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Resident Evil 6

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  • The ropes are not a QTE, I honestly cannot figure why people having so much trouble. You just alternative pressing and holding the buttons. Take your left finger off the button, put it back on, take your right finger off the button, put it back on. Repeat.

    This is why we don't get puzzles anymore.

    Anyone watch the RE GT Invisible Walls episode from last week? Had an interview with RE6 producers, they claim they asked people who didn't finish RE5 why and the puzzles were the main reason for halting progress.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • The rope climbing is easy, but only once you figure out what you need to do. The button prompt itself isn't very clear, as it shows arrows above both trigger button icons at the same time (when you need to press them alternately).
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
        Anyone watch the RE GT Invisible Walls episode from last week? Had an interview with RE6 producers, they claim they asked people who didn't finish RE5 why and the puzzles were the main reason for halting progress.


        • Sure, the rope climbing part is easy but it's certainly not fun. I still see no reason why we couldn't just hold up on the stick and have our character you know, go up. It's far less tedious than having to hold down two buttons and alternate between them. There are a lot of decisions in RE6 that are like this. There are so many parts that are QTEs but could easily be playable.


          • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
            This is why we don't get puzzles anymore.
            I actually find this statement rather rude and unnecessary. The issue with the rope climbing has nothing to do with players being too dumb and impatient, as you're insinuating... The mechanic, while not broken and wholly unusable, is just flawed, and it should've been designed differently. And, as biohazard_star already clarified, the button prompts are pretty misleading.

            Obviously, Gene and I (and every other person here who had difficulty with the rope climbing) managed to successfully pass that part of the game, so I wouldn't group us in with those who refuse to finish a Resident Evil game because they're too lazy to concentrate on a puzzle.
            Last edited by Bianca; 10-15-2012, 02:44 PM.


            • Originally posted by Spera01 View Post
              Sure, the rope climbing part is easy but it's certainly not fun.
              Exactly. Whether it's technically considered a QTE or not is irrelevant; it's not fun to "play." That goes for the other climbing parts, as well, like on the plane or the end of Sherry's campaign.
              Mass production? Ridiculous!


              • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                The ropes are not a QTE, I honestly cannot figure why people having so much trouble. You just alternative pressing and holding the buttons. Take your left finger off the button, put it back on, take your right finger off the button, put it back on. Repeat.

                This is why we don't get puzzles anymore.
                Has absolutely nought to do with puzzles. The button prompts simply don't give an indication of what you actually need to do and are misleading to boot. It's a piss-poor mechanic, not fun to "play", and challenging for all the wrong reasons.
                Last edited by News Bot; 10-15-2012, 02:56 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                  Exactly. Whether it's technically considered a QTE or not is irrelevant; it's not fun to "play." That goes for the other climbing parts, as well, like on the plane or the end of Sherry's campaign.
                  Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  Has absolutely nought to do with puzzles. The button prompts simply don't give an indication of what you actually need to do and are misleading to boot. It's a piss-poor mechanic.
                  Yep, exactly.

                  You certainly cannot compare boring button pressing to the puzzles of Resident Evil games--which, as uncomplicated and silly as some people may consider the puzzles to be--at least they took some simple thought process, as opposed to the mindlessness of tediously pressing two buttons, back and forth.


                  • Anybody wanna play Mercenaries on Xbox? My friend's out of town(we've still only played Leon's campaign, I won't play the other two without her) so I'm looking to play some Mercs while she's gone. I have all three of the pre-order maps. XBL: mountain duwe


                    • So here's my final review of Resident Evil 6 (Spoiler free)

                      "Now I finally know how a Star Wars fan feels"


                      • Incredible satisfied?


                        • so.... is this game good or should I save money for something else...
                          ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                          • It's a good third person shooter. Just don't go expecting a survival horror game, since that's far from what it is.

                            Also, people really shouldn't be using the "Serious Players Only" tag in Mercs if, you know, they aren't really "serious". I just joined a lobby tagged with it a while ago and the host died three times in a row, all during when we were in the 120+ combo range, no less.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • Considering fans, casual players of the series, and both amateur/pro reviewers alike are all split on the game... it's impossible to tell if you'd like it or not. For every person that loves it, there is someone that hates it.


                              • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                                so.... is this game good or should I save money for something else...
                                It's alright, not the best it gets quite repetetive in parts, but pretty decent with a friend. If you absolutely must have it by all means buy it new, but I'd suggest buying it second hand or waiting till it's a bit cheaper if you aren't in a hurry. Don't spend £120 on the collectors edition whatever you do.

