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Project Umbrella TV

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  • #46
    PS1 sampler pages for Bio and DC:

    As far as I know, that should be complete lists of HPR with Bio/DC.
    lostreleases // demopals


    • #47
      Ah, the BH3 and GS videos I have area actually from PurePure Plus 002 1999 December.

      You wouldn't by any chance be able to rip the stuff I'm missing would you? D:
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #48
        I have never spun the actual discs, so I don't know if the Bio3 and Gan Sabaiba videos are the same on PP and HPR discs. Or Dengeki discs for that matter.

        I would have loved to rip all that junk and made them available for download, but I just don't have the time. It's a full time job only to find all of this. I have a few hundred items lying around left to scan and add to my various sites, not to mention a few hundred DVDs to look through for survival horror contents...

        Also, a lot of them are sealed.

        Use it for what it is, a guide to what's out there.
        Last edited by Anders; 07-29-2013, 06:32 PM.
        lostreleases // demopals


        • #49
          News Bot, can I give you a suggestion?

          You should mention the month and year of the Hyper PlayStation Re-Mix issue in the description of the videos.

          I would also advise, if possible, that you attempted to find out the exact date when those videos were burned in the disc. To give you a proper example of its importance, it was Darkside05 at ASSEMBLER forums who first told us that Hyper PlayStation Re-mix No. 3 BioHazard's video had been burned in 27th of November of 1996. This, in turn, was the first time we had tangible evidence that the complete disc development stage had began before December, which was later (in the MZB data) confirmed (by Ys1, if I'm not mistaken).

          Also, when you do decide to put the raw footage on the a torrent or hosted to ProjectUmbrella, have you decided how you're going to handle the Complete Disc footage? From what I recall, the native resolution of those videos is 320pixels per 240 pixels, but the actual footage shows up as 160pixels per 120pixels. Are you going to upscale it, or leave it be?

          BioHazard YouTube Channel
          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


          • #50
            I was already planning to provide more details on each video later on down the line. Right now, getting the stuff up in general is first priority. I'm one of the most anal people imaginable and a lot of my time is spent pondering how best to categorize everything, so don't worry.

            The Complete Disc footage logically should be 320x240 (like the BH1 videos), but for some reason or another, they weren't encoded at that resolution. They only exist in 160x120. I only upscale for YouTube's benefit since it assigns lower bitrates to lower res footage (thus, lower quality). People can use the likes of FFDShow to upscale during playback of the raw video themselves with no difference from upscaling at the encode stage. From there, people can simply encode them however they like.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • #51
              Yeah. PS1 stuff does a lot of half-resolutions and stuff for videos, so not everything's as good as it could be.

              Some of the stuff I put up from various preview discs in the past, such as the "PlayPlay"-videos of certain things is like in god awful 120x96 or something


              • #52
                All BIO4 cutscenes have been uploaded in 720p. Only Ada's Report remains.

                We've also uploaded several BIO0 N64 videos from E3 2000.

                Up next is CODE:Veronica (HD).
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #53
                  Too bad the footage of Bio0 64 was never released on any kind of promotional media from Capcom, only the live recordings..


                  • #54

                    I'll be uploading my original encodes somewhere down the line too, but everything will be up on PUTV first.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • #55
                      Any news on how the "Jessica's Report" translation is going?


                      • #56
                        Jessica's Report has already been translated. You can find it at Project Umbrella under Supplemental Material > Documents > Jessica's Report. We will upload both the video and the subtitles once we finish making the encoding for Youtube.


                        • #57
                          A few updates, I guess.

                          1) Channel renamed to "Project Umbrella" per Google's weird policy of keeping names the same as Google+ pages. Now the channel has two names. Heh.
                          2) Begun uploading CVX cutscenes (720p). Finished disc one.
                          3) Begun uploading BH0 cutscenes (720p).

                          Quite a lot of other miscellaneous stuff to come, from trailers to interviews and so on. Just trying to find the time for all of it.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            A few updates, I guess.

                            1) Channel renamed to "Project Umbrella" per Google's weird policy of keeping names the same as Google+ pages. Now the channel has two names. Heh.
                            2) Begun uploading CVX cutscenes (720p). Finished disc one.
                            3) Begun uploading BH0 cutscenes (720p).

                            Quite a lot of other miscellaneous stuff to come, from trailers to interviews and so on. Just trying to find the time for all of it.
                            Yea. I run a youtube channel for my business and google forced me to change my name, AND make a g+ page. Hopefully these pathetic policies about forcing us to use real names and have G+ accounts causes people to move to Dailymotion.
                            Visit the Resident Evil 1.5 wiki and contribute to (Hopefully), a central zone for all 1.5 info.


                            • #59
                              Why? Google+ will form the backbone of Google in a couple of years, they're centralizing everything around it. With the integration of Youtube comments they now have tons of extra (and more relevant) content, not to mention they're going to start rolling out user endorsements soon. It'll soon become much more important, especially with stuff like Google Glasses etc on the way. I know they're working on some more content APIs as well, so site link up will be easier (similar to FB).

                              I see it as a plus (get it?) and a minus. On the one hand being able to create millions of weird accounts for all types of Google services was handy, but on the other, it was a real pain in the ass finding the log in links and such. A bit of organisation and getting out of this "beta" status will be better for everyone IMO.


                              • #60
                                Tried REmake with the widescreen hack but the results were... less than desirable. 3D objects would be inexplicably moved, so it seems the game relies on the 4:3 ratio a lot more than BIO0.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

