all."
    WESKER: Who are you!?
    MARCUS: I'm the one who polluted the mansion with the t-Virus. Of course, I also contaminated the train.
    BIRKIN: What!?
    MARCUS: Revenge... On Umbrella!
    BIRKIN: Director Marcus!?
    YOUNG MAN: Ten years ago, he was murdered by Umbrella. And you helped...?

    QUEEN LEECH: What you’re doing is useless. This place is already mine. You are an intrusion.

    BIRKIN: Give me a break! Unbelievable... Is this that young man's true identity? Impossible! But... if it's true, is it the end of Umbrella?
    WESKER: If the secret from the past is uncovered at the hands of that man, President Spencer may not get away with it. The same may also be said for us. It's time.
    BIRKIN: What do you intend to do?
    WESKER: I will say farewell to Umbrella. The biological weapon utilizing the t-Virus is near completion. Now, only combat data must be obtained.
    BIRKIN: Just like that! I won't! We have already completed the t-Virus, but we're just one step away from completing the more powerful G-Virus?
    WESKER: Do as you wish. I'm on schedule. I will draw S.T.A.R.S. into the mansion. They will surely offer favourable combat data.
    BIRKIN: Fine. But we can't leave the guy as he is. Fortunately, the underground facility has a self destruct device. Before it gets messy, I'll have them reduced to dust and ash together.
    REBECCA: No good...

    ==BILLY’S PAST==
    BILLY: Rebecca!! Come on, you’re safe now!
    REBECCA: Thank you...
    BILLY: Forget it, just keeping our arrangement. We said we’d cooperate with each other, did we not?
    REBECCA: Rebecca here.
    ENRICO: Rebecca, this is Enrico. Have you found Billy Coen yet? Rebecca, respond.
    REBECCA: ......Um ...I haven’t found him yet, I’ll continue searching, over.
    BILLY: Rebecca...
    REBECCA: Violated instructions even though it’s my first dispatch. My career’s already been disgraced. Oh well. I might not even have to worry about such a thing right now. Billy... I want to know. Tell me the truth. Did you really murder 23 people? I don’t think so. Tell me the truth...
    BILLY: ...It was a year ago from now. My unit were trouble-shooters for a civil war, we sneaked into Africa. A guerrilla hideout in the jungle... We pinpointed its position and our mission was to exterminate it. However... the march was too long. Fever... Guerrilla attacks... Before we knew it, our unit became just four people. But there was only a village.
    REBECCA: What do you mean?
    BILLY: We were fooled by disinformation. We couldn’t return empty-handed, or else... Our captain’s command was “exterminate the village.”

    COMMANDER: Fire! Wipe them out!
    BILLY: Captain! Stop it, please!
    COMMANDER: Shut up! Do it!
    BILLY: Stop!

    REBECCA: So... did you shoot too!?
    BILLY: Forget about it, it’s already in the past. Either way, it’s fine.
    REBECCA: I don’t think so. It’s not fine at all, surely. Everyone doubts you, but I’m different. The MPs in that patrol wagon were killed by monsters, and you were able to successfully escape. Isn’t that right!?
    BILLY: In either case, there are only two paths for me now. ...Report to the military and be executed, or continue running away just to escape... That’s it.

    BILLY: It’s similar... Is the guy Marcus’s kid... No, is he his grandson?

    REBECCA: Is he Marcus’s son? No... grandson?

    BILLY: This guy seems usable.
    REBECCA: Rebecca here.
    BILLY: It’s Billy, good news here, I found an aerial tramway.
    REBECCA: Really? That’s great! We can finally escape!
    BILLY: Yeah, regroup here quickly.
    REBECCA: Roger that!

    REBECCA: I did it!
    BILLY: Billy here.
    REBECCA: Billy! I found an aerial tramway, we can finally escape!
    BILLY: Roger that! I’ll get there somehow.
    REBECCA: Yeah! Let’s regroup quickly.

