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Resident Evil 6

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  • Ada scenario 5 minute gameplay
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


    • Gamespot Ada Wong preview (some spoilers):

      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


      • Thank fucking god Ada's scenario is not Disk Lock Content, and now all the ones that were bitching about a single player campaign are now getting one. Capcom truly wants to please everyone.


        • Originally posted by Vito View Post
          Thank fucking god Ada's scenario is not Disk Lock Content, and now all the ones that were bitching about a single player campaign are now getting one. Capcom truly wants to please everyone.
          I agree with all of this. People will still try to find crap to bitch about, but if people can't at least admit that Capcom is trying its damnedest to please everyone and listen to fans, then they're just beyond hope. You don't have to like everything they give us, but the effort is definitely there. I really like that Ada's is not only single player for the majority of the campaign, but that it also focuses on a lot of puzzles and has a cool atmosphere.


          • I wonder who was right about Ada not being evil...
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • It was pretty obvious after the E3 trailer.


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                I wonder who was right about Ada not being evil...


                • I'm trying to be selective of what I watch after Comic-Con, because I feel i've seen enough of the game; but I made a mistake watching these videos. I didn't want to even know about a spider-boss leaked a few weeks ago, but now I even know who "it" is; and i'm sad.


                  • Originally posted by Shield Key View Post
                    I'm trying to be selective of what I watch after Comic-Con, because I feel i've seen enough of the game; but I made a mistake watching these videos. I didn't want to even know about a spider-boss leaked a few weeks ago, but now I even know who "it" is; and i'm sad.
                    lol poor devil. I've been on blackout since before Comic Con, so I think I'll be moderately surprised by the events of RE6... But these aren't the most trying times, not yet. I'll be waiting for the PC version, which will be coming out after the console versions. The forums will be awash with spoilers and I might have to avoid this place entirely. XD


                    • I suffer from the same thing SK, I gotta know more, I just can't help but know what is instore.

                      I to looked at the demo files and spoiled some things, but at the same time knowing what is to come in text form and not actually seeing what they look like, when they come or when they may pop up in the game is not so bad.


                      • Ada's scenario is solo! I've found my favorite campaign. It looks pretty cool, and from what we've seen has some nice atmosphere.

                        Does anyone else laugh a bit when the character drops like 30 feet and lands completely uninjured? They've been doing it since RE4, and it's a tad bit ridiculous...

                        Also, way to spoil a certain boss, Capcom.
                        Mass production? Ridiculous!


                        • that the boob rubbing spider girl boss ESRB mentioned?


                          • One would think so.

                            Capcom's marketing continues to have all the subtlety of a train wreck. I expect the final launch trailer will give away all the main plot points just like last time. Yay.


                            • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                              One would think so.

                              Capcom's marketing continues to have all the subtlety of a train wreck. I expect the final launch trailer will give away all the main plot points just like last time. Yay.
                              Pretty much this. And between now and then we'll have twenty more gameplay videos showing off everything else.
                              Are you tired, Rebecca?


                              • Capcom is starting to come off as desperate. "Look guys, look at all the stuff we changed JUST FOR YOU! Please like it? ...Please?"

