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Name your positives and negatives for Revelations and ORC

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  • Name your positives and negatives for Revelations and ORC

    The games are right around the corner. We all have things we're looking forward to and things we're dreading. This topic filters out all the news feed and focuses strictly on your highlights for these games.

    I'll list mine out with reasons in between.


    + More puzzles.
    + Stars two of my favorite characters.
    + Atmosphere on the Queen Xenobia looks chilling.
    + The new enemies look and sound creepy.

    - Episode "recaps" included in the chapter selection.
    - Takes place between RE4 and RE5.
    - RE4 design from melee attacks, over the shoulder camera, and exploding canisters.
    - Severe lack of zombies.

    So far I think it'll be a fun game on the 3DS, but I'm not expecting the "revelations" to be anything major simply because we know where Chris and Jill's stories will eventually lead to in RE5. And as far as the new characters go none of them really look interesting. In fact, it sounds as though we have too many comic relief characters. Making this a prequel to RE5 seems unnecessary and gives me the impression that this will be a filler title. When I can't be afraid for the main characters in the game then it loses its scare factor in terms of plot right from the start. It's not a true return to form for the RE franchise because it lacks some of the fundamental elements that made the originals memorable. The zombies, the camera angles, the slow pacing. Still, the atmosphere of the game feels like a horror title. And I hope some of the old-school tactics that were included like limited ammo and an emphasis on puzzles make this at least challenging. I can see why they would need to break it down into chapters. Not only a similar approach to the casual games like RE4 and RE5, but for a hand held title it is most welcomed. However the idea of recaps make it seem like a TV show rather than a seamless horror movie. Sounds like it'll break the tension.

    Operation: Raccoon City:

    + A spin-off that looks to have fun game play for a single and co-op action game.
    + Play as Umbrella villains with a mode dedicated to playing classic characters.
    + Each character has a unique trait and back story to them to vary the game experience.
    + Fight classic characters and monsters from zombies and Nemesis to Leon Kennedy.

    - The emphasis on action is seemingly the highest its ever been for the series.
    - The dialogue is lazier than usual.
    - The team behind it have a history with releasing broken down games that need patching.
    - The option to play the game's non-canon segments are intriguing, but the canon path still comes with flaws and errors.

    Here's the thing. As a spin off I have no problem with ORC doing whatever the hell its wants just as long as the game functions and can be played. Looking at their resume I hope this game goes through a lot of testing before it comes out to spare us all from a broken game so early in its release. But when they promote the "canon" aspects of it I kind of have to sigh. I wonder how this can be accomplished and whether it'll be fun or not. I'm guessing this is where the new Spec Ops characters come into play. The action is over-the-top. I've known how the series has grown in this territory with each installment, but now its nearing to borderline film territory. It's almost like watching the RE movies minus a certain powered up mary sue. And at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if Alice did turn up in this game somewhere. My hope is that the co-op play will be fun for my friends and I. I'd be happy to pick up a ps3 and pc version if it meant that I could fight against Crimson Heads and William Birkin alongside other RE fans. On a side note I'm really cringing at the writing of this game. The RE series is known to have cheesy lines, but this game comes off as have more lazy writing than what we'd expect. In one five minute trailer I've heard at least three characters utter "shit". Two of which happened when the tyrant approached. Could they not think of any other words to use in such a short span?

  • #2
    I'm only responding about Revelations because I'm just sort of meh about ORC overall. ORC has some good concepts but some bad concepts mixed together.