    REBECCA: Wait! You’re safe!
    ENRICO: You’re alive Rebecca!
    REBECCA: Where is everybody?
    ENRICO: They should’ve arrived here before me... didn’t you see them? Oh. If we go here, we should arrive at an old mansion. Let’s go, Rebecca.
    REBECCA: Wait! I have to look for Billy!
    ENRICO: Billy Coen? You found that criminal!?
    REBECCA: Yes, but we got separated.
    ENRICO: He won’t survive anyway... Now come on.
    REBECCA: But Captain... I need to look for him. I’ll pursue him immediately...
    ENRICO: Rebecca...! I understand. Take great care.
    REBECCA: That... was the last time I saw the Captain...

    REBECCA: What... is that?

    MARCUS: The game is over. Although I wanted you to amuse me more... since you’re obstructions to my revenge, I have to get rid of you.

    ==SAVE BILLY==
    BILLY: Rebecca... Here...?
    REBECCA: It’s OK, you’re safe now.
    REBECCA: Terrible...
    BILLY: Marcus’s victims... They were used as guinea pigs for the Progenitor Virus and thrown away.
    REBECCA: Billy...

    MARCUS: Welcome to the depth of this hell... Why don't we begin with a fun party.
    BILLY: You!? Marcus!?
    REBECCA: That!? He's that thing!!
    MARCUS: Ten years ago... I was buried by Spencer's assassins.
    WESKER: I'm taking your life, director.
    BIRKIN: I'll take over your t-Virus.
    MARCUS: Wesker... Birkin......
    MARCUS: However... a miracle occurred. Over a long period of time, the t-Virus carried by my Queen Leech breathed a new life into me. I was resurrected...! I swore to take revenge on Umbrella. I will bring evil into this world... Everything will burn in the flames of Hell!
    BILLY: You'll pay for your foolish actions!
    MARCUS: Will you try to stop me!?

    REBECCA: What!?
    BILLY: It’s the Queen Leech!
    COMPUTER: “The self-destruct device has been activated.” “All hands, please evacuate immediately.”
    REBECCA: What self-destruct device!?
    BILLY: Shit, hurry up!!

    REBECCA: It’s weak to sunlight! If only the window could be opened...!
    BILLY: Follow me! Open the window!
    REBECCA: Got it!
    BILLY: I’ll attract this guy!

    BILLY: Hey! Monster asshole! Eat this!!

    REBECCA: Hey, that's the mansion the Captain mentioned. I have to go now. I'll write that 2nd Lieutenant Coen died in my report.
    BILLY: Yeah, I joined the Zombies. Thank you, Rebecca.
    Last edited by News Bot; 09-19-2012, 02:11 PM.


    • #62
      Entire Directors Cut guide translated.

      Last edited by News Bot; 09-20-2012, 07:26 PM.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #63
        S.T.A.R.S. was inspired by the LAPD S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons and Tactics) and NYPD E.S.U. (Emergency Service Unit). It is Raccoon City's own variation of them.

        Originally posted by BIOHAZARD 2 Prologue of Terrors (Page 013)
        A Special Forces which was organized in the Raccoon City police. It was created two years ago in 1996 to deal with diversifying crime and increasing urban terrorism. It is close to the Special Forces S.W.A.T. (Special Weapons and Tactics) of the Los Angeles Police Department, but it could be said that it is an organization that resembles the E.S.U. (Emergency Service Unit) of the New York City Police in that its emphasis is also on life-saving in disasters.
        Also; Prologue of Terrors also confirms that people do not die from t-Virus infection. They go into a coma, then awaken as Zombies.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #64
          "Hey monster asshole. Eat this."

          That line is pure gold.

          Interesting piece of info NB, thanks. I'm actually replaying RE Zero at the moment. Will be handy to spot the differences.

          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


          • #65
            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            Also; Prologue of Terrors also confirms that people do not die from t-Virus infection. They go into a coma, then awaken as Zombies.
            What about Brad??


