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Resident Evil 6

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  • I don't think it contradicts anything. Wesker could very well have had a girlfriend (more a sex-friend knowing good old Al') for a brief period, during his time as an intelligence officer for example. And as soon as the girlfriend wanted to be closer to him, he left her. Who knows?
    He became an intelligence agent in 1991, before then, Albert spent all of his time at the Arklay Laboratory. Muller looks quite a bit older. He'd be younger than Sherry.

    For sure, but Wesker is the only person with a "cursed blood" they know of for unknown reason (Ada's organisation perhaps). So it's natural for them to chase his son rather than some random people they aren't aware of.
    They only know of Albert having the special blood. "Ada" seems to figure out that Muller has the same blood because she is the one who gave the anti-government army he's a member of those "nutritional supplements" mixed with the C-Virus. I'm sure him gaining superhuman abilities and not mutating was a pretty easy way to tell who he possibly was. Also, in the actual script, she just assumes he's Albert's son. Which I'm sure most others did. On the other hand, the unknown Alex has the same blood. Regrettably I doubt CAPCOM will go that path because it makes too much sense.
    Last edited by News Bot; 04-19-2012, 02:07 PM.


    • Originally posted by News Bot
      Muller looks quite a bit older.
      Honestly, we don't know. It certainly looks like he's in his 20's, however.

      Tadaa big revelation : Annette is the mother! lol

      They only know of Albert having the special blood. "Ada" seems to figure out that Muller has the same blood because she is the one who gave the anti-government army he's a member of those "nutritional supplements" mixed with the C-Virus. I'm sure him gaining superhuman abilities and not mutating was a pretty easy way to tell who he possibly was. Also, in the actual script, she just assumes he's Albert's son. Which I'm sure most others did. On the other hand, the unknown Alex has the same blood.
      Yes, it makes sense BUT I think "Ada" knew from the start the link between his mother and Albert. The way Muller was immune to the C-virus was just a confirmation that he was indeed Albert's son like you said.
      Last edited by Grem; 04-19-2012, 02:15 PM.


      • Not much new, but here's some translations from the official site. Might do more.


        It is a "chrysalid", the appearance which C-Virus infected people arrive at after "mutation".

        This name was attached because it resembles the form an insect becomes when metamorphosed.
        Infected people who become a chrysalid cease activity and enter a temporary stasis period.

        However, more intense mutation is repeated in the cocoon, and it will become a "perfect organism" in due time and appear.

        Then, the curtain of new fear will open...

        "C-Virus" - A virus which was newly discovered in a regional conflict in Eastern Europe, in the Edonia Republic.
        It is believed that the C-Virus was mixed with the nutritional supplements which someone distributed to the soldiers of an anti-government army.

        The new Zombies and B.O.W. named "J'avo" which appear at the same time of this product seem to be connected with the infection of this C-Virus.

        This "new virus" is unlike anything of the "G"-Virus and "t", which once produced many B.O.W.s, and entraps the world in unprecedented fear.

        Who created this "nightmare" and for what purpose...?

        Its existence was confirmed in an Eastern Europe regional conflict half a year ago.
        It understands language and can operate weapons and complicated joint actions.

        Who on earth made this B.O.W., and for what purpose?

        Furthermore, a notable characteristic of J'avo is that it regenerates when it suffers injuries.
        When it suffers an injury and its regeneration doesn't catch up, it may mutate into different forms in the regeneration process.

        It was named "J'avo", which means "demon" in Serbian, by the BSAA.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          He became an intelligence agent in 1991, before then, Albert spent all of his time at the Arklay Laboratory. Muller looks quite a bit older. He'd be younger than Sherry.
          Do we really have confirmation of this? I find it odd they didn't even allowed them to leave for a while to visit their families. In any case the mother could've been a researcher there.


          • Originally posted by Vito View Post
            Do we really have confirmation of this? I find it odd they didn't even allowed them to leave for a while to visit their families. In any case the mother could've been a researcher there.
            Wesker makes no mention of ever leaving and he didn't have a family, and was heavily devoted to the research.

            I also don't see why the mother would move to an incredibly poor country.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
              You don't think experimenting on innocent people and killing them makes someone a bad person?
              maybe thats why he left umbrella


              • All I can picture is a How I Met Your Mother x Resident Evil crossover with all 'The Mother' talk But I wonder how extensive of a role she has in the overall plot of RE6, I'm not so much expecting a physical appearance I'd rather get back stories told through I miss thee files.


                • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  Wesker makes no mention of ever leaving and he didn't have a family, and was heavily devoted to the research.

                  I also don't see why the mother would move to an incredibly poor country.
                  I wasn't thinking about Wesker when I mentioned families but still being there 365 days 24/7 seems too much.