    * The music. I love soundtracks and the tracks are sorrowful (such as the beginning of the main theme), fit the ocean theme (Trace of Riddles), or are ominous (the chanting in the UK ads and the end of the TGS trailer) and the main theme reminds me of Code: Veronica. C:V had Bercuse and Alexia's themes show up repeatedly in different variations of tempo and instrumentation throughout the game, along with Lachrymal and it's reprisal during the second half of Love. The trailers have variations on that main theme.
    * All the Divine Comedy references. It's a nice little addition for those who have read it or are reading it, while all the allusions don't have to be picked up by the player to understand the game.
    * The multiple language dubbing and subbing.
    * The dodge mechanic. Nice and reminiscent of RE3 and both Outbreak games.
    * The new characters. I have really grown fond of Parker, Vester, O'Brian, Quint, Keith, Rachel, and Jessica in the past few months.
    * The rumors of some interesting plot twists according to multiple reviews.
    * There are still unanswered questions about the plot, despite seeing as much information on the game as possible. They haven't spoiled any major plot twists as far as I can tell, which is a lot better than what happened with RE5 and Jill. Almost all of the information shown is backstory, such as what happened with Terragrigia; setup, such as how Quint and Keith got to the airport and how Chris and Jessica got out to the ship; or happens early on, such as the first encounter with Vester. All the reviews and previews, to my knowledge, cut off any mention of the storyline after they get past the Terragrigia Panic, which is probably a preventative measure to avoid spoilers.
    * Parker being seriously injured at some point. That will add to the tension, considering that he's moving around at a snail's pace due to it and Jill has to help him along. If we have to play as him during that time, it would be even harder than playing as Jill helping him along, since he literally has to pull his leg forward with his arms.
    * Some enemy designs, such as the Farfarellos, and the horrific implications of the Scagdead mutation. The various Ooze types also fall under this. They move slightly faster than zombies and, unlike normal zombies, they can follow you from room to room, via the air ducts. They don't pound and pound on the doors like Crimson Heads, they just slide through and show up. They can also slide around and squeeze into places that zombies couldn't fit or hide in. They also take roughly the same amount of damage as classic zombies and are much harder to stumble than Ganados or Majini.

    * The chapter system
    * The comedy with Quint and Keith, and Jessica and Parker.

    Both could easily break the tension of the game, but it could also add contrast. It depends on how it's handled in the game. If they do it at the wrong time, it could anger the player, because they want to, say, know what's going to happen to a character and be more irritated that they have to slog through something else they are simply not interested in to progress to what's going on with the main plot. If it's done correctly, it could make the horror more noticable, due to the contrasts, like how going from a pitch black room to out in the sunlight is much more contrasting than going from a normally-lit room to out in the sunlight.

    * It's set before RE5. That kills any tension of what could have happened with Chris and Jill. Consequently, I don't really care all that much about them. I'm mildly curious about why Chris is tied up to a chair shirtless, though. I'm much more worried about Parker, Jessica, and Vester.
    * The episode recaps. This isn't Dragon Ball Z and the target audience isn't in the 7-10 range. I hope they are skippable because some of us do have a decent memory.
    Revelations has a plot with twists everywhere. Way to go, Capcom, you successfully pulled off a mind-screw plotline.


    • #3
      Okay revelations first

      The negetive

      3ds game
      so fare no zombies
      parker not to happy about him ( Russell Crowe on burgers)

      the positive

      Yes as posted above the music horror music truly is back and i did like it
      Chris jill
      the ship area seems pretty spooky
      big boobed blondie :3

      operation Raccon city

      the negetive

      animations could be better
      bugged lickers
      Not out yet XD

      The positive
      Everything els


      • #4
        + Good plot
        + Puzzles
        + Survival Horror feeling
        + Hunters return
        + Jill Valentine protagonist
        + Cheesy quotes
        + 10 hours of duration
        + Good soundtrack
        + Japanese voice-acting option (I'm otaku)
        + Dodging

        - Extremelly Fan Service characters (Jessica and Rachel)
        - Jill's face
        - Chapters
        - No Zombies
        - 3Ds Exclusive

        Operation Raccoon City

        + Raccoon City Scenario
        + Old Characters & Monsters Return

        - Some elements based off the movies
        - FPS-War Games gameplay
        - Focusing too much on Action
        - Only 19 minutes of cutscenes
        - Bad-Modeled characters
        Last edited by Guest; 01-17-2012, 09:31 AM.


        • #5
          - Some parts will be canon
          Nothing in the game is canon. Only Mike Jones has stated this so far, and he doesn't know shit. The fact that it isn't canon should be a positive thing.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #6
            *Scarce ammo and tension.
            *Deep story and one that will be told actually in game via playable flashbacks rather than just in the files like 80% of the plot in the other games
            *Cool location.
            *No returning characters
            *No apparent ties to the overall mythology
            *Another one hit wonder bad guy

            OP RACCOON CITY
            *Nice to play a single game that covers the whole Raccoon City saga with all the characters and events
            *Looks fun to play
            *They have completely pissed all over the canon almost as much as Paul WS Anderson does. And that is based off the 5% of the game we've actually seen. God knows what the rest will be like.
            "I've got 100 cows."
            "Well I've got 104 friends."