            • #66
              Originally posted by Vito View Post
              What about Brad??
              He was infected with a stronger form of the t-Virus that managed to turn him into a zombie despite the damage to his brain.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #67
                Translated an interesting segment from another BIO HAZARD Directors Cut guidebook. I think it may be the first ever reference to Oswell E. Spencer (as "Lord O.E. Spencer").

                You can find it here:
                Last edited by News Bot; 10-05-2012, 07:43 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #68
                  I translated the C-Virus file from It turns out that, while the in-game one is incomplete as it is, CAPCOM made a mistake on the site and actually used the English transcript from the J'avo file. So the file to the main plot point of the entire game is uhh, wrong.


                  A new type virus which mutates humans into a B.O.W (Bio Organic Weapon) called "J'avo" by administering it into the body.

                  This came to be witnessed in every corner of the world after it was distributed as a nutritional drug in an Eastern Europe war zone, and administered by mercenaries who, one by one, became J'avo. "C" represents "Chrysalid (chrysalis)".

                  A BSAA researcher left the following comments, but the result of the investigation into the C-Virus was "there are many unknown points, and complete elucidation will take time".


                  "The C-Virus is an RNA virus which erodes a creature's blood cells and causes strange mutations. Guessing from its characteristics, it seems that it is based on "t-Veronica" that was used in the Rockfort Island incident in 1998. The characteristics of insects and plants seen in t-Veronica are probably the reason for its remarkable mutations, and I wonder if it was perhaps crossed with "G", which was in the Raccoon incident.

                  At the present stage, I predict that these two were combined and have evolved as the C-Virus. But, assuming this is true, who on earth produced such a virus? Such a devilish creation is not made by an ordinary mind..."
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #69
                    I wondered if T-Veronica had some influence on the C-virus. Otherwise the J'avo wouldn't burst into flame before turning into a chrysalid.


                    • #70
                      So basically it has every virus in the series except Uroboros. Lovely


                      • #71
                        A peek at even more upcoming translations based around the enemies of BH1, with some rather in-depth information.


                        The biggest feature of the Tyrant favorably developed within the adjustment tank is having several independent cardiovascular systems. The huge sub-hearts visible on the surface of its body are distinguishing. Since strong cardiopulmonary function was achieved, its mobility and reflexive speed greatly exceed the record numbers of conventional B.O.W.s, and the drop of metabolism due to the virus is also suppressed to some extent. In addition, its intelligence is high for an individual using the Clay Virus and includes a power of understanding almost equal to a human. It can carry out various commands more easily than the Hunter. Its main means of attack is stabbing with the claws on its left hand. It destroys targets in melee combat utilizing its power and speed.

                        As a biological weapon with both performance and intelligence, the Tyrant was going to become the ultimate B.O.W. Afterward, it merely awaited completion while adjustments were repeated, but regrettably the project was interrupted in the accident.

                        The T-002 possesses several cardiovascular systems. Although it looks quite complicated, arterial blood and venous blood are not mixed, and its metabolism is also active.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • #72
                          In Degeneration, there is a very suspect line Leon says which would imply that the U.S. government helped manufacture the Progenitor Virus.

                          LEON: "The viral weapon from which the Umbrella Corporation's t-Virus is derived, they want to know everyone in the U.S. government who was involved in its manufacture."

                          This is one big mistranslation. Here's what it actually says:

                          LEON: They want a disclosure of the fact that the then-government and related persons participated in the manufacture of viral weapons, including Umbrella's t-Virus.
                          Last edited by News Bot; 10-20-2012, 03:45 PM.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • #73
                            Gun Survivor guide translations. Also, something major worth noting: β Hetero Nonserotonin has absolutely nothing to do with mass-producing the Tyrant (T-103), which many assume. It was a chemical amassed by Umbrella exclusively to create Hypnos-T. The regular Tyrants were already mass-produced via cloning like every other B.O.W.

