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Resident Evil 6

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  • Originally posted by ChuckthePlant View Post
    Again, from Destructoid;

    If one were to remove the legacy of the Resident Evil name and release this as an original IP, it would occupy shelf space somewhere between Quantum Theory and Inversion, those built-on-a-budget "me too" shooters that follow unambitiously in the footsteps of Gears of War and (ironically) Resident Evil 4, copying the most popular games on the market in childlike hope that they may enjoy the same success.
    The exact same thing can be said of RE5. Hell, from what I've played of 6 it's a lot more original in gameplay.
    I've got a feeling that if RE6 got the cover system spot on (and it does have quite a few problems), then the reviews would be much kinder.
    Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 10-01-2012, 04:10 PM.


    • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
      Annnnnnd, my package was lost in the mail.

      Damn it.


      • The health complaint is probably the most stupid one of all... contrived steps? Please... like pressing R2+ square (or whatever it is on Xbox) to automatically mix herbs without going into your inventory and then healing with R2 is that hard to do. In RE5 you had to enter the inventory, select one herb, combine with another, equip it and then use it.


        • Well from the sounds of it, I don't think Giant Bomb will be giving the game a high score either. No review yet but theres a video of them playing it:

          "Don't buy RE6. I beseech you!" Sounds like he's enjoying it.

          Really looking forward to picking this game up tomorrow...
          Last edited by Spera01; 10-01-2012, 04:36 PM.


          • Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
            But yeah, you're probably right. When are DLC's usually announced/released? Are we talking days, weeks or months after game release?


            • So they are complaining that we finally, after all these years have a reasonable and more realistic way of healing in Resident Evil?

              They are complaining that we actually still have to do combining and some inventory work? The whole point of the tablets was to give a realistic way of healing with herbs AND inventory management AND a system that allows for quick healing without needing to go into the inventory during a intense moment. The inventory is piss easy to use, not complicated at all.

              So let me guess, if it was like any other game were you heal instantly they would like it? say what you want about RE going more mainstream but then you complain about it using a EASY system different to other games?

              You just cannot win with some people, oh and let me just say this.

              Give me a game like RE6 with some depth then that boring cover and shoot rinse and repeat Gears of War any day.


              • Originally posted by Alkar View Post
                The health complaint is probably the most stupid one of all... contrived steps? Please... like pressing R2+ square (or whatever it is on Xbox) to automatically mix herbs without going into your inventory and then healing with R2 is that hard to do. In RE5 you had to enter the inventory, select one herb, combine with another, equip it and then use it.
                Maybe I couldn't figure out how to do it, but when you're in the middle of a battle and you're putting herbs from your inventory area into your quick-heal herb stash, I don't think it allows you to choose which one you're going to use that you had stashed. So, say you already stashed a bunch of small herbs as well as some mixed herbs - but your health is depleted only one notch and you want to use the small herb, you can't. It'll just use whatever is next in the stash. Of course, I could be wrong on this, either way the thing was a bumbling mess. Why not just let you heal from within the herb selection menu? Why not just put your herbs into the stash automatically?

                I spent most of my time running through enemies or laying prone during boss fights to abuse the bad game mechanics on Pro difficulty. I didn't even figure out how to use my alternate grenade launcher rounds until near the end of the third scenario because I didn't feel like bumbling around in the goofy item menu's awful implementation of swapping launcher rounds. Another thing that made me mad is during the Spoiler:
                you cannot pause the game to adjust sensitivity - pressing select does not pause the action. It's the ONE area where the sensitivity jumps up completely - was this part of the game even tested?

                Resident Evil 6 is not a perfect game. It's not even all that scary, but it is immensely entertaining, gorgeous to look at, and it has more content than I've ever seen in a game like this. It might not revolutionize the genre like Resident Evil 4 did, but it does offer something for everyone.
                The most positive review on metacritic is written like an apology for the game. It's obvious Capcom wanted very badly to attract the casual/CoD crowd on a more grand scale than they had even done with RE4/5, but the game plays like a trite and over analyzed Hollywood movie to game adaptation. The part that makes no sense is they stole 90% of the gameplay mechanics from Gears (granted, with a different fast switch system to accommodate for a broader arsenal at once) and couldn't even get the cover system right. I also hate when you're constantly bombarded while downed (the Gamespot review shows this quite well) and also when your AI partner takes so long to get you up - when you're finally picked up you're immediately squashed in a one hit kill by a nearby enemy that was drawing closer to you faster than your AI partner could. I get that it's on a harder difficulty and encourages multiplayer in this aspect, but it makes the SP campaign seem so badly contrived.

