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Resident Evil Revelations - The Official Spoiler Thread

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  • Good summary, Det. Beauregard! I agree with pretty much everything you've said. Jessica was by far the worst character in the game; a real step backwards in terms of both character design and personality.. Ugh.. (Raymond being a close second with his radioactive hair..) I guess I'm one of the select few who didn't find Quint and Keith that bad. Were they cartoony compared to the rest of the cast? Sure, but it didn't throw me off too much. Like GuardHouse said, Quint's "The Thing" reference may of won me over.. And Quint actually did make me laugh a little when he deepened his voice to talk to Jessica, haha..


    • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
      Like GuardHouse said, Quint's "The Thing" reference may of won me over.. And Quint actually did make me laugh a little when he deepened his voice to talk to Jessica, haha..
      I liked both those parts, too. Like I said before, this game would have been way too dull (ala RE5) if there was no light humor moments; I think Capcom actually did a good job with those two.
      Mass production? Ridiculous!


      • I too was surprised about Quint and Keith, the scene with them watching the security footage with the Farfarellos was funny as hell, "It's a poltergeist!".


        • I agree with Det. Beauregard a lot, however I still can't see how much different this is from 5, especially when so much was recycled from that game. The only real difference is you're shoved into a smaller space. Weapon upgrades? Check. Lack of ammo? Um...I didn't have a single ammo issue at all, and I killed just about everything I came across unless I was backtracking. Perhaps the only times I had low ammo was in the very early chapters of the game, but then again the enemies weren't that difficult to kill either. The god the AI is horrible. At one point I stood and watched as Parker aimed at an enemy, turned around and faced the wall, then turned and aimed in the opposite direction before switching weapons and aiming again. 5's may not have been the best, but at least I had a pack mule and could give them some better fire power. Me- "Heeey Parker! You see that giant thing coming at us?" Parker- "Nope! lol" Me- "Well when you do, stop shooting it with a damn handgun, plzkthx?" Parker-"Hurrr you mean this handgun? Lalalala look a picture of a boat!"

          And much more predictable can this game be? The only thing I didn't see coming was Raymond at the end with Jessica, but I sort of figured it out during the epilogues when he wasn't shown. Perhaps it was simply the English translations and voice acting but come on. And another thing, Capcom....people living on a sunked ship for over a year? Um....what? Seriously...just what? And also a note to Capcom...dead bodies don't remain fresh under water after a year. Hell a body doesn't remain fresh under water after a few hours. And perhaps I'm not scientific enough to get it...but when you kill a giant infected monster in the sea....wont that still cause infection to spread? Sea creatures will contiue to nibble on the corpse, and it bled all over the place. This is something I've never really understood about the series when it comes to creatures in open water.

          In b4 someone feels the need to have a hissy fit over my dislike of plot elements in the game. I did think that, for the most part, it was enjoyable. I really just think Capcom needs to learn some subtlety. I avoided the last few trailers until after I completed the game because I knew they would show off shit from the endgame, and I was right. I just hope they don't throw everything on the table with 6, but I'm not holding my breath.
          Are you tired, Rebecca?


          • The whole limited ammo thing is a moot point when you think about it. I stopped caring about the idea that that's what a Resident Evil game needs.

            REmake and RE2 had plenty of ammo to go around, I'd say the only one that really twisted your arm was the original game, and not even too much at that.


            • Is anyone else kinda disappointed in Hell mode? In the demo, Hell mode featured heavily redone enemy and item placement, in addition to the increased difficulty of fighting the enemies themselves. But in the actual game, Hell mode is almost the same as Normal, but enemies have more health/do more damage. There are way more gun parts scattered about, but that seems like the only major change.

              Still, I bet a fresh game on Hell mode will indeed be quite stressful and difficult.


              • Originally posted by Bertha View Post
                And perhaps I'm not scientific enough to get it...but when you kill a giant infected monster in the sea....wont that still cause infection to spread? Sea creatures will contiue to nibble on the corpse, and it bled all over the place. This is something I've never really understood about the series when it comes to creatures in open water..
                LOL! I just finished that episode and was wondering the exact same thing. The ocean is.. uh.. pretty much infected now, I'd say.. Speaking of the water, what does everyone think about the swimming sections in the game? Would you like to see the return in future titles?


                • I must have missed the reference to The Thing. When and what was it?

                  Granted, I haven't seen The Thing in years, so it probably went right over my head.

                  Also, I have to admit that I did chuckle when Quint deepened his voice once he realized Jessica was on the line. Still, I can't decide if I disliked Quint and Keith or Jessica more. Her dialogue in Raid Mode just made her seem so much worse as a character.

                  I actually rather liked Raymond, to be honest, even though his apparent partnership with Jessica makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


                  • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                    I must have missed the reference to The Thing. When and what was it?

                    Granted, I haven't seen The Thing in years, so it probably went right over my head.

                    Also, I have to admit that I did chuckle when Quint deepened his voice once he realized Jessica was on the line. Still, I can't decide if I disliked Quint and Keith or Jessica more. Her dialogue in Raid Mode just made her seem so much worse as a character.

                    I actually rather liked Raymond, to be honest, even though his apparent partnership with Jessica makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
                    The Thing ref was when you first played as Quint and Keith. Quint says something along the lines of "Where does this sound familiar? Deserted base, frozen something or other, monster killing the crew". Not word for word, of course. He says it when they are inside the base right after he stumbles over the bucket.

                    And yes...I agree about Jessica and Raymond's partnership. Another one of those plot elements that simply needed a bit of explaining. Not nearly as horrible as living on a sunken ship for over a year though.
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • Honestly, Revelations feels like the Metal Gear Solid 4 of the series. It's chock full of plot twists just for the sake of having plot twists, regardless of whether or not they actually make sense.

                      Not all that dissimilar from a season of 24, if you think about it.


                      • Well, there's a lot less canon fanservice involved, which actually made me happy. It's true though, the plot twists seemed arbitrary along with the general Divine Comedy motif.


                        • This is what happens when Resident Evil *tries* to be like Metal Gear Solid. But MGS had enough sense to create a world where the bizarre and unbelievable thrive and everybody is calculating the situation down to the last detail. It's a series that mixes Vampires, ghosts, cyborg ninjas and bipedal tanks.

                          Resident Evil for the most part tries to ground itself in some level of realism. They explain the undead through means of a virus for instance. And here you have all this unnecessary triple crossing and misdirection to the point where it becomes convoluted.


                          • Resident Evil has slowly been moving towards Metal Gear Solid territory ever since CODE: Veronica, but Revelations just drops any notions of pretense and runs with it.


                            • What MGS inspired segments are in CV? RE4 had the codec more or less, but Revelations had their own fucking Roy Campbell.


                              • I mean more in the storytelling rather than anything specifically gameplay-related.

                                CODE: Veronica is when the series first really started dabbling in grand conspiracies and behind-the-scenes players and manipulators and so on. It changed the tone of the series' plot from relatively simple, straightforward outbreak tales to much more complicated ("convoluted" might be the better term) and involved narratives involving double and triple agents, rival organizations upon rival organizations, etc.
                                Last edited by Archelon; 02-10-2012, 10:09 PM.