                            B.O.W. Profiles (Page 126-127)

                            B.O.W. (Bio Organic Weapon) is the generic name of Umbrella's developed biological weapons. Below, we introduce the B.O.W.s confirmed on Sheena Island.

                            THE T-VIRUS......

                            One of the artificial viruses manufactured by Umbrella Pharmaceuticals which hides the power to rapidly transform organisms. The T-Virus causes the bodies of creatures infected with it to enlarge with high durability, and acquire new capabilities that cannot be the evolution of the natural world. It is the raw material most suitable for biological weapons creation. However, at the same time, since there are side-effects in which ferocity increases and intelligence remarkably decreases, establishment of efficient control methods and conservation of intelligence above the standard as a weapon have become the current problems. Because it also has the ability to make gene synthesis between different species comparatively easy, this virus is mass-produced in Umbrella and supplied to each research facility for new-model B.O.W. development.


                            A B.O.W. developed based on humans. It is an alert and agile monster with phenomenal jumping power, sharp claws and high intelligence, making it able to cooperate with companions and understand simple commands. Considerable numbers with a degree of perfection and high practicality have already been mass-produced, and improved models are also being developed in other Umbrella research facilities.


                            The ultimate T-Virus B.O.W. that Umbrella devoted most of its power to develop. With its human-like appearance, dreadful destructive power, and an intellect that allows it to follow any order given, it is more than just a biological weapon. As their main B.O.W. series, various new types of Tyrants are being researched in several of Umbrella's laboratories around the world, with the weapons plant at Sheena Island being mainly focused on developing a new mass-production system to create a new type of Tyrant.

                            HYPNOS-T TYPE

                            Many cells of different types were made to fight, and those that survived were thrown at each other again...... the strong genes of the winning cells were selected to create the most powerful B.O.W. by incorporating them into the genes of the Tyrant... Commander Vincent advanced a new-model B.O.W. development project on his own accord. Hundreds of thousands of gene selections were performed over about three weeks. As the experiment continued without a distinction between day and night, the scientists were hit with sleepiness, and a certain cell was selected from all the other cells. The scientists named the gene of this cell Hypnos (God of Sleep). Due to this project, the prototype of a powerful B.O.W., smaller than the conventional Tyrant, was completed.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • #74
                              Translation of all of Ada's story info from the BIOHAZARD 6 Graphical Guide. Many thanks to AgentRedJackal for the scans. Everything else coming soon.

                              A woman once engaged as a spy in the opposing organization of Umbrella. In the past, she acted secretly in the background of many biohazard incidents and collected information which became useful to the organization.

                              ADA'S PERSONAL HISTORY


                              Ada belonged to an organization in hostile relations with Umbrella, and at the organization's order, she collected information regarding the "t-Virus" that Umbrella developed. Although Ada came into contact with John, a researcher of the Umbrella Arklay Laboratory and obtained information of the virus while in a relationship with him, she was unable to accomplish her mission due to the virus leak accident in the facility. Afterwards, Ada was ordered by Wesker, who had joined the same organization, in search of the "G-Virus" developed by Dr. William. In order to carry out her duty to seize the doctor's "G-Virus", she searched Raccoon City, where hoards of zombies roamed. ("BIOHAZARD 2")

                              Critical Condition

                              In the middle of her G-Virus retrieval mission, Ada met Leon, who was searching for a way to escape from Raccoon City, and schemed to use him. She continued her search while pretending to cooperate with him, and finally found a sample of the "G-Virus." On the other hand, Leon risked his life to protect her, and it gradually became impossible for Ada to suppress her love and she was injured in order to help Leon, who was attacked by the Tyrant. ("BIOHAZARD 2")
                              Ada escaped and arrived at a hotel, which was the converge point with a contact. She told Wesker she had obtained the "G-Virus" and escaped the city due to his guidance. ("BIOHAZARD UMBRELLA CHRONICLES")


