And shit spirals down the road of insanity, do you think its the responsibility of fans to work together and make sure that the series dies?
I was remembering how god awful the Final Fantasy series has become over the last 17 years or so, and what used to be a fun RPG series that had interesting characters and mythology...turned into the end of the world emo series that had characters no one really gives a fuck about and more of an emphasis on graphics than anything.
After RE5 was released I think a lot of us saw the series heading down the same direction, and even with RE6 coming out this year and going back to some of the classic elements...I'm still really skeptical about the series future, and I know lots of folks on the forum are as well.
The series has taken a pretty big beating since Shinji Mikami left after RE4 and I'm really starting to feel that the series is about at the point of no return and that our voices as fans aren't heard anymore really. Even with RE revelations, I think its a little too late.
As long as the games keep selling, Capcom doesn't care(Usual for a business model really), so my question to you all is, once the series hits the point of no return, do you think its our responsibility as fans to kill it?
I dont mean just not buy the next game ourselves, I mean actively work together with other fans and make sure that the company loses money. While that may sound kind of petty and what not, when it comes down to it there are plenty of game corporations that do listen to their fanbases and try to work with them in order to keep them happy.
Loyal customers are just as important as new customers, and when companies and fans work together, almost everyone wins.I say almost, because there are some people who are never happy with anything.
I kind of think that it is our responsibility to do this, we may not have the money at stake on a game that the company does, but we're invested with the series too.
Those of us who have been there from game one, and those of us who are a little more new to the series and have gone back and played it in its entirety and want the same thing, we're invested our money and time to help the series continue and our voices should be heard. I don't think anyone really wants a new RE game to just out right fail(even ORC), but when things start to fall needs to die.
Scrap everything and start from the beginning, or even find a new point in the series history to start over, doesn't matter, something has to happen...because if it doesn't, then the sooner the series stops entirely, the better for everyone.
I'd rather replay the older games and know the series is dead, than play the older games and continue watching something I grew up playing become a larger louder glistening turd.
What are you gents and gentles thoughts on this?
I was remembering how god awful the Final Fantasy series has become over the last 17 years or so, and what used to be a fun RPG series that had interesting characters and mythology...turned into the end of the world emo series that had characters no one really gives a fuck about and more of an emphasis on graphics than anything.
After RE5 was released I think a lot of us saw the series heading down the same direction, and even with RE6 coming out this year and going back to some of the classic elements...I'm still really skeptical about the series future, and I know lots of folks on the forum are as well.
The series has taken a pretty big beating since Shinji Mikami left after RE4 and I'm really starting to feel that the series is about at the point of no return and that our voices as fans aren't heard anymore really. Even with RE revelations, I think its a little too late.
As long as the games keep selling, Capcom doesn't care(Usual for a business model really), so my question to you all is, once the series hits the point of no return, do you think its our responsibility as fans to kill it?
I dont mean just not buy the next game ourselves, I mean actively work together with other fans and make sure that the company loses money. While that may sound kind of petty and what not, when it comes down to it there are plenty of game corporations that do listen to their fanbases and try to work with them in order to keep them happy.
Loyal customers are just as important as new customers, and when companies and fans work together, almost everyone wins.I say almost, because there are some people who are never happy with anything.
I kind of think that it is our responsibility to do this, we may not have the money at stake on a game that the company does, but we're invested with the series too.
Those of us who have been there from game one, and those of us who are a little more new to the series and have gone back and played it in its entirety and want the same thing, we're invested our money and time to help the series continue and our voices should be heard. I don't think anyone really wants a new RE game to just out right fail(even ORC), but when things start to fall needs to die.
Scrap everything and start from the beginning, or even find a new point in the series history to start over, doesn't matter, something has to happen...because if it doesn't, then the sooner the series stops entirely, the better for everyone.
I'd rather replay the older games and know the series is dead, than play the older games and continue watching something I grew up playing become a larger louder glistening turd.
What are you gents and gentles thoughts on this?