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Resident Evil Producer "Survival horror isnt popular enough in America"

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  • #91
    RE5 is a traditional love story copied over the events of RE1.

    Jill the fair maiden (probably not a maiden though)
    Chris the heroic knight who must save the maiden.
    Wesker the evil wizard who kidnapped her
    Plus evil minions the knight must deal with.

    As for the RE1 part.

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    It all makes perfect sense.
    Last edited by Dracarys; 03-26-2012, 06:28 PM.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • #92
      Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
      Much less inventory space in RE5, seriously...
      Click image for larger version

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      More inventory space did help out quite a bit...but you know what didn't help out at all? A bullet proof vest that you had to permanently carry in your inventory.
      However the amount of ammo dropped by Majini in RE5 was incredibly helpful, the first person Ndesu Boss fight with unlimited ammo was even more helpful. And all the explosive barrels when you fight the chainsaw Majini and executioner, it almost makes up for the bullshit you get when you have to deal with Sheva for 14 hrs.

      The fact that a good chunk of the boss AI in RE5 suffers from ADD because it has 2 targets to go after made things a lot easier. The Pookpriki....The Bat-Wasp fight was almost easy..except Sheva kept picking up the fucking land mines I placed.

      If you're getting a constant flow of ammo drops from enemies, then more or less inventory space doesn't really matter.

      Darkmoon, I"m afraid I must disagree with you and your epic beard.

      RE5s story was very minimal, it was all about chasing Wesker and saving the world. Thats it.

      RE4 was about saving a girl from an evil organization that was looking to expand. Along the way the main character reconnects with his love interested from 7 years prior. They stop the evil organization, she betrays him, but also saves his life and they all escape the place before it explodes.

      RE5 is Chris trying to locate Wesker in Africa, ends up finding out Jill is still alive and that Wesker is going to destroy mankind with the hentai virus, he saves Jill, defeats Wesker and saves the world.

      Sheva, Spencer,Irving, and Excella were all irrelevant.Doesn't matter what small contributions they made before the events of RE5, during the actual game they don't really do shit.

      Ultimately it is a smaller story with less going on, despite the global scale of Weskers 'Master plan'. But its not just the length of the story being shorter than RE5, its also other weirdly stupid things...Chris and Jill have been partners for 10 years now? They lovers or just poker buddies? Because the way Chris reacts mostly in the game about Jill is that shes a good poker buddy.

      At least Leon and Ada show some feelings towards eachother other than just trying to save each other when things get messy. Its things like that that made RE4's story stronger than RE5's.

      You're almost right about RE5 using RE1's story...but its such a sloppy job that it doesnpt really count in my opinion.


      • #93
        RE4's story is depressingly thin - Bad guy steals President's Daughter, plans to use her in evil ways. Good guy is sent, alone, rather than a giant platoon of Marines, to fight badguy. Battles bad guy minions, even one who was once a friend. Girl found (and lost half a dozen times), bad guy defeated, love interest steals stuff, game ends.

        RE5 is not much better - former comrade turned evil doer, backed by big corporation, finds his nemesisisis has showed up hours before the grand scheme is to go down. Wants to be god, as bad guys do. Good guy moarning death of old partner, finds new partners, empties local villages of any people, finds bad guy has old partner and is using as evil weapon, defeats and frees old partner, chases bad guy to volcano. Fights there, in stupid land, rockets, game ends.

        However, I feel there is more...heft to the RE5 story. It's connection to the previous games (compared to RE4's disconnect) helped add a certain depth to the story, if not the characters (because deep characters make Capcom sad) was something. All told, RE5 tried to tell an epic story of good vs evil, evil betraying other evil (twice), world domination and salvation wrapped up in a personal feud. It failed, but there was still more to it than RE4. If only because of that connection. It even tried for some surprising plot twists, the closest of which RE4 got was that Ada worked for Wesker (but didn't) and Leon and Ashley were infected. RE5's failed mostly because of Capcom's add campaign.

        There's not much in it, but RE5 does have more story. They're both pretty light, however, and both pretty shit.


