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Project Umbrella TV

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Stu View Post
    So basically - no one actually made a claim?
    I wasn't sure what term to use at first (and it wasn't me who initially called them copyright claims). My mistake.
    Last edited by News Bot; 03-09-2012, 06:03 PM.


    • #17
      Hi to everyone in the forum.First let me start by saying that the collection of videos hosted in the Project Umbrella TV on Youtube is amazing.You guys are maniacs.I would like to ask about the torrent thing though.Are you still going to upload the material in torrents and if so when?Great staff once again.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Jim88 View Post
        Hi to everyone in the forum.First let me start by saying that the collection of videos hosted in the Project Umbrella TV on Youtube is amazing.You guys are maniacs.I would like to ask about the torrent thing though.Are you still going to upload the material in torrents and if so when?Great staff once again.
        We've still got a lot to go, so torrents will be done once everything else is ready.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #19
          Subscribed, man...just looking at that RE4 trailer compared to say RE5 or RE6, times have changed in how much budget is put into these trailers.


          • #20
            That's quite a task you guys are doing, kudos on that. What about videos for Biohazard 1.5? If interested I can rip them from those 6 Hyper Playstation Re-mix CDs and send them over, it would be the best video quality available on the web at the moment.

            Also to throw something out there:

            Probably nobody knows, but I'd like to ask anyway - what is the origin of this REmake Beta Tech Demo for gamecube? I doubt it was released with any sort of promo materials, more like a test video that's leaked during the production stages.


            • #21
              It came from the offical Biohazard website. They put a few things up over time like this. There was also some animation tech demos from environments not in REmake or Zero. There was a stairwell with water pouring down it and a castle hallway on fire. The hallway seemingly matched the environments in the possessed 3.5 trailer but it was never confirmed if they actually came from that.

              That fly through shows the fully rendered environments that were turn snapshotted for the backgrounds but the quality is why they held up for being used in Umbrella Chronicles.
              Last edited by Rombie; 07-23-2012, 11:57 PM.


              • #22
                That would be great! Have to make sure they're the original .STD files though.

                The mansion presentation was available on the official Japanese website, which is no longer active sadly. Had a lot of other videos, such as Jill performing some martial arts and a laser gun that was scrapped.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                  It came from the offical Biohazard website. They put a few things up over time like this. There was also some animation tech demos from environments not in REmake or Zero. There was a stairwell with water pouring down it and a castle hallway on fire. The hallway seemingly matched the environments in the possessed 3.5 trailer but it was never confirmed if they actually came from that.
                  Interesting information, thank you. So these tech demos were probably showcases of work-in-progress but some of them got cut and never made into final versions REmake or Zero. Too bad it is impossible to have the raw video files of that stuff unless someone saved them while the old website was up.

                  Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  That would be great! Have to make sure they're the original .STD files though.
                  You mean .STR right. Sure I can just send you the raw STR files and you can convert them in what ever format is better, but keep in mind that the most up to date program that handles conversion of PSX video/audio formats is jPSXdec and the only way it detects video/data/picture data is through scanning the Iso (yes only Iso) of the disc. It will not recognize separate .str (or any other) files.

                  So the options here would be: making the most lossless (AVI uncompressed RGB) video file that jPSXdec can produce, which usually results in ~300 to 500 MB for a couple minutes of footage - or - making an image (Iso) of the entire 6 discs and sending them over, but I'd rather exclude that option because frankly they are just too rare collector's items and cost me a fortune to give away in its entirety like that.
                  Last edited by MiLØ; 07-23-2012, 11:22 PM.


                  • #24

                    Man you guys were quick in responding. There is a web archive of the site in 2003. The videos aren't there but most of the images are.

                    The extra section showed the martial arts thing News Bot mentioned as well as a laser weapon that was dropped from being a bonus unlockables.

                    I don't know if the making of section was ever translated properly but there is another thing you can add to your list News Bot.

                    I think I have all of the original videos on CD somewhere. I will have a look and let you know.
                    Last edited by Rombie; 07-23-2012, 11:23 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
                      Interesting information, thank you. So these tech demos were probably showcases of work-in-progress but some of them got cut and never made into final versions REmake or Zero. Too bad it is impossible to have the raw video files of that stuff unless someone saved them while the old website was up.

                      You mean .STR right. Sure I can just send you the raw STR files and you can convert them in what ever format is better, but keep in mind that the most up to date program that handles conversion of PSX video/audio formats is jPSXdec and the only way it detects video/data/picture data is through scanning the Iso (yes only Iso) of the disc. It will not recognize separate .str (or any other) files.

                      So the options here would be: making the most lossless (AVI uncompressed RGB) video file that jPSXdec can produce, which usually results in ~300 to 500 MB for a couple minutes of footage - or - making an image (Iso) of the entire 6 discs and sending them over, but I'd rather exclude that option because frankly they are just too rare collector's items and cost me a fortune to give away in its entirety like that.
                      I already have another method of converting them so don't worry about it.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #26
                        Very well, will send you a link with Bio1.5 STRs tonight.

                        And Rombie, would be nice if you did happen to still have those videos somewhere. And thanks for the webarchive.


                        • #27
                          I found all of them over two discs in their 640x480 interlaced video, audio hissing circa early 2000s mpeg glory. I will see what I can do about uploading them sometime.
                          Last edited by Rombie; 07-23-2012, 11:59 PM.


                          • #28
                            News Bot, a PM with the link is sent.
                            I was going to release the videos in enhanced quality, was experimenting with different Avisynth editors and FFDShow video decoder and basically learning all that stuff at, but since this Project Umbrella TV thing is happening might as well turn them over as it is, if you want do your magic with it.


                            • #29
                              That material art video with Jill is on youtube, or at least it was back when I watched it.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
                                That material art video with Jill is on youtube, or at least it was back when I watched it.
                                I have all the videos from the Capcom website in my Rebirth list. Of course, PU's quality is better.
                                Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page

