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Daily Mail says: Playing RE4 with a plastic gun can turn you into a MURDERER!

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  • Daily Mail says: Playing RE4 with a plastic gun can turn you into a MURDERER!

    The headline at the Daily Mail: Are we creating a generation of murderers?

    "The study involved 151 college students who first completed questionnaires measuring their aggression levels and their attitude toward guns, and asked about their firearms training, their favorite video games, and how often they played them.

    They then spent 20 minutes playing one of three different video games: a violent shooting game with realistic human targets that rewarded head shots (Resident Evil 4); a nonviolent shooting game with bull's-eye targets (the target practice game in Wii Play); or a nonviolent, non-shooting game (Super Mario Galaxy).

    Resident Evil 4

    Wii Play

    Super Mario Galaxy

    For the two shooting games, the participants either played with a standard controller including a joystick, or used a pistol-shaped controller.

    Immediately after playing the video game, all participants shot 16 ‘bullets’ at a 6-foot tall, male-shaped mannequin covered in Velcro at the end of a narrow hallway, 20 feet (6.1 meters) away.

    The gun – a black airsoft training pistol -- had the same weight, texture and firing recoil of a real 9mm semi-automatic pistol. The ‘bullets’ were .43 caliber rubber training rounds covered in soft Velcro. All participants were instructed in the use of the pistol and wore safety goggles.

    Participants who played the shooting game using a pistol-shaped controller completed the most head shots at the mannequin (an average of about 7). They were also the only group who completed more head shots than they did shots to other parts of the mannequin.

    ‘We didn't tell them where to aim – we just told them to try to hit the mannequin,’ Bushman said.

    ‘But the violent shooting game they played (Resident Evil 4) rewarded head shots, and so they shot at the mannequin like they were playing the game, aiming for the head.’

    Some killers have credited video games for helping them prepare, he said. For example, Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian man who shot and killed 69 people at a youth camp in Norway last year, wrote in a manifesto: ‘I see MW2 (Modern Warfare 2) more as a part of my training-simulation than anything else. You can more or less completely simulate actual operations.’

    Bushman said he's not claiming that these games necessarily lead people to commit violent crimes.

    ‘But this study suggests these games can teach people to shoot more accurately and aim at the head,’ he said."


    So this:

    Plus this:

    Equals this:

    Gaming sites are covering this story:

    By the same logic parents should stop their kids from playing Cricket, less they decide to start lobbing handgrenades around with the accuracy of Deadshot from Batman.

    Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.

  • #2
    So if you play a game where headshots matter, you might keep doing headshots for the next few minutes? That's...that's some good science there guys. Nice to see you earn those grants with some stuff for the Daily Mail to do some scare-mongering with. At least they try to look objective. 'Now, I'm not saying these games make kids violent, but how many pensioners who don't play games at all use video games to train for there murder spree?'


    • #3
      I saw 'Daily Mail' and stopped reading.
      See you in hell.


      • #4
        Lol'd. Seriously, the media just likes to blame everything on anything. Didn't that supernanny woman do a test with like 20 boys playing sports games and 20 doing violent video games, and then she came up with the conclusion boys who play violent games are rude and inconsiderate. Rofl.


        • #5
          Well, they will be if they play on Xbox Live...

          I'm still waiting for, 'I saw a serial killer on the news and decided to copy him' just to see the news people trying to spin that.


          • #6
            </Sarcasm>If anyone needs me, I'll be murdering small children with a sawed off shotgun, because playing Resident Evil 4 made me think that this was OK.</Sarcasm>
            Last edited by Wrathborne; 05-01-2012, 03:46 PM.


            • #7
              I've just realized, why don't they play these violent video games themselves and then see if there are any murderous feelings or urges going on inside them. Then again they might just turn around and blab that Satan himself has possessed their feelings from the game and wants them to kill. Wouldn't surprise me.


              • #8
                The only murderous feeling I have now is to kill the motherfucker who made this article!


                • #9
                  This is the same paper with the headline "Abortion hope after 'gay genes' finding" when they found a possible link between a gene and homosexuality. In 1993. I think you can safely consider most of what they write bullshit. Unless you're the moron we banned a few months ago, of course.


                  • #10
                    The best part is that they used the Wii for it, the "kiddy console".


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
                      The only murderous feeling I have now is to kill the motherfucker who made this article!
                      Thank you for proving their point.
                      See you in hell.


                      • #12
                        They should have asked them to jump on the dummy, and see how many decide to jump on its head beause of Mario.
                        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                          Thank you for proving their point.
                          You know I was just joking to prove my anger, right? XD


                          • #14
                            Don't give these asspackers any fuel.
                            See you in hell.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by alexdz View Post
                              The best part is that they used the Wii for it, the "kiddy console".
                              The best part is that that very opinion on the Wii is not that far off from the one The Daily Mail has on videogames in general.

                              In their view, videogames target children. And that's why they keep spewing this shit about how they can be a bad influence. Creating a generation of murderers and whatnot.
                              Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.

