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Billy Coen for RE5?

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  • #16
    The trailer is obviously CG. You can't do light bleeding like that with an engine yet, sorry ;). Which makes the whole "tech demo" concept pretty mute, especially considering Microsoft and Sony would be mad not to pick up the next title in one of the top selling series after Resident Evil 4's performance.

    Edit: That is not to say that the trailer is no longer relevant. Given the interviews spreading around it seems to me they didn't seriously begin working on the game until earlier this year.
    Last edited by Krispy; 06-19-2007, 04:23 PM.


    • #17
      I'm 99.9% sure he's talking about Umbrella Chronicles instead.

      Besides, how would he fit into the story? Billy was just another come-and-go character, like Carlos.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #18
        Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure that in one of the interviews (I think this one was conducted by Famitsu with Takeuchi) Takeuchi actually says that the quality shown in the trailer may not be truly represented in the final product - The game. Basically what is shown in the trailer - Demonstration is quite simply that. However this I believe was not an off-hand basic demonstraton, the effort into making it correct with regards to Resident Evil itself I think would and should have been represented in the trailer i.e. the character likeness - Tattoo etc.

        If it is Billy, they've messed up anyway, even if this was a demonstration.
        Last edited by Jericho; 06-19-2007, 06:56 PM.


        • #19
          That character looks so much like Chris. Billy, no way. To me he even looks more like Bruce than Billy. No doubt to me, thats Chris.
          Last edited by CaptainDinobot; 06-19-2007, 10:12 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jericho View Post
            Dot50Cal - My thoughts exactly, there was no mention on Billy playing a leading role though i.e. Being the character in the Trailer.

            I'd love to see Billy in the game, but I would be astonished if some how he turned out to be one of or the Main Character, that Tattoo disappearing would need a lot of explanation. Even so, if that trailer does turn out to be quite simply a demonstration; Cheers to Capcom for making their fans speculate over nothing for well over a year.
            Laser tattoo removal. Lol, and those pictures =


            • #21
              Haha, that was considered, but on a Tattoo that big? I think that falls into the obscene category. It at least classifies as stupid - You could say he had it removed to remain anonymous, but Rebecca reported him as dead. There'd be no reason. So the point stands, why have the Tattoo removed.


              • #22
                Maybe it was just a paint tattoo

                Or maybe he realised how suspicious it made him look . . .


                • #23
                  or maybe just maybe the character seen in the RE5 trailer isnt billy coen at all ?

                  ya know ..


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Jericho View Post
                    Haha, that was considered, but on a Tattoo that big? I think that falls into the obscene category. It at least classifies as stupid - You could say he had it removed to remain anonymous, but Rebecca reported him as dead. There'd be no reason. So the point stands, why have the Tattoo removed.
                    It looks to be pretty unique. If he was reported as dead that would be part of his description, and he could easily be spotted unless he kept it hidden or had it removed.

                    Or maybe he realised how suspicious it made him look . . .
                    Like that.


                    • #25
                      A-J hit the nail on the head. The point is, all of these suggestions about the disappearence of Billy's Tattoo (if the character seen in the Trailer) are not plausible. I'm sticking with Chris Redfield.

                      Haha and Summoner, if he gets caught he deserves to, clearly you'd have to get away from the people who know you by appearence.
                      Last edited by Jericho; 06-21-2007, 11:37 AM.


                      • #26
                        Maybe it's even a new character.


                        • #27
                          IMDb has updated his site, and fix a little error. The game they just to call Biohazard 5 is actually Biohazard The Umbrella Chronicles. Now all makes sense and Billy does appear.

                          Last edited by Ridley W. Hayes; 06-22-2007, 10:45 AM.


                          • #28
                            Na, it can't be - Takeuchi again mentioned that we should be able to figure out who the main character is when we consider the fact that A lot of the team working on Resident Evil 5 were part of the original game's production team:

                            With regards to main character and background setting, Takeuchi states that we should be able to figure out the main character when we consider that members of the development team that created the original Resident Evil are working on this game. This would suggest that the main character pictured in the magazine is Chris (the bearded character in all the screenshots does resemble an older version of Chris).

                            If we should be able to figure it out, this means it must be a character we are familiar with from one of the older games.
                            Last edited by Jericho; 06-22-2007, 10:57 AM.


                            • #29
                              Obviously not Leon, Barry I think died, I don't remember. Chris is a good bet. Could be one of the Russians from Nemesis.
                              Last edited by Summoner; 06-22-2007, 11:43 AM.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Summoner View Post
                                Obviously not Leon, Barry I think died, I don't remember. Chris is a good bet. Could be one of the Russians from Nemesis.
                                No, Barry is not dead.

                                Jericho, in the interview maked by Famitsu to Takeuchi, he commented that "the main character is someone that the developing team is very fond of", and later he said what you said, that the developing team is composed of staff members who worked on the first Resident Evil. So, we all say than it's Chris.

