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After RE6 is over, they need to focus on remakes. We all want RE2 remade...

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  • #16
    I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of RE2 at all since RE2 isn't scary or creepy like the first game. It would have to be done right though, no OTS view at all.

    If they were ever to remake it it would have to be like the RE1 remake. Make it darker, more eerie, more gruesome enemies, slower paced, more limited ammo. Think how RE2 would look if it were darker... The main hall would be dimly lit, lights would flicker on and off. The Licker hallway would be similar to DSC. The Birkin fights would be cool. The underground would be very dark and barely lit. The garage area would be dimly lit as well with light shinning in from the garage door.

    I'll photoshop some background and see how they look. Just to give examples.

    Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
    No - I wouldn't of wanted a remake of the 2nd game straight after the remake either. Resident Evil 2 is absolutely PERFECT as it is, one of the shining gems of the video game industry. Remake and such are my favourites, but how good Resident Evil 2 is is absolutely undenyable. After the REmake, if you wanted any example of the series to showcase how awesome it was, I'd still use Resident Evil 2 to this day. It was the first game that made me believe we can have really amazing storytelling in games.

    I always preferred the original to Resident Evil 2, but like I say there were/are aspects of it that don't quite hold up today as well as they perhaps should, often down to the not quite outstanding hit detection on monsters, to the backgrounds that really don't hold up if you scrutinise them. Resident Evil 2 + 3's background visuals are just as good today as they were when it was made. A fabulous looking game.

    I dunno - I see where you are coming from folks, but I really don't agree. I'm of the crowd that loathes the idea of remakes or tweaking stuff years later. Though I love the REmake, and I think it's the untouchable high point of the series, and wouldn't be without now - I'd imagine i'd say exactly the same about that not needing to be remade, what I've typed above is justifying the notion of the remake to myself.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • #17
      With Outbreak 1&2, Umbrella Chronicles, Darkside Chronicles and now Operation Raccoon City....I'm starting to get a little pooped out with any RE game taking place in Raccoon City. I mean, before UC, even DSC, I wanted nothing more than to see a remake of RE2. I remember before DSC was announced there were numerous rumors floating around that the Wii was gonna get a RE2make.....and I was actually pretty excited until I found out it was a sequel to UC.

      I honestly think Capcom is still capable of making 'classic' RE games if they wanted to. With 2D games starting to make somewhat of a comeback, bringing back the tank controls for RE wouldn't be that far of a stretch, especially if it's for a remake.

      Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
      I wouldn't mind seeing a remake of RE2 at all since RE2 isn't scary or creepy like the first game. It would have to be done right though, no OTS view at all.

      If they were ever to remake it it would have to be like the RE1 remake. Make it darker, more eerie, more gruesome enemies, slower paced, more limited ammo. Think how RE2 would look if it were darker... The main hall would be dimly lit, lights would flicker on and off. The Licker hallway would be similar to DSC. The Birkin fights would be cool. The underground would be very dark and barely lit. The garage area would be dimly lit as well with light shinning in from the garage door.

      I'll photoshop some background and see how they look. Just to give examples.
      Someone on DA actually started working on remaking the Licker hallway. The maker said it was a work-in-progress.

      Last edited by CODE_umb87; 01-28-2012, 05:44 PM.


      • #18
        That looks cool man. Here are some a quickly made, though they look a bit crappy.

        Click image for larger version

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Name:	re2gcngunker1_640w copy.jpg
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Name:	RE2Screen04 copy.jpg
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Name:	Resident-evil-2-camerawork copy.jpg
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ID:	400866
        My Head-Fi Page


        • #19
          That remade screen though - lacks any personality the original had. You can see it when you compare the screens.

          Fuck it I give up trying to convince you all. I get that people want a remake - but for me its saddening to see a masters work so quickly thrown aside because it's not 'modern'.

          Also the bringing back of tank controls - they have never been away - every game in the series, bar the Chronicles games and Gaiden, every game - Revelations included has had tank controls? I fail to see how this can be levelled at the series today?

          The Thing (1982) Vs The Thing (2011) = Just because it's new doesn't mean it's better.
          Last edited by [STARS]TyranT; 01-28-2012, 06:06 PM.

          Review and contributor for


          • #20
            I think the screen looks good but bland. It doesn't look spooky or have any atmosphere to it.

            Like I said I wouldn't mind a remake but I don't need it. I want a remake because I think RE2 has a pretty bland atmosphere and feel to it. It's not scary or spooky. RE1 is still spooky because the environment was darker, the music was more eerie and the zombies sounded creepy. RE2, to me, is a bit cartoony with too much action. It's a fun game but not like the original game. It lacks any sense of fear to it. The music isn't even all that good for a horror game. The music doesn't make me get anxious like RE1 did. It's comes off as fast paced, like for an action game. RE2 is too fast paced to be survival horror IMO.

            Also I think the Thing 2001 was cool and all but not that good of a movie. The story moved way to fast and the Thing itself was too active and was attacking nearly non stop. I didn't the monster because of that.

            Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
            That remade screen though - lacks any personality the original had. You can see it when you compare the screens.