                              Six years after the Raccoon incident, Ada continued espionage at Wesker's command. Her objective was to acquire samples of the "Plaga" parasite that the Los Illuminados cult was studying. Although she arranged for Luis, a researcher of the cult, to take a sample as collateral for protection, Leon, who had become a U.S. agent, appeared there. Wesker gave a cruel order, "kill Leon", and the sample also crossed to the cult's hands because Luis was killed, and Krauser, who had infiltrated the cult, had begun to move. In the chaotic situation, Ada's heart shook at the order to kill the man she was once attracted to. ("biohazard 4")


                              Ada made up her mind to act against Wesker's orders for her own objective. She used Leon and sometimes supported him and got closer to acquiring the sample. Then, she killed Krauser, whom Wesker sent as an assassin, and eliminated the cult's leader Saddler in cooperation with Leon. After eliminating Saddler, Ada seized the "dominant species Plaga" sample from Leon and escaped from the island. Unlike her original objective, she brought the "dominant species Plaga" sample to the top brass of her organization and sent a "subordinate species Plaga" sample to Wesker. The deception with Wesker was a cover ordered by the top brass...... She was a double agent. ("biohazard 4")
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • #75

                                JAKE'S FATHER'S PERSONAL HISTORY

                                The Man Named Albert Wesker

                                It is believed that Jake is blood related with Albert Wesker, a scientist who specialized in bio-engineering. After being engaged in the research of the "t-Virus" at the Umbrella Arklay Laboratory, he was inaugurated as Captain of S.T.A.R.S., the Special Forces of the Raccoon Police Department. Wesker received a secret order to make Chris and the other members fight against B.O.W.s and collect data, but in the background, he pushed forward a plan to switch sides to an organization opposed to Umbrella. Although it seemed he was killed by the Tyrant B.O.W., in reality, he was revived due to the power of a virus he injected just before dying, and he carried out his defection to the opposing organization. ("biohazard")

                                Wesker With Overwhelming Power

                                Two months after the Mansion Incident, Wesker carried out a plan to retrieve the "G-Virus" his former co-worker William developed. He had Ada infiltrate Raccoon City and successfully recovered the virus. ("BIOHAZARD 2")
                                Additionally, he was not satisfied with only the "G-Virus" and attacked Rockfort Island to obtain "t-Veronica" developed by Umbrella researcher Alexia. There, he met Chris again and displayed overwhelming power beyond mankind. Although he failed to kill Chris, he succeeded in his original objective to acquire the virus. Afterwards, he continued maneuvering secretly in incidents in relation to the theft of B.O.W.s or viruses. ("BIOHAZARD CODE:Veronica")

                                Wesker's Ambition and Final Moments

                                Wesker schemed to seize the "Plaga" parasite that freely manipulates hosts and dispatched Ada and Krauser to Europe. Despite Ada's betrayal, he succeeded in acquiring a sample. ("biohazard 4")
                                Afterwards, Wesker murdered Umbrella's leader, Spencer. He took over Spencer's plan to become God by evolving humanity by means of a virus, and implemented the "Uroboros Project." Since he was suffered the interference of Chris and the BSAA, he absorbed the "Uroboros Virus" strengthened himself. He challenged Chris to a final battle and lost, and disappeared in lava. ("BIOHAZARD 5")
                                SHERRY'S PERSONAL HISTORY

                                1998, Raccoon City. Sherry, the daughter of Dr. William who developed the "G-Virus", was hiding herself from the zombie hoard in the Raccoon City police station. Sherry was protected by Leon and Chris' younger sister Claire who appeared there, and they escaped from Raccoon City together. But in the middle of their escape, her father William who had injected himself with the "G-Virus" and became G implanted a "G-Virus" embryo in her body. Claire administered a vaccine and they barely successfully escaped from Raccoon City, but she was carrying the embryo in her body and was placed under house arrest by the United States government in the name of protection.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

