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All good things ,ust come to an end...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by wesker566 View Post
    I want RE6 to be the MGS4 of Resident Evil.


    • #17
      Originally Posted by wesker566
      I want RE6 to be the MGS4 of Resident Evil.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	278px-FIRST_REACTION....jpg
Views:	1
Size:	35.8 KB
ID:	400882
      PSN Gamercards


      • #18
        MGS4's story wasn't half as crazy as MGS2's. It just tried to do too much.


        • #19
          Hahahaha that's awesome!

          Ugh no I meant as a rap-up. Just an ending to the series. Nothing more.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
            So Chris and Leon are now declared the main protagonists of the series?

            What ever happened to our beloved Jill and Claire?

            I'd rather have more of the females than more of the 'roid ragin', Donkey Kong lookalike Chris and the super cool emotionless, "I'm a Terminator" Leon.
            The newer RE games seem to cater to the "bro" crowd, and said demographic enjoys playing as stereotypical action heroes with little personality. They want the chicks in there, too, but only in cut scenes and definitely not as playable characters, because it's totally gay to play as the chick.

            I don't expect Jill, Claire, or Ada to be around much longer, personally. The masses want super-hot young (read: late teenagers; younger in Japan) chicks in their games, not "old" 30-somethings like our beloved RE lead gals. Expect Sherry, Ashley, Manuela, and possibly Sheva (but she might be too old at 23) to become the new female leads of the series, while Jill and Claire slowly die in a gutter somewhere.

            Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
            Resident Evil is a game to be fun, not watching a film with a bat shit insane story.
            True that. I'm sick of games trying to emulate film. I want great gameplay first and foremost!
            Last edited by Det. Beauregard; 02-05-2012, 01:38 PM.
            Mass production? Ridiculous!


            • #21
              For a company like Capcom there's only two ways it can go down.

              1. The route franchises like Dino Crisis went. Trying to be creative and expand to other platforms in order to broaden the audience. Despite the open ending of its sequel the third game distanced itself in story, setting and game design on a system not normally known to DC gamers. As such fans were alienated and newcomers just didn't care either. In some cases the game is just simply bad and despite leaving a large world with open stories to further more games the company instead decides to close the book on it.

              2. It won't end. Not as long as the interest is high and they can find a way to bring in a new crowd with a development team still interested in working on the games. If the new crowd and fans jump on these different hand helds and consoles with appealing games then the series will always continue in some way. I have heard countless times about how RE4 was supposed to be the one that decided whether the series was going to make it or die off just as Dino Crisis did. They brought in a new way to play the game along with distancing the story yet keeping enough connections to call it a sequel.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                I'm afraid that this is my reaction, to this very scary over reaction.Settle down dude, seriously.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	1977608-epic_facepalm_when_you_just_know_you_messed_up_dem.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	78.2 KB
ID:	400883
                Last edited by Wrathborne; 02-05-2012, 04:19 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                  The newer RE games seem to cater to the "bro" crowd, and said demographic enjoys playing as stereotypical action heroes with little personality. They want the chicks in there, too, but only in cut scenes and definitely not as playable characters, because it's totally gay to play as the chick.

                  I don't expect Jill, Claire, or Ada to be around much longer, personally. The masses want super-hot young (read: late teenagers; younger in Japan) chicks in their games, not "old" 30-somethings like our beloved RE lead gals. Expect Sherry, Ashley, Manuela, and possibly Sheva (but she might be too old at 23) to become the new female leads of the series, while Jill and Claire slowly die in a gutter somewhere.

                  True that. I'm sick of games trying to emulate film. I want great gameplay first and foremost!
                  Unfortunately the name "cinematic" horror makes me think that is what it will be. The line is getting blurred between gaming and video, and then people complain how there is only 57 minutes of cutscenes.


                  • #24
                    because it's totally gay to play as the chick.

                    Are you fuckin' kidding me?
                    What guy in the world would NOT play as the chick?


                    • #25
                      Wouldn't it be more gay to want to stare at a guys ass for ten hours of gameplay?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by alinhoalisson
                        What guy in the world would NOT play as the chick?
                        Me. I always preferred playing as a male protagonist's easier to relate to someone of the same sex ^^


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Grem View Post
                          Me. I always preferred playing as a male protagonist's easier to relate to someone of the same sex ^^
                          Yeah, but did you NEVER played as the chick in some game?
                          Prefer guys is one thing, saying that play as the chick is gay is another. XD


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                            Wouldn't it be more gay to want to stare at a guys ass for ten hours of gameplay?
                            You're not staring at their asses but at the enemies trying to kill you.

                            If a guy wants to play as girl or a girl wants to play as a guy let them play, people care too much about "why".


                            • #29
                              I know. I'm making fun of the whole gay as an insult thing. Surely, since a good chunk of screen is filled with waggling man ass (especially in sections where you're cleared out/are moving to murder new enemies) then it would be more gay to play as a man rather than looking at a ladies shapely posterior?

                              Not that it matters to me - I'm bi, and I'm married, and I never found fictional characters not played by Claudia Black sexy - but if the dude is gonna use gay as an insult I'm gonna rib him.


                              • #30
                                Anyone remember like last year when RE5's producer said in an interview that RE6 was supposed to be something brand new and a total reboot of the franchise? It seriously doesn't seem that way at all ... The only part that gave me hope about RE6 in general was the beginning of the trailer and a bit after Leon shot the President. It had that really creepy vibe, but still had the immense action that RE5 has. I'm still going to hope that this'll be good :/