            Fuck it I give up trying to convince you all. I get that people want a remake - but for me its saddening to see a masters work so quickly thrown aside because it's not 'modern'.

            Also the bringing back of tank controls - they have never been away - every game in the series, bar the Chronicles games and Gaiden, every game - Revelations included has had tank controls? I fail to see how this can be levelled at the series today?

            The Thing (1982) Vs The Thing (2011) = Just because it's new doesn't mean it's better.
            Last edited by Zombie_X; 01-28-2012, 06:17 PM.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • #21
              Originally posted by CODE_umb87 View Post
              That is amazing! The locations are probably my favorite part of the early RE games, and this is beautiful! I even redesigned the RPD last year (overhead map only) due to boredom to make it more realistic.

              Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
              That remade screen though - lacks any personality the original had. You can see it when you compare the screens.
              It may lack a bit of character, but that's because it's clearly just the corridor without anything else added (like the posters or blood). Personally, I liked the way the corridor looked in Darkside Chronicles with the flickering lights, but this is amazing, too. It would be perfect for the base of a RE2make in the style of the Gamecube one.
              Mass production? Ridiculous!


              • #22
                Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
                That remade screen though - lacks any personality the original had. You can see it when you compare the screens.

                Fuck it I give up trying to convince you all. I get that people want a remake - but for me its saddening to see a masters work so quickly thrown aside because it's not 'modern'.

                Also the bringing back of tank controls - they have never been away - every game in the series, bar the Chronicles games and Gaiden, every game - Revelations included has had tank controls? I fail to see how this can be levelled at the series today?
                Tanks do not strafe.
                Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                • #23
                  Whole series needs to be rebooted at this point. There really isnt any direction to go, even if you go forward with the current timeline. One war after another with bigger and bigger BOW's? Yeah, I think not.

                  They need to hit the reboot switch and work on the direction they want to take the series in from the beginning. There is always an element of making up things as you go along, but they've been relying on that more and more rather and going in an actual direction. The only direction the series has had is the eventual war between humans and BOWs, and thats not an interesting concept. Thats just Gears Of War with BOWs and not Aliens, wand we're already seeing Capcom try this out more and more.

                  I say they need to go back to the beginning, but thats just me.
                  Last edited by Wrathborne; 01-28-2012, 11:27 PM.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by [STARS]TyranT View Post
                    That remade screen though - lacks any personality the original had. You can see it when you compare the screens.

                    Fuck it I give up trying to convince you all. I get that people want a remake - but for me its saddening to see a masters work so quickly thrown aside because it's not 'modern'.

                    Also the bringing back of tank controls - they have never been away - every game in the series, bar the Chronicles games and Gaiden, every game - Revelations included has had tank controls? I fail to see how this can be levelled at the series today?

                    The Thing (1982) Vs The Thing (2011) = Just because it's new doesn't mean it's better.
                    First of all The Thing (2011) is a prequel to the one in 1982, not a remake. The 1982 film is a 'loose' remake of The Thing from Another World (1951). Just FYI.

                    I think you're taking it a little too seriously. It isn't like a remake forever replaces the original. Being a horror movie fan I could care less how many classic films Hollywood decides to remake, the originals are not going anywhere, and the same can be said about video games. In all fairness the only remake the RE series has gotten is the REmake, and to me and most people, it IS a masterpiece, one of the scariest video games out there. If they can give RE2 the same treatment, I'd gladly welcome it.
                    Last edited by CODE_umb87; 01-28-2012, 08:01 PM.


                    • #25
                      I also think the series should be rebooted. Maybe go back to the first game and change the story around completely. Here's a pitch:

                      The story should be about military operated squad of soldiers that go out to aid local law enforcement around the USA. They would help with important cases such as numerous people disappearing (ala RE1). They go to the R.P.D. and work with S.T.A.R.S. on the case to numerous murders and find the "cannibalistic killers". S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team would be sent out first into the woods to find the "cannibalistic killers" hideout, then contact is lost. Next Alpha team would be sent in and then contact is lost with them as well. Said military group is there as back-up and now gets deployed to find both teams. Along the way they find Bravo's helicopter and the body of Joseph as well as several zombie dogs. They follow the trail back to the mansion and now all hell brakes loose. Wesker is dead in the main hall and there is a trail of blood leading to the dining room where they find Kenneth zombified.

                      The story from here on out would be very different. Maybe have Chris be killed off and have Enrico survive. The entire mansion will be bigger, the garden area will be as well.

                      The Guardhouse will now be "Guards Quarters" and will have nothing to do with plant 41 not Neptune, just for the soldiers area for rest. Maybe a shooting range and perhaps it will have an outdoors area for combat training, like the course from COD4 and MW2. I think that would be more realistic. It would also have the dog pens where the Dobermans would have lived. All dogs had training to take down people, to keep people from running away from the mansion.There would be a big security room full of monitors that monitor every where in the game. The guards are stationed here but there are more in the lab. The mansion would have a fence around it with several areas for guards to keep watch and guards would have dogs on hand.. The Guards Quarters would also have a generator on the lowest level and would have to be activated on your first visit in order to get in to locked rooms. Some rooms would require a keycard, such as the weapons cache and shooting range.