        • #94
          4 doesn't feel like it has as much to it primarily because, it was a side story to take the series into a new direction. 5 should have furthered the direction 4 was headed, instead it just crashed hard. And ultimately RE5's biggest flaw is THIS is how they chose to end the Chris/Jill/Wesker/Umbrella story arc? What kind of fucking retard decided that ending it this way was even a good idea?

          Sooner or later Wesker was gonna have to die, we all know it...but in a Volcano with the hentai virus? No sir, I call systematic failure on this. The epic tale of good versus Evil is only epic if you give people an epic story. This had the basics of what could of been an epic story, but none of the follow through, and none of the thrills.

          This was borderline fan fiction and felt even more pretentious than RE4 did. But 4 at least kept things in the more B movie Universe than 5 did, 5 tried to make it a serious a more serious B movie universe that only Michael Bay could dream of creating.

          RE5 really as a whole is a Paul W.S Anderson Wet dream. RE4 while cheezy and a side story, had an more of a purpose: To move the series into a new direction and show that the RE universe can have more to it than the flesh eating zombies we've all grown up with.

          RE5 was just a rush job to end the original story arc. They spend what...5 years on the game? It went through how many revisions before they just copy and pasted half of RE4? Even if they did put a little more into the game for me, it still suffers from the Mass Effect 3 problem:Huge build up to a shitty ending that no one wanted.

          I give RE4 more credit for making a world that was more explorable, different settings, and a creative new virus. Las Plagas was a breath of fresh air, even though we all still wanted more T, or G-virus. The newer enemies and monsters all worked quite well and the inventory and weapon upgrade complains about that.

          But even if RE5 it had a better ending the game itself storywise and gameplay wise felt barebones. The modified original RE inventory system was a huge limitation, the AI partner was a waste of resources, 75% of the enemies were recycled over from RE5(BTW, since when was Uruburos just a Las Plagas knock off? Thought it was supposed to be its own thing?) and the world of RE5 felt more constricted and linear than 4 did(4 had some alternate paths mixed in, don't deny it Smiley).

          It was ultimately forgettable.
          Last edited by Wrathborne; 03-26-2012, 08:34 PM.


          • #95
            RE4 is good for people getting into the series because it has the least ties and works as a stand alone story introducing new monsters. Sure Ada Wong is the connection for Leon to RE2, but they manage to sum her story up as a spy who steals samples. Revelations also works as a side adventure with little ties to the main story thus far.

            You don't need to play the other games to get RE5, but it does feel dependent on being a fan for the plot to work. If you didn't know Jill Valentine from any of the games you might not care as much about what happens to her unlike the game's protagonist. With RE4 Ashley is only important to Leon because she's the bosses daughter, and Saddler only serves his villainous role this one time. With Jill the RE fan is more interested because she's one of the main characters. Wesker has been in the series long enough to be considered one of the top villains so defeating him seems more important.


            • #96
              Wesker has been in the series long enough to be considered one of the top villains so defeating him seems more important.

              Absolutely...but a volcano...a fucking volcano...ugh.


              • #97
                Because volcanic backgrounds are supposed to be epic during the climax. And Capcom wants to relish on an epic action adventure rather than eerie claustrophobic tension.

                You Only Live Twice? No, Revenge of the Sith? Err.... Return of the King?


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                  ..Dude RE5 is a copy and paste job of RE4 with more enemies, adjusted battle mechanics, and less story.
                  Well I thought so to. If anyone asks me whats RE4 like I just say its basically RE5 without the co-op. So everyone doesnt agree with that ok. As far as co-op killing RE I dunno do you think if Dead Space was co-op and was exactly the same game but with two of you do you think it would be less scary? Could be pretty terrifying seeing your partner being mauled to death by a Necro and then that Necro coming after you. Would be pretty cool they just have to do it right. I'm not holding out any hope for RE6 in terms of survival horror and I dont think any of you should because YOU WILL be dissapointed but I dont think its to much to expect a good game. 5 was a good game in my opinion, you cant play through 5 and say oh that was shit because its far from it it had good graphics, sceneary, music, controls. They just need to work on the a.i., enemies and character.

