Sorry for the confusing writing style, I just have ton's of thoughts on the new trailer and topics spreading from it. I am aware there is a RE6 thread but this is more of a RE Continuity debate and a debate on the downfall and rise of the series.Resident Evil 6 was just announced by Capcom and a trailer was released. Resident Evil like any long going fictional canon storyline has a good amount of plot holes and three fan-base that they market to: survival-horror (old-school RE gamers), the Re4 &5 crowd (the Gears of War action gamers aka next gen gamers), and the casual chronicles players (the first person rail shooter on the Wii).
Something I find extreamly interesting about the Resident Evil series is how no one is ever happy with anything Capcom does. Resident Evil 1-3 were some of the best games with a slight improvement with Resident Evil: ReBirth aka RE1 on the Gamecube. Then came Resident Evil 4 and everyone lost their minds. Fast forward a few years and Resident Evil 5 came out, first promising zombies and then relapsing to the RE4 Ganado creatures. Ever since Revelations and RE: Mercenaries was announced and even Operation Raccoon City I have had no hope until I saw the trailer for Resident Evil 6. The joke is that the game tag-line is "No Hope Left" and I think this was genious but unintentional play at the traditional fan-base having no hope left for the series!
I did not want to get excited for RE6 I was almost to the point of giving up on the series all together. But I must admit I am very excited for RE6. I want nothing more than to have the old-school days abck but they are gone, gaming has evolved (or devolved to some). The fact is that if Capcom continued to use the same Re1-3 engines the series would die. That is a fact. No one besides the hard-core gamers would purchase the games and there would not be enough income to justify the production of such games.
If you want old school Resident Evil: PLAY THE OLD GAMES. If you are desperate for new storylines and settings you can easily get a PC version of one of the old games and skin it to fit whatever you want, use your imagination.
Rant Over.
I am very plesed that Capcom did not spoil anything too early. I was very dissapointed when Resident Evil 5 promised zombies as the main enemy and didn't deliver.
Resident Evil 6 I believe will be a mixture of the two main fan-bases: action/over-the-shoulder shooter and survival horror. With up to three protagonists there is a large prossibility for different game play mechanics. Chris will have a more action approach like his story in RE5 and Leon will have more survival horror, I do not know what the third mystery character, if they are even playable it has not been confirmed yet, will have for game play.
As for the story line: it is the logical approach and one that has caused so much hate from traditional gamers. It is ona very large-scale. Chris is in China dealing with the outbreaks and Leon is doing whatever he is doing with the president and his new partner. The bottom line is Resident Evils tarted as a solitary gaming experience. Resident Evil 1 happened in the seclusion of the Spencer Estate and the Arklay Mountains. you were alone for the most part, fast forward to Resident Evil 2; you were alone as an outsider coming into town as either a rookie cop or college student. Resident Evil 3; not only was their a sense of seclusion but anxiety over being chased by the Nemesis.
Switching gears to Revelations: Capcom needs to figure out one important thing for their storylines, how to separate characters without a rescue mission being part of the main plot: Claire looking for Chris, Chris looking for Claire, Leon looking for Ashley (and Ada), Chris looking for Jill, Jill looking for Chris. I am guessing the next game will have to do with Leon and/or Chris looking for the mystery cahracters that were revealeed in the latest trailer...