So no doubt most of us are aware about the typo on the cover sleeve to Resident Evil: Revelations.
Once discovered Capcom acted quickly by allowing you to have an additional sleeve with the proper correct spelling. As I was out of country I had my brother pick up my preorder for me. He informed me that I was a member of Club 'Revelaitons' so I decided to send an e-mail out to Capcom.
I actually think the misprint copy is a one of a kind to have in my collection. But nevertheless, being the self-entitled smart ass that I am I felt as though I deserved a little more than just simply another sleeve. I wanted an apology. Because I'm that special.
So I sent the following e-mail to Capcom.
Revelaitons sleeve
Following up on this article I wanted to inquire about a new case insert with the correct spelling. However, if at all possible could I make a request?
Could you autograph the new insert with the following:
To Smiley,
Sorry about the misprint!
Love, Capcom
Naturally, I didn't expect anything of the sort. I never took Capcom for making sincere direct apologies out to any particular fans.
By the time I arrived home from my trip to Australia I was greeted with a Capcom envelope in the mail. I admit curiosity had gotten the better of me. Then I tore the envelope open to discover that there was my sleeve. Proper spelling. No autograph. I was not disappointed. I figured they just took the address I gave them and went on their merry way answering other e-mails and phone calls.
So with that out of the way I got to finally play my copy of the game. For a hand held title this is quite impressive. My most anticipated game on the 3DS ends up being one of my favorites to no surprise. It was as though RE1 and RE4 joined forces to combine both modern third person controls and a large structure to venture though that is reminiscent to the very first mansion. While it wasn't a traditional survival horror game, it certainly is a step in the right direction when it comes to bringing the fear back into survival horror games again.
But this wasn't meant to be a review. I just figured that I ought to give them credit where it was due and say that even though it's not a complete return to form the game is still one of the best the series has to offer right now.
I thought that today as I took a road trip and played the game on the go. When I got home tonight I checked my mail. Rummaging through it I found another Capcom envelope addressed to me. I was very surprised, and had a funny feeling about what could it be. I already got my sleeve. But I wondered.
I opened it up.
"To Smiley,
Sorry about the misprint!
So not only did I get a Revelaitons sleeve. Capcom sent me one with the correct spelling. Then they sent me another one with a personal apology.
Capcom, as far as I'm concerned all is forgiven. And you made a good game to boot.
Once discovered Capcom acted quickly by allowing you to have an additional sleeve with the proper correct spelling. As I was out of country I had my brother pick up my preorder for me. He informed me that I was a member of Club 'Revelaitons' so I decided to send an e-mail out to Capcom.
I actually think the misprint copy is a one of a kind to have in my collection. But nevertheless, being the self-entitled smart ass that I am I felt as though I deserved a little more than just simply another sleeve. I wanted an apology. Because I'm that special.
So I sent the following e-mail to Capcom.
Revelaitons sleeve
Following up on this article I wanted to inquire about a new case insert with the correct spelling. However, if at all possible could I make a request?
Could you autograph the new insert with the following:
To Smiley,
Sorry about the misprint!
Love, Capcom
Naturally, I didn't expect anything of the sort. I never took Capcom for making sincere direct apologies out to any particular fans.
By the time I arrived home from my trip to Australia I was greeted with a Capcom envelope in the mail. I admit curiosity had gotten the better of me. Then I tore the envelope open to discover that there was my sleeve. Proper spelling. No autograph. I was not disappointed. I figured they just took the address I gave them and went on their merry way answering other e-mails and phone calls.
So with that out of the way I got to finally play my copy of the game. For a hand held title this is quite impressive. My most anticipated game on the 3DS ends up being one of my favorites to no surprise. It was as though RE1 and RE4 joined forces to combine both modern third person controls and a large structure to venture though that is reminiscent to the very first mansion. While it wasn't a traditional survival horror game, it certainly is a step in the right direction when it comes to bringing the fear back into survival horror games again.
But this wasn't meant to be a review. I just figured that I ought to give them credit where it was due and say that even though it's not a complete return to form the game is still one of the best the series has to offer right now.
I thought that today as I took a road trip and played the game on the go. When I got home tonight I checked my mail. Rummaging through it I found another Capcom envelope addressed to me. I was very surprised, and had a funny feeling about what could it be. I already got my sleeve. But I wondered.
I opened it up.
"To Smiley,
Sorry about the misprint!
So not only did I get a Revelaitons sleeve. Capcom sent me one with the correct spelling. Then they sent me another one with a personal apology.
Capcom, as far as I'm concerned all is forgiven. And you made a good game to boot.