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Resident Evil 6

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  • Seriously though, I hope the bulk of the game isn't going to be OMG PRESS X. I'm fine with a few QTE's. They were used to great effect in RE4. I just hope we're able to freely explore for much of the game too.

    Does Leon have a forearm tattoo, or is that a scrape/dirt?

    Helena looks like a Claire rip-off. There, I said it.


    • off topic for a sec,but the price for the WII U leaked. It's 30.000 yen which is about 350.00 in the US

      Nevermind,,,I just saw the E3 section,I'll move over there
      Last edited by Hcloud13; 06-04-2012, 01:27 PM.


      • I think some fans will suffer from the not liking the new and fresh take on the gameplay, it's almost like a defense mechanism that we all sometimes suffer from.


        • Another important thing to remember is the game is not finished yet. We're only seeing Capcom's idea of highlights, which are mostly cutscenes and QTEs, and not a lot of actual gameplay.


          • On the plus side, Helena as a co-op partner did seem like a nonfactor, so maybe this won't be a repeat of RE5's disastrous "innovation" or whatever nonsense Takeuchi thought he was peddling back in '09.
            A man chooses...a slave obeys.


            • Watched the vid... First reactions

              1: Helena is not a Claire ripoff.... one does not simply "ripoff" Claire Redfield, TyrantRose. Now go to your corner and think about what you've done.
              2: The melee and cover aspects.... they concern me. Honestly, the door opening and cover system is the way I always imagined how it should look in the age of RE4 and RE5 but seeing the melee aspect of it concerns me a tad. Could be cool, I'll have to play it to be sure.
              3: The zombies seem like they could instill quite a bit of horror in comparison to Ganado and Majinis. Those sumbitches are EVERYWHERE! Makes Raccoon city look like a jolly good misadventure by comparison.
              4: Why is everything in China so combustible?
              5: Leon's hair is fabulous. XD Must have the same Hairdresser from RE4.
              6: Don't like the crosshair OR the grenade throwing aide. Meh.
              7: Having been a helicopter pilot in WWII, I'm not sure that choppers are that durable.
              8: I was wanting a spontaneous "Thriller" dance off to begin at the end. XD


              • Yeah, I hope we can change the crosshair to a laser sight and turn off the grenade arc.
                A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                  I think some fans will suffer from the not liking the new and fresh take on the gameplay, it's almost like a defense mechanism that we all sometimes suffer from.
                  This isn't 'fresh take' though, this is more of the same from RE4 and RE5...but with action Scenes that seem to be Michael Bay times two.
                  Really hate the quicktime evens obnoxious return, knew they were coming back and a few bits in the campaign are ok, but god things are looking ridiculous.


                  • I thought RE6 was going to be like RE4 and 5 with a few new elements here and there but in reality it's something completely different! Looks awesome even though it's too over-the-top action.


                    • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                      I think some fans will suffer from the not liking the new and fresh take on the gameplay, it's almost like a defense mechanism that we all sometimes suffer from.
                      Agreed. I liked what I saw, but it's definetly not the survival horror comeback everyone was expecting...

                      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                      • I think tomorrows demo might be the slower paced, more horror and tension based demo that was shown at Captivate.


                        • Jesus Christ. It's more action packed and OTT than ORC! lol

                          Very QTE heavy as well, and I'm really starting to loathe all the melee stuff, I know 5 when quite far with all that, but jesus.
                 The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                          Review and contributor for


                          • Agreed about the melee. The way they'd described it, I thought it was going to be more like Revelations, where it was rare/had to be charged up, but this is a little too much.
                            A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                            • E3 trailer is here

                              Buy Resident Evil 6 at Evil 6 is the dramatic and horrific fear inducing blockbuster entertainment experience ...

                              Watch at your own risk


                              • Did you guys see how the guy controlling Leon right at the start just about dodged the jumping zombie? O_o those zombies can be dangerous when you least expect it that's for sure.

