While part of me says this guy is talking out of his ass and saying that the US gamers are more the reason the series direction changed...the other part of me has to grudgingly accept that he isn't wrong either.
The demand for more action has been steadily increasing for over 10 years now, and while I myself do enjoy having more things to shoot...I still find myself going back to the older games to get the atmosphere and that got me into the series int he first place.
Though in the review I think its funny that he points out that Revelations "Is the way it is" because its more action oriented, but doesn't bother to mention the return to darker atmosphere and survival horror.
Survival horror is more a niche market again. He does say that RE6 wont be completely action orientated, which sound since and all...but this is coming from a producer. Producers can change their mind anytime they want too.
I"ll be back in my wheelchair remembering playing RE on ye olden Playstation one.