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Bring Back Jills "Julia voth" face Topic !

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Deus Flux View Post
    What were the complaints about Jill or Jill's face in RE5? Is it not the same face used in REmake?
    They werent much of complaints really , just some thought that her nose was bigger (like me) it appears its just the lighting , however judging by the Compare Newsbot Posted Above , it seems that her brows in the remake look much better , while in re5 they look like they droped xD , Capcom didnt gave a reason for changing her face , not even julia voth Knows ,is it about resigning and capcom are just lazy to ask her ? Julia said she would be happy whenever her face is used as jill in any RE game .....
    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
    ^ Lol ...


    • #17
      Even when the faces are almost identical like Umbrella Chronicles and RE5 people still find excuses to complain about something, sometimes ones that do not even exist. This is a fruitless exercise.
      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
        They werent much of complaints really , just some thought that her nose was bigger (like me) it appears its just the lighting , however judging by the Compare Newsbot Posted Above , it seems that her brows in the remake look much better , while in re5 they look like they droped xD , Capcom didnt gave a reason for changing her face , not even julia voth Knows ,is it about resigning and capcom are just lazy to ask her ? Julia said she would be happy whenever her face is used as jill in any RE game .....
        It's called ageing.

        Chris, Jill and Wesker all use their REmake models. They've just been aged and given higher quality textures.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #19
          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          It's called ageing.

          Chris, Jill and Wesker all use their REmake models. They've just been aged and given higher quality textures.
          I knew that RE5 used the Remake models of Chris and Jill (with aging), but I never saw the Wesker connection before. He looked like an entirely different person in RE5.
          Mass production? Ridiculous!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
            I knew that RE5 used the Remake models of Chris and Jill (with aging), but I never saw the Wesker connection before. He looked like an entirely different person in RE5.
            That's funny, he acted like an entirely different person in RE5 too.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
              I knew that RE5 used the Remake models of Chris and Jill (with aging), but I never saw the Wesker connection before. He looked like an entirely different person in RE5.
              He's older. More aged and thus, a more different looking model.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #22
                I don't understand, I thought the face models from REmake to 5 were pretty much identical, outside the touches for the ageing (and with Chris's bulking up). The only face difference I have seen of any recent has been Jill in revelations (I can't put my finger on it but something does seem off). If anything I thought Jill's best ever voice job, like Paul has said, was her performance in REmake.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                  I don't understand, I thought the face models from REmake to 5 were pretty much identical, outside the touches for the ageing (and with Chris's bulking up). The only face difference I have seen of any recent has been Jill in revelations (I can't put my finger on it but something does seem off). If anything I thought Jill's best ever voice job, like Paul has said, was her performance in REmake.
                  True , but in case of revelations jill VA , even Patricia is better ....
                  I really wish we get an answer why her face was changed , being such a big fan of jill , this is just soo upsetting since i got used soo much to her REmake / Uc / RE5 Julia face , its just the perfect face for her , it totally fits her "The perfect face for a perfect woman" , to me voice is second thing to care about , Cuz even if her voice was the same while her face is diffrent .... its just Unrecognizable .... while voice peoples voice change ... ugh ... but face ?

                  Revelations is set before RE5 and after REmake , are they trying to make her look young , look into it , in RE5 She was semilar as Remake , how come in revelations she has a fugly face .....
                  Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                  ^ Lol ...


                  • #24
                    Though it's a shame that practically everything to do with Jill has changed in Revelations, from her appearence to voice (none of it for the better imo). It's the lack of Patricia Lee that annoys me the most, with 5, Darkside Chronicles and such they'd established an absolutely awesome voice actor cast.

                    I don't know how the industry works and don't claim to, but I'm always impressed when actors return to their roles often some 8/9 years later. Alyson Courts dedication to playing Claire Redfield is second to none.
           The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                    Review and contributor for


                    • #25
                      Reading this I can't be more happy that my two favourite female characters had the luxury to keep their VA intact from the very beginning and pretty consistent character design too. Talking about Claire and Ada.


                      • #26
                        Though that said I believe Sally Cahill didn't play Ada in Umbrella Chronicles?
               The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                        Review and contributor for