                      The underground area in the garden would not be underground either. It would just be a simple few rooms that lead to a maintenance shed full of tools and equipment. Here would also be the generator for the mansion.

                      There would also be 4 guest houses or so all outside of the main mansion. Each house would have just one level and there own generators. They would have to be reactivated in order to turn lights on.

                      The lab would ahve to be accessed via a passage in the mansion, but the breaker was tripped and the door is locked. You'd have to go to the basement and flip the breaker. The basement can only be accessed after you get a key from a dead guard in the Guards Quarters. Once flipped you can go into the labs.

                      The lab would have 7 levels and level 6B would be the B.O.W. containment and testing area, similar to the Hunter training area in RE0, but be big for testing all the bio-organic weapons. There would be several areas on each floor, and 7B would be the generators level. One generator would have to reactivated to turn on the electronic locks and elevators (ala RE1). The whole lab area would get power from here. It would be a small area though as it's just for power. Also Only the B.O.W. level would have reinforced electronically locked doors. You know you gotta keep them B.O.W.s in so they don't run rampant. Maybe it will be a double door system. I would say that there should be no Tyrant at all. The T-Virus would not be the same either. Give it a different name. The labs floors would be connected by both elevators and stairwells with electronically locked doors. The generator room would be accessed by a stairwell on B1 and connects to all level accept 6B.

                      There would be a helipad, but it's not accessible as the doors are welded shut to prevent any one from flying away. There will be a underground railway that went for about 10 miles, for escape that is. This is the only way out of the game and the trains have to have power supplied to them. This area is 8B of the lab area and is only accessible via a certain Keycard or when the self-destruct is on.

                      Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                      Whole series needs to be rebooted at this point. There really isnt any direction to go, even if you go forward with the current timeline. One war after another with bigger and bigger BOW's? Yeah, I think not.

                      They need to hit the reboot switch and work on the direction they want to take the series in from the beginning. There is always an element of making up things as you go along, but they've been relying on that more and more rather and going in an actual direction. The only direction the series has had is the eventual war between humans and BOWs, and thats not an interesting concept. Thats just Gears Of War with BOWs and not Aliens, wand we're already seeing Capcom try this out more and more.

                      I say they need to go back to the beginning, but thats just me.

                      Stopping the
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • #26
                        No remakes, no reboots.

                        Remakes won't please the old fans. We're not going to get fixed cameras and survival. We have to get over it. Capcom is not bringing it back, simply they don't want to.
                        A reboot would be more of an action shooter than a return to the basics. I'd rather see more games like Revelations, that are some sort of "in between" for horror and action.

                        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Beanovsky Durst View Post
                          No remakes, no reboots.

                          Remakes won't please the old fans. We're not going to get fixed cameras and survival. We have to get over it. Capcom is not bringing it back, simply they don't want to.
                          A reboot would be more of an action shooter than a return to the basics. I'd rather see more games like Revelations, that are some sort of "in between" for horror and action.
                          Thing with RE2 being redone is the story was just too focused around the RPD, sewers and the lab. It just wouldn't work very well with the new camera style even if it had Revelations pace, you could walk through it all in a couple minutes. They could perhaps add a new areas and extend the sewer section and make it longer but aside from that I doubt anyone wants to see iconic locations like the RPD and Lab change. That alone I see as a major hurdle. RE3 would work a lot better since it mostly takes place on RC streets, only the most asinine of fans would really gripe about some streets being moved about, but even then you don't really have to since can just add streets and buildings to the existing layout if needed.

                          I would just prefer new games and new story though. I hope Revelations does well because I'd love more handheld games like that.
                          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                          • #28
                            Now this game deserves a remake.

                            See you in hell.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                              Now this game deserves a remake.

                              AGREED! I still own that for my PS2. I loved it. It had great potential for sony to compete with resident evil. Sadly they never made a second game. And never will, but i wish they would at least remake it.


                              • #30
                                I remember being totally excited when REmake was announced in addition to RE: Zero (which I need to finish still to be completely honest lol), I seriously thought they were remaking all of the classic ones. Man, I was disappointed to see them bring the ports to the Gamecube. I was so expecting to see RE2 remade in the style of REmake, but the closest (sorta) we ever got to it was DSC. Even though it was all on-rails, it was so awesome to see areas of RE2 all rebuilt and re-imagined.

                                If there ever comes a point where they want to make a remake, I wouldn't mind them having an "over the shoulder" cam that the recent games have had. As far as I know, when I played RE: Revelations at New York Comic Con, it worked well. In fact, it even startled me at one point. If not, it would cater to the 'classic fans' but they could have the static cam, BUT when you aim your gun, it would switch to the "over the shoulder" cam when shooting the zombies.

                                Pretty much it's from the 3.5 video, starting at 2:31

                                Add all that, limited ammo, and the creepy, dark, and eerie atmosphere we all love. That's how I can see a remake

