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Resident Evil 6

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  • I think Ada's costumes in RE4 and RE6 are down to how much someone likes their Ada, in RE4 she was showing off her....talent lol

    But in RE6 I think her costume is showing a more mature Ada, a woman who is getting on in life.


    • Originally posted by shanemurphy
      But in RE6 I think her costume is showing a more mature Ada, a woman who is getting on in life.
      And realizing the value of pants in combat situations.


      • Frankly, Ada could wear a burlap sack and still be sexy.


        • Originally posted by Tyrant Rose View Post
          And realizing the value of pants in combat situations.

          And why not, she already got Leon by the balls!

          Same goes for Archelon's comment.
          Last edited by shanemurphy; 09-21-2012, 08:07 PM.


          • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
            I think Ada's costumes in RE4 and RE6 are down to how much someone likes their Ada, in RE4 she was showing off her....talent lol

            But in RE6 I think her costume is showing a more mature Ada, a woman who is getting on in life.
            Her "talent", eh? Does that talent include that MASSIVELY screwed up ankle joint of hers during the boat scene? xD That still gives me chills... and if you don't know what I'm talking about, look for the scene on youtube. Warning - It cannot be unseen. But I have to agree, RE6 Ada is definitely a more mature Ada which is great. Besides, everyone knows that women near their forties are just... just awesome. *hnng*

            Originally posted by Tyrant Rose View Post
            And realizing the value of pants in combat situations.
            False. Pants have little to no combat force multiplying capabilities. In fact, I haven't worn pants into combat since...

            Originally posted by Archelon View Post
            Frankly, Ada could wear a burlap sack and still be sexy.
            This guy disagrees.

            Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
            And why not, she already got Leon by the balls!

            Same goes for Archelon's comment.
            I'm totally expecting Ada to try and get together with Leon by the end of RE6, and he'll respond with "Pfft, you had your chance. *walks away with Helena*"

            Then Ada becomes that one lady with all the cats... THAT SHE NAMED LEON!
            Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 09-22-2012, 12:49 AM.


            • Don't people find with all this Ada discussion that she was far far prettier in Resident Evil 4?
              Review and contributor for


              • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
                Don't people find with all this Ada discussion that she was far far prettier in Resident Evil 4?
                I have been finding Ms Wong's facial features particularly weird, especially in the superb Damnation.

                With Ada's game-play, having now seen nothing that significantly deviates from all the other uniformly similar RE6 demo campaigns, I would be extremely disappointed if the released game is more of the same. That Capcom put such production values & budget into such repetitive nonsense, as the demo threatens to suggest RE6 is, whilst being a pain in the arse, is the commercial decision that was always going to be made, because outside of the RE online community, so many morons prefer to stay home playing repetitively violent, one dimensional, linear, brain resting video games, than venture outside. Our community that can appreciate both styles of game-play, and have enjoyed both RE1 and RE5 in equal measure, has been ignored for the larger audience of casual & moronic gamers.

                I am not surprised that survival horror sells less than mindless action, but I am by how much of a contrived mess Capcom want to use as a narrative, and as a control & inventory system, for such a basic & linear concept - shoot lots at enemies you may also care to easily avoid, whilst hurtled in one linear direction, with the minor difference of changing your name from Leon, to Ada, to Chris, to Jake, and all the other tension draining partners, that annoyingly block part of the action.

                As an alternative to these numerous almost identical campaigns of little diversion from Call of Duty, Capcom could have made a fresh, not ridiculously over lengthy game of 3 campaigns ~ Action, Survival Horror, and RE4's majestic perfection of both styles. That is what I was hoping would make Capcom far more money than an intelligent survival horror, but the demo of RE6 suggest very different, with a particularly disappointing insight into Leon's campaign, with no ability to interestingly interact with your environment, read atmosphere inducing files, or experience a survival horror that doesn't masquerade for a slow walk in a building and an oddly boring car interior, point-and-click treasure hunt.
                Last edited by GEORGE TREVOR; 09-22-2012, 11:33 AM.


                • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
                  Don't people find with all this Ada discussion that she was far far prettier in Resident Evil 4?
                  She apparently turned full Caucasian in BH4. She has her Asian facial features from BH2 back in BH6.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • I quite enjoyed the demo myself. Although I am really not use to the controls, but I'm sure I'll get use to them after I play the whole game.

                    I'd rank the sections..

                    Leon > Jake > Chris

                    Although I did like Chris'... Something just felt off to me.



                    • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
                      Don't people find with all this Ada discussion that she was far far prettier in Resident Evil 4?
                      If by "prettier" you mean younger, than yes. If you mean prettier by its definition, that would be debatable.