                I dunno why so many people here are so quick to defend it when the majority haven't probably even played the final product. Yeah, we're all Resident Evil fans here, but is this really what you want for the future of the franchise?

                If you're a fan of explosions, get this game!!!11
                Last edited by ChuckthePlant; 10-01-2012, 04:56 PM.
                If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


                • I hate that I'm so actively stalking this thread, when I only have just a little over eight hours until the midnight release. I've tried to busy myself with reading non-spoiler reviews, but I keep finding myself more and more drawn to wanting the game spoiled. Ugh! Why do I do this, to myself? Must... resist...


                  • And yet RE6 brings so much more to the table then Gears of War in terms of gameplay mechanics, the difference between the games far surpasses the camera angle (which as we know RE4 made popular) it's like people cannot see past that fact, both games have guns, both use a similar camera view and some mechanics such as the sprinting, cover system but after that the difference is night and day, but why can't people see this?


                    • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                      And yet RE6 brings so much more to the table then Gears of War in terms of gameplay mechanics
                      If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


                      • Lets see:

                        More advanced mobility options then your standard jump back and to the side.
                        Far more advanced melee system that works differently depending on weapons and situations. (This is a HUGE difference to Gears of War's simple Melees)
                        New mobility options allow for new types of puzzles. (yea puzzles, RE6 actually has quite a few in it)
                        A more involved co-op experience, making RE6 a true co-op game which I think people should play the game on anyway. Different weapon layouts for the characters and the game is designed that each character has enough of their own separate objectives to deal with.
                        RE6 still is a slower experience then Gears of War.

                        So please tell me how RE6 does not bring more to the TPS formula then the cover shooter that is Gears of War? simple answer is it does not. This is not even the tip of the iceberg, it does not even cover skill's or the crossplay or Agent Hunt.

                        Gears of war 3, you jump, you sprint, you take cover, you shoot rinse repeat no fucking depth to it.

                        Gears of War does the arcady actions perfectly but don't even dare try and say RE6 does not bring more to the TPS formula then Gears of War.
                        Last edited by shanemurphy; 10-01-2012, 05:32 PM.


                        • Y'know, I actually I even feel kinda bad for the people who worked in this game because they're getting those low scores. I mean like, wheter you like or not you can tell those people worked hard to make a good, quality and innovating game. And before you say "OH ITS COPYING GOW COVER SYSTEM/DEAD SPACE HUB/ORC SHOOT N' WALK", no game has those things together. To innovate you need to look into what has been done.

                          There's also the thing that part of those developers paycheck may depend of the scores. the Black Hole Entertainment Heroes incident being the most extreme case (though everything went terrible there and the product was really half assed)


                          • I'm with Shane here. RE6 certainly brings more gameplay variety and finesse to the TPS genre than Gears.
                            Last edited by Shield Key; 10-01-2012, 06:23 PM.


                            • I'm not trying to make an enemy or anything but I just feel strongly that RE6 has more under the hood.

                              Also I have noticed something, metacritic has not listed some of the more positive reviews, were is the famitsu review? were is the Official PlayStation Magazine Italy review?. I see the Official PlayStation Magazine Benelux review but why not that Italian opinion? I've seen these magazines used before. Were is the Gametrailers review? that is one of the biggest US reviews sites.

                              EDIT: the gametrailers review is on the 360 version but not the PS3 version? what sort of bullshit is that?
                              Last edited by shanemurphy; 10-01-2012, 05:43 PM.


                              • but you guys just forgetting something primary
                                in gears, the combat and shoot system just works great and fill all our needs

                                i can blind shoot, i can cover and the camera give me a full view and solid possibilities to attack enemies

                                Re6 there are some spot that make the cover system a total mess, because it just be so close by your camera view angle
                                This is a broken game for shooting needs, the intense action make us get into covers but if this will work when you need is totally different than work great aways as gears do.

                                In leon we don't have to cover aways as we do in chris and jake stories
                                so it's "okay", in jake and chris when we need to cover from shoots, this is painful to do

                                i still don't understand why they dumb this cover system
                                in re5 this worked great, thats why camera makes a BIG difference and impact in this?
                                Last edited by HOTvirus; 10-01-2012, 06:37 PM.

