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Resident Evil 6

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  • Originally posted by Spera01 View Post
    So I've been replaying the demo quite a bit and I just tried keeping the HUD up/Waypoint on. It really does aggravate me that it shows you where weapons are/boss weakpoints. I don't need my damn hand held the entire way through. I do however like seeing my health/ammo count whenever I am aiming though, so I'm not sure what the hell I'm going with in game when it releases. I really don't understand why they can't just have two separate options: one for the waypoint and one for the HUD. It's extremely annoying having to press LB to check it every 5 seconds with it off. Now I know you could say that the old games made you go to the inventory screen to check it, and that was fine. The problem with this game however, is when you're low on health, your damn character doesn't limp! Why? It really is just laziness. Also, hiding weapons and then having them come up as a waypoint really just kills the point.
    don't worry so meany people complaining they will change it i hope why cant they just keep it the same as re5 or 4 if it's not broke don't fix it


    • Originally posted by Spera01 View Post
      So I've been replaying the demo quite a bit and I just tried keeping the HUD up/Waypoint on. It really does aggravate me that it shows you where weapons are/boss weakpoints. I don't need my damn hand held the entire way through. I do however like seeing my health/ammo count whenever I am aiming though, so I'm not sure what the hell I'm going with in game when it releases. I really don't understand why they can't just have two separate options: one for the waypoint and one for the HUD. It's extremely annoying having to press LB to check it every 5 seconds with it off. Now I know you could say that the old games made you go to the inventory screen to check it, and that was fine. The problem with this game however, is when you're low on health, your damn character doesn't limp! Why? It really is just laziness. Also, hiding weapons and then having them come up as a waypoint really just kills the point.
      Just don't use the HUD then. It's only there for people who want their hand held, which is unfortunately quite a lot. I don't find pressing LB/L2 annoying at all, mainly because I don't need to keep my eyes on it. And characters do limp as far as I can tell.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • Exactly what News Bot said, the HUD and waypoint is ment for the sadly crap new generation of gamers, thank goodness we have the option to turn those off.

        Play the game with the HUD turned off for a more true classic experience.


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          Just don't use the HUD then. It's only there for people who want their hand held, which is unfortunately quite a lot. I don't find pressing LB/L2 annoying at all, mainly because I don't need to keep my eyes on it. And characters do limp as far as I can tell.
          I've been playing with it off but it really just bugs me why it can't be separate options. There's no reason why it shouldn't be. As for the limping, characters only limp when your stamina is recovering, not when your health is low I'm pretty sure. I'll go back to confirm this in a bit, but the only time I ever noticed it was when I drained my stamina.


          • Yeah, I would have preferred an expanded set of options rather than just all or nothing.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              Reminds me of people moaning about the Battlefield 3 Beta too. Capcom's pretty awesome for pushing out their demos this far from release. Not many devs and publishers dare to do that anymore (actually show off material that's still in development)
              Operation Metro type level design is a still a bane to good BF gameplay. :p
              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


              • I've said this before and I will say it again.

                We have the option to play the game were we depend on opening the inventory to see our ammo and items.......then why didn't they go for the full experience and include a life bar in the inventory? that would have brought things back to the classic way.


                • Agreed. The Fine, Caution, Danger heart monitor should definitely show up when you bring up the options/inventory. That would have been glorious!

                  That said, I do like that the red Danger heartline shows up when you're on your last block of health.


                  • I agree SK, and when you heal you also see for a split second the full heart monitor, a nice touch.


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      4/5 still used the same controls as every other game before them. Literally the only changes were the camera and aiming system. That's why the former two games weren't hard for players of the old games to get used to.
                      Well, the aiming changed the whole thing for me apparently. I'm just not good at aiming while moving and this game kinda promotes this. I end up going in the wrong directions, flipping~ I'm a horror story in itself.


                      • Originally posted by Kei_M View Post
                        I was having allot of fun playing with those zombies, but Helena kept stealing my kills!
                        I faced this problem, as well. It was terribly annoying to have Helena shoot down all the zombies before I had the chance. Oh, well. I will definitely look forward to the Lone Wolf mode.

                        Originally posted by Kei_M View Post
                        Just sit there and look prett--er...Just sit there.
                        Ha! I lol'd. My thoughts, exactly. :p


                        • Originally posted by Bianca View Post
                          Ha! I lol'd. My thoughts, exactly. :p
                          Kindred Spirits <3

                          Is there anything special about those emblem things?
                          Last edited by Kei_M; 09-19-2012, 11:41 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Kei_M View Post
                            Well, the aiming changed the whole thing for me apparently. I'm just not good at aiming while moving and this game kinda promotes this. I end up going in the wrong directions, flipping~ I'm a horror story in itself.
                            And quite a heavy amount of people have been screaming for aiming and moving at the same time for literally nearly a decade or so. You really can't please everyone. But adding movement while shooting was imperative since Dead Space had already shown it can work and did it quite masterfully, which was one of the biggest complaints against BH5.
                            Last edited by News Bot; 09-19-2012, 11:54 PM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              And quite a heavy amount of people have been screaming for aiming and moving at the same time for literally nearly a decade or so. You really can't please everyone.
                              Ya,I know allot of people wanted it so it was really only a matter of time. I'm just not used to running and gunning at the same time yet, so I'm glad I get to practice now before the game actually comes out. =p

                              Either way, I've just replayed the three of em. Chris was my least favorite in my initial playthrough, I had allot more fun with it the second run through. I was playing as Piers, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.


                              • The HUD/directional indicator option is pants-on-head stupid. Turning off weapon/objective indicators (and highlighting where to find weapons in the first place is pretty damn disappointing) also turns off the HUD completely, and the only way to check my health/stamina/ammo is by... opening the directional-indicator-vision to show me exactly where to go, which is why I turned all this crap off in the first place. What the fuck.

                                I've become more used to the demo now though, and Leon's portion is top notch, but Chris's... just feels like a complete mess. The excessive amount of annoying sniper/RPG enemies forces you into the using the spotty-as-shit, horrible cover system. Jake's bit also suffered from this, but not to nearly the same extent. I just can't shake the worry that too much of RE6 will feel like some hand-held guided tour. I'm fine with the series not being exactly like the classics anymore, but forgoing staple franchise traits in lieu of making newer entries more and more like every other big name AAA shooter on the market is very disheartening. If a game like Dark Souls, which tells the player exactly jack and shit about what to do or even how the game plays, can sell over a million copies, Capcom can at least give players of RE6 the opportunity to explore, figure things out for themselves, and experience some uncertainty.