            • #7
              Revelations :

              + Chris and Jill
              + atmosphere on the Queen Zenobia
              + the soundtrack seems quite good
              + the story could be interesting

              - the monsters (not as iconic as the zombies nor as "funny" as the ganados. And they look too grostesque. Shitty design in my opinion)
              - alternating between the characters can break up the pace of the game
              - the character design (Rachel....oh my god...)
              - on a handheld

              Operation Raccoon city :

              + return to raccoon city, plenty of old characters come back
              + very energic gameplay and cinematics
              + cut scenes are looking awesome
              + the members of the wolfpack have the potential to become very likeable characters within the franchise
              + Killing Tyrants, Hunters, Lickers and Zombies with a more fast paced and action oriented gameplay
              + Coop will surely be funny as hell

              - Looks poor technically speaking
              - Seems to conflict with the canon
              - some references to the movies
              - lack of typical RE atmosphere

              In my opinion, Revelations and ORC seem equal in terms of quality and fun. Revelations seems more like the real deal, but lacks elements the fans care about (characters, monsters, etc...), whereas ORC, despite being action oriented and poor technically, plays a lot on the nostalgia of the fans. It's just a matter of preferences between the two.
              Last edited by Grem; 01-17-2012, 08:38 AM.


              • #8

                + puzzles
                + Jill and Chris
                + settings
                + gameplay
                + music
                + story
                + monsters (there are just like zombies)
                + lack of ammo

                - Rachel
                - it is on 3DS (don't get me wrong here, I have 3DS, but Revelations on PS3 will just be better and bigger game)
                - it is only 10+ hours long ( :p )
                - chapters


                + zombies, hunters, tyrants, nemesis, etc...
                + Nicholai (one of my favourite villains)
                + Raccoon City
                + co-op

                - characters
                - story
                - gameplay
                - graphics
                - music
                - non stop action
                - lickers
                - story..oh hang on I said that one already


                • #9
                  + puzzles
                  + return of survival horror (or at least something closer than the last games)
                  + you can shoot and walk
                  + more information about the BSAA and how they work
                  + a terrorist group that actually causes terror on the world instead of kidnapping the daughter of the president of the US and trying to conquer the world
                  + no Wesker so far (an appearence like in RE4 is tolerable)
                  + a new species of Hunter, my second favorite B.O.W.

                  - characters joking a little too much
                  - Quint and Keith
                  - Jessica' outfit
                  - seems like a really big game for a portable console (not that I have anything against the 3DS)
                  - the plot regarding Terragrigia's use of solar power and then using it to destroy the city during the Hunter invasion sounds too anime-like to me

                  Operation Raccoon City
                  + playing as the villains for a change
                  + killing Leon and Jill
                  + non-canon, which is good because this is too much of a fuckery with the series' story and there's no chance Capcom made games will follow anything that happens here
                  + I like the Wolfpack guys, as generic as they are

                  - the SpecOps team managed to be more generic than the Wolfpack
                  - S6 is using the fucking Wiki for research on the series
                  - Nemesis looks too much like he does in the movie and Birkin's desing is awful
                  - they lost the opportunty to make a good entry on the series' canon
                  - HUNK is this cold killer that only thinks about his mission except when his love interest is mentioned. Seriously S6, are you really going there?


                  • #10
                    Operation Raccoon City

                    + it is canon
                    So are the Wildstorm comics. Holiday Sugarman, baby.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      So are the Wildstorm comics. Holiday Sugarman, baby.
                      And Jill nearly getting mauled by a werewolf (that looks really similar to Parker when he transforms back).
                      Last edited by Four Eyes; 01-18-2012, 07:23 PM.
                      Revelations has a plot with twists everywhere. Way to go, Capcom, you successfully pulled off a mind-screw plotline.

