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  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
    The second one says "There's still a little girl trapped alone inside" while the first picture means pretty much nothing, most of the kanji there is broken.
    Basically, yeah

    エルザ:「まだ 内に女の子が一人取り残されているのよ」
    Elza: "There's still a girl left alone inside"
    - alternate translation if the space is taken into account -
    Elza: "Not yet, there's a girl left alone inside"

    It's hard to tell which translation is more accurate unless I heard either the Japanese or English dub, but if the second one is more accurate, Elza's line is most likely a response to Kendo's suggestion that they go to some place, or leave the scene, or something like that. I'm sure it is Elza speaking because she uses feminine grammar that Kendo certainly would not use (also, Elza would most likely know more about Sherry's whereabouts).

    As for the other picture, yes it's partially just garbage: 「東東東上の東が東まってきてるぜ!こんな東外まで...地上はもう ダメだな...」(sp oken by either Marvin or Leon, male grammar)

    It is possible to piece the meaning back together, the only part of this text that is garbage is where the character 東 is placed (6 times). The section after the first ellipses (...) is intact though, and it says roughly: "above ground is already no good." Based on the text, I am guessing that this line was spoken by Marvin, as it seems to be him reasoning with Leon and Ada to find a way to get to (blank) by going underground, because going above ground is now too dangerous.

    ** I am going to try and decode that second line, possibly looking into UNICODE equivalents, and just using educated guessing based on context **
    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 08-16-2012, 11:45 AM.


    • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
      The door gets opened with a puzzle on the same room. The same electricity puzzle from RE3.
      The only problem is that Sherry should be there, not Elza.
      Hm, you probably know more than I do about this electricity puzzle, so I'll take your word for it. But the meaning in Japanese seems to imply that it's a physical barrier, not a matter of an electronic lock, or a key-lock for that matter (a more literal translation is "the bar/bolt is set into place" like how an old door might have a huge wooden or metal beam set across it to protect it from forced entry; if we look at the character for かんぬき, 閂, it is a door/gate 門 with a bar across it 一). Can you tell me where you got your information about the electricity puzzle and its details? Just curious. I've been out of the loop since the Curator Incident™.


      • The 3d model of the "bar" jarring the door shut doesn't seem to appear in this build. It's there in the final beta though, slid into the hook beside the door, and preventing the door knob from turning. Everyone always assumed the door would open once you turn the power back on. Funny how nobody seemed to have noticed the bar thingy until you mentioned the door was being barred shut.

        Click image for larger version

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        Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-16-2012, 12:45 PM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
          Hm, you probably know more than I do about this electricity puzzle, so I'll take your word for it. But the meaning in Japanese seems to imply that it's a physical barrier, not a matter of an electronic lock, or a key-lock for that matter (a more literal translation is "the bar/bolt is set into place" like how an old door might have a huge wooden or metal beam set across it to protect it from forced entry; if we look at the character for かんぬき, 閂, it is a door/gate 門 with a bar across it 一). Can you tell me where you got your information about the electricity puzzle and its details? Just curious. I've been out of the loop since the Curator Incident™.
          Do you know that cutscene where Sherry says "Elza, I found a secret entrance!".
          Curator posted another video and it's proven that Sherry goes inside and tells them to wait by the door. In the same moment, a group of Cerberus appears and Elza & John have to fight them while Sherry opens the door.

          Here's the video:

          There's also some screenshots of Sherry solving the same puzzle instead of Elza, here:

          Last edited by Guest; 08-16-2012, 01:12 PM.


          • biohazard_star, I'm very curious now to see any images that clearly show a 3D-modeled bar slid into the door hook (this would coincide with the nuance of 嵌まる, which is getting stuck or jammed in its place). It might be that the door requires both power AND the bar to be removed.