                  • About the whole clone thing, I much prefer the idea that, if there is a Carla, she's an imposter, not a clone. I mean, even (wait, can we talk about newer game spoilers?) a certain character was able to pull off something similar. Took a lot of planning in their and their superior's part, though. Cloning is a tricky plot device at best and I think it's unlikely that Carla would have the same personality and mannerisms that Ada would have, even if she was a clone. She'd then have to actively mimic Ada, anyway, making the whole "clone" thing pointless, unless they needed to match her appearance exactly. But, even then, there are celebrity lookalike contests where the celebrity will enter and lose to someone else, anyway, so the clone (or plastic surgery) business would be unwarranted.

                    That, and the random cleavage popping out of her dress and the dress' color bother me. Doesn't it remind anyone else of Jill's battlesuit and Jessica's color scheme?

                    I like Jake so far. He seems to be okay, despite how he has the concept that is often turned into a Mary Stu/Gary Stu character in fanfiction and roleplaying. (Namely, people related to Wesker tend to become it.)
                    Revelations has a plot with twists everywhere. Way to go, Capcom, you successfully pulled off a mind-screw plotline.


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Causing an entire game's events and having a major part in 3 years of the timeline isn't important? Calling a character you know nothing about "Wesker 2.0" just because he has the same surname is foolish. Wesker was never the only survivor. That was an outright lie by Spencer, if not something the translators just threw in. Alex is mentioned right in the main game. He just got expanded in Lost In Nightmares, which was written right before or when BH6 began development. He's not "another Wesker". He's not even connected to Albert Wesker. The only thing that even remotely links them is that they have the same surname.

                      I love all the conclusions you jump to when you know next to nothing about the story. They are entertaining at the very least. There isn't even any clarification that Muller is Albert Wesker's son, and all signs point to "no" so far.

                      And I have still not heard a reason why the "Wesker Children" is bad.
                      He's Wesker 2.0

                      Spencer already had a traitorous A.Wesker researcher steal and manipulate his way through the series. No need for another one.

                      And you can chalk it up to Spencer lying, but it's just a plain piss poor set up to bring another Wesker into the series. Lost in Nightmares is a meager side game that covers stuff of which we learn in cutscenes and pulls a last minute addition to give us an off shoot wesker. Now you want to chalk up jake from "allegedly" being his son when no one in capcom or the leak left any reason to suggest otherwise as he is flat out stated to be. Trust me I would love for him not to be his son as that just goes back to more sloppy writing that tries to connect a popular dead character but it is what it is. I only know the plot as much as you and I'm not the one saying Alex "has" to be in re6.


                      • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                        He's Wesker 2.0

                        Spencer already had a traitorous A.Wesker researcher steal and manipulate his way through the series. No need for another one.

                        And you can chalk it up to Spencer lying, but it's just a plain piss poor set up to bring another Wesker into the series. Lost in Nightmares is a meager side game that covers stuff of which we learn in cutscenes and pulls a last minute addition to give us an off shoot wesker. Now you want to chalk up jake from "allegedly" being his son when no one in capcom or the leak left any reason to suggest otherwise as he is flat out stated to be. Trust me I would love for him not to be his son as that just goes back to more sloppy writing that tries to connect a popular dead character but it is what it is. I only know the plot as much as you and I'm not the one saying Alex "has" to be in re6.
                        Okay so the fact that they've both betrayed Spencer means they are totally the same character? Nothing about the fact that they are described as being different in nature and most likely have different personalities in general because they are two completely different people?

                        How was it a last minute addition when it was in the main game to begin with? All they did was expand on it, because it was a loose end. It's still a loose end.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • It's not a loose end in the campaign because Albert was said to be the only survivor. Now he's part of a Wesker assembly line mapped out and is it any surprised the new Wesker went rogue? They're playing on parallels here because both are part of the same Wesker experiment. He's not characterized as a whole new original threat. Spencer thought he struck gold and surprise!! Alex betrayed him.

                          So not much stands out as far as him being a write off for if they need a new Wesker villain... Which they don't. They could come up with Something other than milking the Wesker legacy. He didn't need a son and he sure as hell didn't need a bizarro version of himself named Alex.


                          • No. 12 Albert Wesker
                            Most of the Wesker children died, leaving only a few survivors Albert Wesker was one of those survivors. And he disappeared shortly after.
                            Last edited by ValentineLover; 04-19-2012, 10:54 PM.


                            • No.3, the Larch.


                              • What I find odd about Wesker having a son is that it seems out of place that he would either be 1) completely unaware and/or 2) allow another with his unique DNA to roam free. One would think, Wesker being as "intelligent" as he was supposed to be, he'd not want a rival to his potential power, nor would he want someone finding out about any child in order to gain access to his special bloodline. It would make more sense, at least I think so, if Wesker very much kept tabs on any child that was his, or find a way to eliminate the kid as soon as he discovered the birth. And before anyone says "but no Wesker wouldn't/couldnt kill his own kid, would he?" he was willing to destroy all of humanity, so yeah...I think killing his own child in order to protect himself wouldn't be out of the question. Unless, of course, the whole global saturation with Uro was to create a nice happy, tentacle laden family reunion (assuming his offspring accepted Uro in the first place).
                                Are you tired, Rebecca?