                  Edit: I have choosen to forget about survival horror in an RE game because it only leads to dissapointed. If it does someday come about again like Revelations then we will be pleasntly supprised. With RE6 I'm just hoping for a good game, good story, and no bullshit characters like we have been getting latley. We need more Parkers and Beards and less Jessicas and Raymonds. This is a Bio-terriorism team not the fashion police's top 10 most wanted.
                  Last edited by CrimsonElder; 03-26-2012, 08:57 PM.


                  • #99
                    I don't think taking away the forced co-op would have made RE5 scarier. But it would have made it a better game. For a game that feels important to the series no one wants to admit that Spoiler:
                    Last edited by Smiley; 03-26-2012, 08:55 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
                      This was borderline fan fiction and felt even more pretentious than RE4 did. But 4 at least kept things in the more B movie Universe than 5 did, 5 tried to make it a serious a more serious B movie universe that only Michael Bay could dream of creating.
                      This is how I feel, too. RE4's story was fun because it never took itself seriously, whereas RE5 just tried to be too epic and summer blockbuster-ish. Aside from a few random dialogue bits, there was nothing that wasn't 100% serious. This is one of the reasons why I think that Leon is a more popular character than Chris - because RE5 made the latter extremely dull.

                      RE4 had some bizarre story choices and a few WTF moments, but it was a simple and effective story. And for me, I didn't really even realize how effective it was until I saw the images during the credits. In the end it is quite a dark story, but you have to get through the one-liner cheese on the surface. It didn't have the complexity of the RE2/RE3 era, and it may not have felt like Resident Evil as we knew it, but it wasn't terrible.

                      RE5 by comparison had none of this. The addition of Sheva as a playable character at the last minute could not have been more obvious; the game is literally 100% about Chris and his goals (Sheva only gets that one part of that one scene on the boat in the marshlands). Throw in more useless, boring characters like Irving, Excella, Josh, etc. to round out the already thin plot, and make sure to bring back the series' main antagonist just to ruin him and viola! You've got a story! But I can't leave out brainwashed Jill, since that made complete sense. Just fucking awful, and I still can't believe that people are just like "whatever" when they see Jill Valentine running up the walls like a crazy galactic ninja (at least the previous games tried to maintain some sense of realism). RE5's story may have touched more on the series' mythology than RE4's did, and I do respect small parts of it for that. But it doesn't change the fact that it's simply a boring story that tries to overcompensate for it by throwing in epic out-of-place set pieces and Hollywood-style production values.
                      Mass production? Ridiculous!


                      • I honestly can say that re5 to me was the final nail in the coffin of the series, the first time I played the game i felt like it was a action shooter ala gears of war or something else. In saying that there was no atmosphere no creepiness no survivor horror elements and my opinion is its the producers fault they need the people who created the game to bring it back to acceptable level. So many games, shows have been plagued by this problem. I understand that things need to evolve to a certain extent but they went way to far obviously you don't want to make the same game over but there was vast improvements they could have made without jeopardizing what made the series great in the first place. Survival Horror
                        Last edited by BioHazardBeta; 03-26-2012, 10:25 PM.


                        • Uh, maybe Survival Horror would be more popular if they made more Survival Horror games?
                          "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                          Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                          • Originally posted by REmaster View Post
                            Uh, maybe Survival Horror would be more popular if they made more Survival Horror games?
                            Fucking hell.


                            • Originally posted by REmaster View Post
                              Uh, maybe Survival Horror would be more popular if they made more Survival Horror games?
                              Over-saturation of Survival Horror is what killed it in the first place. CAPCOM were terrified of straying from a very tired format and it began to show. The final nail in the coffin was BH0.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                Over-saturation of Survival Horror is what killed it in the first place. CAPCOM were terrified of straying from a very tired format and it began to show. The final nail in the coffin was BH0.
                                They didn't needed to stay in the same gameplay forever, I wouldn't mind the changes as long as their games kept the "Horror" and some other elements on it. Like the lack of ammo/life, no continues, some kind of saving limitation (ink ribbons), having to find weapons and ammo by yourself, etc. They just made RE4 afterwards too easy, action-like and lacking good plot.

