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Hard to Picture Ada as the New Villian

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  • Hard to Picture Ada as the New Villian

    In the new story trailer, we see Ada take on a very dark side and appear to play the role of the game's villain. At first I wasn't sure if it was her but if you notice, she ALWAYS has on a red scarf regardless of the outfit. Ada's signature colour is red so I think this is a dead giveaway that it's her (in addition to the hair style and Asianish features).

    Although Ada's motives have been unclear in all of her appearances so far, she never did anything outright "evil." At rare moments you also see her show care and compassion for the protagonists which is something Capcom has never allowed the "villain" to do in RE.

  • #2
    Isn't the girl's name Carla Radamés?


    • #3
      It's just a rumor, nothing official on her name... Yet it's from the same guy who "guessed" Wesker Jr.'s name.

      "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


      • #4
        Truth is the trailer is full of misdirection. Jake Muller isn't Wesker's son. Turns out he's not even a Wesker. He's a Valentine.

        Sherry is not in the game.

        The Chris vs. Leon scene where they point guns at each other is non existent. Turns out Leon stumbles upon Chris and discovers its a mannequin based on Chris' image. Then from far away Vector looks out at Leon from his chopper uttering the words "payback".


        • #5
          I don't know why folks are struggling to come to terms with Ada (if it's her) in this trailer.

          We've only ever seen of her exactly what she wanted people to see, I doubt for a minute anyone has truly seen her for real. She's an oppertunist for sure, but I don't see a problem with eliminating problems that get in her way, in this case BSAA soldiers. If they are trying to stop her master plan what else is she to do?

          It's not like shes killing innocent civilians (yet) or brutally murdering people in horrific ways, she looks to throw a virus bomb into a group of BSAA which screams to me more of presenting Chris with a problem, and then letting him have the displeasure of having to kill them.

          If Ada is to become the new power player of the series, it's only natural something like this was going to happen sooner or later.

          Review and contributor for


          • #6
            I agree, [STARS]TyranT. People thinking Ada is a "good guy" need to get their facts straight. Just because she has had (or has) feelings for Leon does not make her ineligible for villain status; it just means she isn't a sociopath. It is possible to be an antagonist who has feelings.

            The only reason she let Leon live in RE4 was because she wasn't following Wesker's orders; she was following her true employer's (presumably the Organization's). I really don't see how killing innocent BSAA soldiers with a magical poofy virus ball is out of character for Ada. In the end, we don't even know who Ada really is.

            I hope Chris or (in a cruel twist of fate for her) Leon puts a bullet in Ada's head in RE6. But with Capcom's lack of guts, we all know that isn't going to happen.
            Last edited by Det. Beauregard; 04-13-2012, 02:58 AM.
            Mass production? Ridiculous!


            • #7
              The only reason she let Leon live in RE4 was because she wasn't following Wesker's orders; she was following her true employer's (presumably the Organization's).
              She refused to kill Leon because she had feelings for him. She was well-known for regularly going against Wesker's orders.

              And she isn't an antagonist. She states it herself.

              Amidst the chaos, Ada turned her back on Wesker's instructions and began operating independently according to her own objectives. She sometimes used and sometimes supported Leon in the pursuit of these goals, much like the Raccoon City incident of six years ago.
              "I don't do evil." Just as her words described, Ada delivered a simple Subordinate Plaga strain to The Third Organization and sent the real strain to a different 'Organization', the one she actually belongs to. In other words, Ada was 'a double agent.' She was working for a seperate organization the whole time and her alliance with Wesker was just a facade.
              Last edited by News Bot; 04-13-2012, 05:40 AM.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #8
                News Bot Beaten up all the Ada Haters ^ Thank you for clearing that up !
                Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                ^ Lol ...


                • #9
                  I for one am glad she is the villain. We needed a new villain after Weskers departure and who is someone we can fall back on to take that place, someone who has been around for a while, someone who is involved in the series for more than a single game, someone whos intentions have been questionable....seriously can you think of anyone else?? Would you rather a new guy introduced, built up as this bastard and killed off in the same game. Thats what I liked about Wesker he was always there to keep the story going for the villains. We need someone new to do that now and judging from the trailer as much as I dislike Ada I think she does a pretty good job of filling the gap. It will be in Capcoms best interest to just use this game to show us how much of a bitch she is. As much as I want to blow her face off they should probably keep her alive.


                  • #10
                    Yep, Ada is no villain. If that girl in the trailer is Ada though I think they will turn her into the Ocelot of RE.


                    • #11
                      Ada as the villian is stupid, and if it's actually true is basic character assassination and pure sloppy writing just to shoe horn another existing character into the story. It's something bad fanfics would do. She's just a spy, she takes the orders and completes the missions, she's a lacky even if she does things her own way when it pleases her. On top of all this the mindset of someone who'd be out doing heinous deeds and releasing biological weapons is at odds with the line from the trailer where she calls Wesker and imbecile. It's probably misdirection, unless that even more stupid clone thing turns out to be true.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        And she isn't an antagonist. She states it herself.
                        "I don't do evil."
                        If this is true, then we probably have an Ada clone or lookalike on our hands in RE6. What a shit idea for a plot.

                        But I did want to bring this up: You say she doesn't view herself as an antagonist, but do you think Wesker, Birkin, or any of the other villains in the series thought that they themselves were the "bad guy?" To Wesker, he was in the right and Chris was in the wrong. One minute Ada is stealing a control Plaga sample for the Organization (with no idea how her employer tends to utilize it, for good or evil), the next she's throwing a virus ball into a room full of BSAA soldiers. Where does she draw the line?

                        And Mrox, I'm not an Ada hater. Yeah, she's a manipulative bitch, but she's a great character; one of the deepest in the series. I'd just rather see Ada as the villain than some half-assed cop-out plot with a random Ada clone thrown in to mess with everyone. It's absolutely terrible fucking writing, and makes Wesker's resurrection in CVX look like Shakespeare. If anyone here can actually give me a good reason why a clone (or lookalike) of Ada even exists in the first place, I'll ease up a bit.

                        I know that cloning is nothing new to this series. Alexia, Alfred, Sergei and the Tyrants - I get it. But those were different. One was a genetic experiment based on a long-dead relative, and the Tyrants were mutated so horribly that they looked nothing like the man they were based on (it would be different if you had 10 Sergeis with big claws running around). But to magically have a clone out of nowhere of an existing character like Ada? It's shit writing.
                        Mass production? Ridiculous!


                        • #13
                          For me, she's somewhat related to Ada. As Leon tries to protect her (testimonial key my ass).


                          • #14
                            Not shit only if you say .... i see nothing bad with it , nothing was bad than the NAKED ALICE From the Movies ....
                            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                            ^ Lol ...


                            • #15
                              All these bloody Organizations, Ada's constantly unidentifiable loyalties and peoples ideas of who Ada really is is starting to get damn confusing if you ask me, honestly im lost with it all. I agree though that i could imagine Ada as the main villain, Shes been in the shadows all this time and now its her turn to step into the spotlight (quite similar to wesker when you think about it). Still I had always hoped she would end up turning to the good side, still you cant excuse her selfish actions, stelaing the viruses forr all these different companies isn't exactly good guy work now is it?
                              Last edited by I_Am_Nemesis; 04-13-2012, 02:28 PM.

