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Resident Evil levels of gore

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  • #31
    There was a "these" missing up in my line there (BUT IT'S THERE NOW!!1!!). As in current day TV contains way more relationships being established than ones being ruined.


    • #32
      Originally posted by MiLØ View Post
      To some extend I want to disagree that since 2000 RE games were less gory.

      RE4 had multiple death animations (decapitations or face melted off by acid) and RE5 was definitely a step up in that direction.

      Dead Space 1&2 are a benchmark for the most detailed, violent and gruesome death sequences in horror games, but I don't think RE should get to get level of "nasty", it would feel quite right.
      Re4 was not gory.... yea they had some crazy death scene's but the gore was meh. I seriously seen more gore in re1, re2 and re3 then any resi game out.

      1.5 had nice gore and ripped/bloody clothing animations when elza or leon got attacked..... they were even going to put that in code veronica but took it out inn the beta stages.


      • #33
        I must say one of my favourite moments of violence in the series is actually Richard's attack by Yawn in the Nightmare scenario of Umbrella Chronicles, the blood splashing against Rebecca is very visceral in it subltety, and the violence of the attack comes through very well. The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
        Review and contributor for


        • #34
          Because I think people forget how brutal RE4 was:

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          Aside from the "arooo" deaths, there's a lot of content in there that is truly gruesome that I don't think any game has yet replicated. Dead Space and Mortal Kombat are too over-the-top about it, so the effect is lessened. Heavy Rain's finger-cutting is pretty disturbing, but's it's mostly off-screen and over in a flash.

          It's a shame that RE5 and likely RE6 had to be censored, but that's what happens in a world where no one country's idea of censorship can coexist.
          A man chooses...a slave obeys.


          • #35
            The decapitations in RE4 still gets me. To me, they're seriously some of the most insane things I've seen in a game. There's just something about how quick it goes on a well established and fleshed out character and the general thought of how a chainsaw works as a tool... and it's all there, on-screen.


            • #36
              Arms getting blown off... ahh the old stuff. I guess we haven't had actual zombies in a few years so it's not that realistic for limbs to detach so easily. Still the cartoonish nature of the PSX blood was never what I would call violent, I'd say newer games are more grotesque. I miss the old head kick animations though.


              • #37
                There are times in RE5 I wanted the game to be 100% see the Sheva Bot get chainsawed.Lousy Sheva bot.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                  The decapitations in RE4 still gets me. To me, they're seriously some of the most insane things I've seen in a game. There's just something about how quick it goes on a well established and fleshed out character and the general thought of how a chainsaw works as a tool... and it's all there, on-screen.
                  Agreed. There's just something about the sound of the chainsaw ripping into Leon's neck (followed by the head lobbing) that made me go "Whoa... that just happened... in real time... with full health?!" It made for an unsettling first time through the Pueblo.

                  And I also agree with DarkMemories about other games mostly being too over-the-top about violence. Dead Space was pure shock value at times, and Mortal Kombat just gets ridiculously silly (anyone remember Kabal's head balloon fatality?) RE4's deaths were sudden; they made you feel (like ye old hunter decapitations) that you were truly vulnerable and had to think of a new strategy.

                  RE5 only had two cool deaths - the duvalia bite-in-half (which rarely happened) and Chris getting his neck snapped by Wesker (which involved no real gore at all). Hopefully RE6 will try to correct this, but I'm not holding my breath.
                  Mass production? Ridiculous!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                    Re4 was not gory.... yea they had some crazy death scene's but the gore was meh. I seriously seen more gore in re1, re2 and re3 then any resi game out.
                    I played all those games and nothing in them was as gory as what we saw in RE4. The gore in the old games made me laugh even back then. The gore in RE4 was quite gruesome. No wonder they censored the shit out of that game in Japan.
                    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      The decapitations in RE4 still gets me. To me, they're seriously some of the most insane things I've seen in a game. There's just something about how quick it goes on a well established and fleshed out character and the general thought of how a chainsaw works as a tool... and it's all there, on-screen.
                      I agree I still have my RE4 poster where Leon is getting decapitated by Dr. Salvador. Back in 2005 I was completely blown away by how grimy and gory the series was getting.

                      That being said there are some cut away scenes that work just as well. I mentioned before about Fisher's death in RE5, but Brad's in RE3 worked just as well when they cut away from what Nemesis was actually doing to him.