                      Anywho, looks like me and a plethora of other PC gamers are screwed in the RE6 PC department. Just posted an article in the News topic, it states that Capcom didn't start development on the PC version until AFTER the console versions were 100% complete and approved by Microsoft. That means it'll be MONTHS before I get my hands on RE6! I'll be disappearing from this place after Oct. 2nd, definitely.


                      • Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
                        Don't people find with all this Ada discussion that she was far far prettier in Resident Evil 4?
                        I'd personally say shes far prettier in RE6 than she's ever been.

                        Last edited by Spera01; 09-22-2012, 04:38 PM.


                        • Originally posted by GEORGE TREVOR View Post
                          I have been finding Ms Wong's facial features particularly weird, especially in the superb Damnation.
                          Agreed. I don't know what Capcom was thinking in Damnation, because she looks nothing like Ada ever has.

                          As for Ada's campaign in 6, there are supposedly plenty of puzzle elements and slower-paced gameplay that some of the other scenarios lack. There's also the faster-paced stuff, but that was inevitable. And I like your idea about the three campaign types - survival horror, action, and 4-style. In a way, I think that's what Capcom was striving for in 6, but my guess is that they will fail miserably.

                          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          She apparently turned full Caucasian in BH4. She has her Asian facial features from BH2 back in BH6.
                          I actually see that the other way around. I think she looks more Asian in 4, and has more Caucasian features in 6. But that's just me. Either way, I never really thought that Ada looked very Asian in any of her appearances.
                          Mass production? Ridiculous!


                          • On the topic of Ada's look:

                            I actually prefer her overall look in 4 than in 6. I just think she had more of a Nikita-feeling which suited her more.

                            Last edited by CODE_umb87; 09-22-2012, 10:15 PM.


                            • So I finally played the demo. It wasn't awful. Wasn't great, either. Chris and Jake's sections were far, far too easy though. I got knocked on my ass twice and then pilled. And this was while I was figuring out the controls, which always takes me a while on the 360 (I've been playing on the PlayStation for over a decade - even after four or so years I still find the 360 controllers less natural) so I was kinda surprised. I started with Jake, so I was expecting to die quite horribly. But my AI partner kept me healthy and safe. I kinda get the feeling that the AI may make things a bit too easy...which is better than RE5's 'Here's a resource draining moron chain to choke yourself with' policy. I know demo's tend to be set to what is eventually easy in the retail, but I couldn't beat the RE5 demo without a partner (and then sailed through it) so it was an interesting change.

                              To my surprise I rather enjoyed Chris' demo. More than Jake's, but that's probably because I'm already starting to really dislike his smug, prick-like personality. At least his daddy had some class. Both sections missed out on some easy options for horror and dread though. Monsters in a warn-torn city? Show the civilian response. Same with Jake. Just the Dead Space 2 un-savable people in the background thing would be nice. Maybe they do that in other parts, though. I've seen brief clips in the trailer on TV that show it in China, so hopefully they just wanted to focus on the gameplay.

                              I liked Leon's scenario. Touch over dramatic, but hey, it worked. Again, since it was civilians being infected there was a bit more impact. And Helena's shotgun was fun. I didn't finish the demo, though - some zombies burst through a door and I failed the quick time/button mash event and got eaten. Which was kinda shocking after sauntering through the first two demos. The zombie gave me a fairly solid mauling too, but by this time I'd worked out the health system too. While they weren't as exciting as the J'avo they were good fun, and in decent amounts I'd see them being a real issue. Who said zombies wouldn't work in this kinda game? Other than Capcom around RE4 and RE5, I mean...

                              The enemies are better though. I mean, I saw one J'avo randomly assaulting the APC in Chris' section rather than attacking me, since I was standing next to him, but then I also saw a zombie doing a happy little dance rather than attack Leon (who vaporized it's head). When they actually worked, they were...OK. It was nice to get my ass ambushed in the Jake demo, for example, by the long armed mutations in the shadows. But they don't seem to heavily changed from the Ganados - they don't feel as dumb, but they didn't seem much more threatening either.

                              So I probably won't be buying this brand new, still. Leon's section was best but I've already seen videos of his game in China which seems to have been made by Michael Bay off his ritalin, so I suspect the other two sections are more of an example of the majority gameplay. I suspect that once Leon leave's Tall Oaks, we'll be leaving that cool old school feel behind. On the plus side, I do think it's going to be a lot better than RE5. On the downside...that really isn't hard.


                              • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                                I'm already starting to really dislike [Jake's] smug, prick-like personality.
                                Me too. It's like Capcom is doing everything they can to make this character unlikable, save for perhaps some old-school RE one-liners.
                                Mass production? Ridiculous!

