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Resident Evil Producer "Survival horror isnt popular enough in America"

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  • #61
    This thread is so depressing. Its all true. Nice to see everyone agreeing for a change. Some really good points made as well such as how they want to be COD but never will be. Looking at this thread and thinking about what is being said I feel like this is the beginning of the end. I can imagine Capcom pumping a ton of time, effort and money into the series to be the next COD failing miserably because lets face it the COD fanbase as annoying and mundayne as they are, they ARE loyal. Then Capcom will either come to their senses and make a survival horror came to save their series/company or just not being able to recover and I can honestly see the death of RE and even Capcom.
    Last edited by CrimsonElder; 03-25-2012, 01:55 PM.


    • #62
      Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
      I feel like this is the beginning of the end.
      Three games, a HD remaster and two movies and you think the series is winding down?



      • #63
        ^ I don't think Crimson meant ending as in winding down, I think it means "end" as in like, the final nail in the coffin of what the old series used to be.

        That's how I took it, anyway.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
          ^ I don't think Crimson meant ending as in winding down, I think it means "end" as in like, the final nail in the coffin of what the old series used to be.

          That's how I took it, anyway.
          Thats how I meant it. Sorry Stewie do you understand now?


          • #65
            Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
            I'm from Chicago, and I agree. There are so many ignorant people in this country that it sickens me. While I don't know what it's like to not be American, I try my best to understand.
            Spare me the whole "I'm from the place you curse and I am sickened by my country's ignorance".

            Let me fill you guys in on something. This isn't an American saying they want to generate American interest. You've had a developer in Japan and a Head of Marketing from Europe make these claims. The ignorance is coming from an outlook made by a company spanning different parts of the world. If gamers in America have an interest in a specific market and they allow that market to profit greatly then it only speaks on what direction other companies think they'll best profit from. That doesn't mean a specific country as a whole is to blame. If you're going to generate interest then be the best at what you're good at.

            I think there's enough of an American audience out there that enjoy other types of mediums besides the ones related to pure action. And even then, there's "good" action to be found. Not all of it is brainless. I speak this way about horror also.
            Last edited by Smiley; 03-25-2012, 10:40 PM.


            • #66
              Maybe I am just delusional but wasn't the final nail in the coffin re5, to me it was anyways it stripped everything down and took all things we love about re away.


              • #67
                Originally posted by BioHazardBeta View Post
                Maybe I am just delusional but wasn't the final nail in the coffin re5, to me it was anyways it stripped everything down and took all things we love about re away.
                Too many RE5 fans here to say that and not get away unscathed.


                • #68
                  RE5 was a testbed for co-op gameplay.
                  See you in hell.


                  • #69
                    RE5 was something alright... Something awful.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
                      Thats how I meant it. Sorry Stewie do you understand now?
                      No, don't think that's what you were getting at at all. Talking about the death of Capcom? Nah, you just changed your story that's all.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Stu View Post
                        No, don't think that's what you were getting at at all. Talking about the death of Capcom? Nah, you just changed your story that's all.
                        Really? Well everyone else saw what I was talking about buddy I just dont think your smart enough to click on. Lol aint seen you in weeks and all this going on and you show up and talk about me?? Wow did you miss me that much. I missed you to friend *Hugs*

                        Anyway back on topic for the big boys and people who wanna talk about RE. If your going to blame the downfall on RE5 then how the hell can you not pass it back to RE4. Because RE4 apparentley had elements of survival horror? I dunno about that but even if we say it did then it still started the chain of events that lead to all this. RE4 had way more stupid over the top nonsense action than RE5 and I'll prove it with one scene. The laser room. The shit Leon pulled off in that room was just stupid no man alive could do all that and if he could he would be in the olympics or something not a Cop/Bodyguard/Whatever he is now.
                        Last edited by CrimsonElder; 03-26-2012, 12:46 PM.


                        • #72
                          As someone else said, RE4 has horror elements - possessed humans with no will, hideous mutations, even Leon is infected. It simply doesn't have survival elements - even the knife is a powerful weapon when used right.

                          RE5 was worse in most ways to RE4. For every lazer room voodoo dance you have Chris and Sheva breathing sulphur dioxide in a volcano (the heat of which would also likely cause there flesh to ignite) and then back to RE4, where you have the magma pit room. They're both pretty awful in some aspects.

                          Besides, the Olympics don't pay that well.


                          • #73
                            Resident Evil 4 is a horror game. That's a stone cold fact. As is Resident Evil 5.

                            Were they scary elements? That's entirely subjective. You could sit down and watch something like Paranormal Activity and not be scared - doesn't mean it's not a horror film.

                            Originally posted by CrimsonElder View Post
                            Really? Well everyone else saw what I was talking about buddy I just dont think your smart enough to click on. Lol aint seen you in weeks and all this going on and you show up and talk about me?? Wow did you miss me that much. I missed you to friend *Hugs*
                            Awesome sense of self-worth you got there fella. Been posting regularly, but i apologise if you'd expected more thrown your way.

                            Bit weird.


                            • #74
                              I don't think it qualifies as a horror game - it has elements in it, but the atmosphere and character reactions are wrong to classify it as horror game. Sorta like Bubba Hotep. Sure, it has a killer mummy attacking people - horror. It also has Bruce Cambell as Elvis and JFK has been dyed black to hide him. Not horror.


                              • #75
                                We're talking monsters, creep village people being possessed, cheap scares, dark locales, a cast of expendible characters, a final scene against the game's prime antagonist.

                                That's horror in pretty much every sense surely?

