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Maybe new short 1.5 video. this thread is for 1.5 experts :D

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  • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    Funny, I don't think I've ever seen these images before. Quality seems to be the same as the ones from INFLAMES' collection, so are they?

    No, they are from the $125,000 e-bay auction to troll the community back in 2007 after the PSM Incident.


    • Supposedly no one knows this, because it's probably insignificant, but a Maryland's public access tv show ''Flights of Fantasy'' had a short preview of RE2 (aka 1.5). Probably nothing in terms of material, but still, interesting......

      Connect with the GITCY and awards community at

      Offtopic: The guy that narrates the video is named George Wood, and he is a badass.

      Connect with the GITCY and awards community at


      • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
        Originally posted by geluda View Post
        To my knowledge the BioFlames build is not the final build, I could be wrong but I believe there are differences between the BioFlames build and the Complete Disc build, which is the true "final" build.

        Playststion Museum build = 40% - 50%
        BioFlames build = 60% - 70%
        Complete Disc build = 70% - 80%

        Don't quote me on that though, someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I've come to know it...
        The complete disc build and the Bioflames one are both pretty much the same build. If there are differences, they are very minor. Still from the same Era.
        Is there any place where one could watch material which only shows the build that was the very farthest in development until it got canceled altogether, without any older material inbetween?
        Last edited by please_REboot; 08-04-2012, 09:41 AM.


        • Bioflames build and the Complete Disk build are apparently either the same build or just a few revisions apart, they're both from the final era of development. The only media available on them are the Complete Disk videos (which you can easily find on Youtube) and the cellphone pictures scattered across the Bioflames forums.
          Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-04-2012, 09:46 AM.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            Bioflames build and the Complete Disk build are apparently either the same build or just a few revisions apart, they're both from the final era of development.
            Out of curiosity: is it known where that material of "Bioflames" is originating from?

            Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
            and the cellphone pictures scattered across the Bioflames forums.
            So there is no place where everything which ever got posted from it is put together as a whole ;)?
            Last edited by please_REboot; 08-04-2012, 09:58 AM.


            • Originally posted by please_REboot View Post
              Out of curiosity: is it known where that material of "Bioflames" is originating from?
              Yes, but it's a dead end. And INFLAMES (owner of Bioflames) used to be pretty active in the community in the past, actively partaking in the everlasting pursuit of 1.5.

              Originally posted by please_REboot View Post
              So there is no place where everything which ever got posted from it is put together as a whole ;)?
              OKeiji_Dragon's documentary project is probably the closest you'll get to that (so wait and see when it's out), or, well, imacwesker (Wesker/Jerome of Survivhor/Biohazard France) did a YouTube walkthrough based on all available video footage.


              • Apparently, the person who contacted the Bioflames webmaster, Inflames, was a close friend of a Japanese Capcom employee. The guy was originally supposed to give Inflames a copy of the game, but was prevented by his Capcom friend before he could do so. As a substitute, he just took 200+ [blurry] cellphone pictures of the game and sent those to Inflames instead. As for the pictures, you're just gonna have to scrounge through the old topics on bioflames.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                  Apparently, the person who contacted the Bioflames webmaster, Inflames, was a close friend of a Japanese Capcom employee. The guy was originally supposed to give Inflames a copy of the game, but was prevented by his Capcom friend before he could do so. As a substitute, he just took 200+ [blurry] cellphone pictures of the game and sent those to Inflames instead. As for the pictures, you're just gonna have to scrounge through the old topics on bioflames.
                  To this day, I find this reason bogus. Sorry Alzaire, our lord and master, but I still can't digest this story.
                  Last edited by Black~Crow; 08-04-2012, 05:35 PM.
                  I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                  • And knowing both Inflames and Alzaire better than you do, I suspect, I say it's true. I've seen the time and money they put into searching for 1.5 - if either had a copy, they'd not have wasted both time and cash hunting for it. So unless you have actual evidence to back up your claim...please stop trying to slander my friends.


                    • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                      To this day, I find this reason bogus. Sorry Alzaire, our lord and master, but I still can't digest this story.
                      So what if he has it?
                      Hail the heros of the revolution!


                      • Originally posted by Aleff View Post
                        So what if he has it?
                        If he does he does. People love attention.
                        Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        And knowing both Inflames and Alzaire better than you do, I suspect, I say it's true. I've seen the time and money they put into searching for 1.5 - if either had a copy, they'd not have wasted both time and cash hunting for it. So unless you have actual evidence to back up your claim...please stop trying to slander my friends.
                        Slander your friends? Please, Just because I do not believe a story, doesn't mean I am saying anything bad about the person who told it. I just don't buy it. Did I say Inflames is bad? NO. DId I say ALzaire is bad? NO. I am having tea with both of them right now, and we are playing cards. Whoever wins get resident evil 1.5.
                        Last edited by Black~Crow; 08-04-2012, 06:31 PM. Reason: added a word
                        I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                        • No, you're just claiming both are liars who deliberately mislead the RE community into pouring time and cash into buying stuff while keeping the complete version of the game for themselves for 10 odd years. Nothing nasty there at all.


                          • I have no idea what you are talking about, but I never bought anything from this site, and I do not remember alzaire asking anybody for money? Besides, If they were lying, why would it be so horrible if they did? If they are lying I think it would be to keep the Old Resident Evil memory alive. To make new fans play the old games and see what survival horror games are supposed to be like.
                            I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                            • You haven't been asked to give cash? Somehow that doesn't surprise me.

                              And it's simple - you're calling my friends liars. I'm not fond of that, and I know they aren't lying. They don't have the final version shown years ago.


                              • Tried to find an answer via search engine, but apparently couldn't find one, so, just wondering:

                                Was the game ever playable publicly somewhere (at some games exposition(s) for example)?

                                And if yes: which version was that (in terms of developmental period)?
                                Last edited by please_REboot; 08-08-2012, 01:12 PM.