            alinhoalisson, I believe you about the electricity puzzle, several sources show this to be accurate as you point out (thanks for posting the video by the way, I've only seen screenshots of it). In this video, Sherry exclaims「扉の所で待って」(typo fixed), in other words, "wait by the door!" In the screenshot of her standing on top of the box, it appears that she may be too short to reach the power. When she examines it, the subtitles say (kind of hard to make out with the Bioflames watermark embedded :-/ ) 「電源がある 電源を入(れますか?)」(the last part hadn't been written on the screen yet when the photo was taken). Because the screenshot with Sherry shows the power breaker with the red pilot light glowing (and the room has the same shadow pattern as in the video before Elza turns on the power), I am led to believe the electricity was off at the time the photo was taken, and therefore I was able to fill in the on-screen prompt, which now translates to "There is a power source, turn on the electricity?" However, because part of it is missing and I can't make out one of the characters, it may say 「電源がある 電源(を/が/は)入(れられない)」which translates to "There is a power source, I can't turn it on (because I can't reach it, etc)" It is also worth noting that not only are there no images to my knowledge of Sherry moving boxes, she (as in the final RE2) cannot move boxes for lack of strength. According to the video, a box must be moved (by Elza) to reach the circuit breaker. This leads me to believe that maybe the electricity puzzle and Sherry getting the door open are either two different things, or the puzzle was different in different versions. In other words, in the PS Museum build the door is bolted shut when Elza approaches it, and Elza is the one to turn the power on; in the "final" build from Inflames' source, the door is electrically locked and sherry has to turn on the power to let in Elza and Kendo. However, in both builds sherry crawls into the duct...

            It's worth noting, however, that in the video Elza gets a different prompt: 「ブレーカーが上がっている...下ろしますか? >Yes No」which translates to "The breaker is raised...lower it? >Yes No" (and clearly lowering it turned on the electricity).

            >>Here is my theory:
            Sherry crawls through the duct, Elza and Kendo fight off the group of Cerberus, Sherry sees the power breaker but cannot reach it, Sherry then sees the door with a metal bar (or something) jamming it shut (to keep zombies out probably), and removes the metal bar, thus allowing Elza and Kendo to enter. Elza then solves the electricity puzzle some time after being let in (Kendo and Sherry are no longer with her at this point). The screenshot shows Sherry on the box, which she cannot move, so the box was there the whole time. The video shows Elza moving the box to the switch (the box may have been needed elsewhere and Elza is bringing it back, or the player was just moving the box around for the heck of it). Because there is a huge quality difference between the PS Museum video and Inflames' screenshots, I can't tell if the power is on or off when Elza and Kendo are let in (this obviously makes a huge difference).

            Also note that the cut-scene sequence when the group of Cerberus awake doesn't end with the player controlling Elza; the game-play probably moves to Sherry at this point. The really fast-paced and anxious "hurry up!" type music probably then starts playing in the background, and Sherry wouldn't have time to do any puzzle anyway. She is probably supposed to run as quickly as she can to unbolt the door before Elza and Kendo are mauled to death. As you can see from the screenshot of Sherry letting them in, they are exhausted and shaken up (It's hard to make out the subtitles with the bioflames watermark in the way, but Kendo is panting (or perhaps laughing) and speaking with anxious male language and mentions that he's gotten tired).
            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 08-16-2012, 02:43 PM.


            • Well, believe me. Sherry does the puzzle.
              What happens in there is not because Elza is supposed to do, but because the build is very incomplete.
              Their models weren't even complete and the gameplay, according to some people, was very very buggy.
              A lot of placeholders for some characters were placed in the game instead of their final models.
              It's more plausible that Sherry has done it instead of Elza.

              Besides, the game also has the "debug menu", which you can jump rooms.
              Curator might have used this feature to jump the rooms and make the cutscene of Elza pushing the box for his fan-made trailer.


              • Well, if that's the case, then I wonder how Sherry was able to move the box (if she even had to, perhaps the box was already there). I also wonder how she reached the switch (maybe she can reach it). I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just curious as to how these things played out. Might it be possible that Elza has the option of turning the power back off if it were necessary to complete another puzzle? Perhaps the line about the door being jammed with a bar was in the PS Museum build and not the final build... I hope we can get some more information.


                • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                  Well, if that's the case, then I wonder how Sherry was able to move the box (if she even had to, perhaps the box was already there). I also wonder how she reached the switch (maybe she can reach it). I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just curious as to how these things played out. Might it be possible that Elza has the option of turning the power back off if it were necessary to complete another puzzle? Perhaps the line about the door being jammed with a bar was in the PS Museum build and not the final build... I hope we can get some more information.
                  It's simple: The box was already there, just a little away from the switch, just like RE3.
                  Sherry was able to push it, since it's a short distance.

                  The pictures from bioflames clearly show that Sherry is only playable for that part of the game. There's no other way she could've been caught in a picture over the box. Think about it, all the doors are locked and if the player uses the jump feature, it will happen nothing since the puzzle wasn't solved. If Elza did solved it, and you couldn't play with Sherry anymore to use that feature, then the picture makes no sense.


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    Well, if that's the case, then I wonder how Sherry was able to move the box (if she even had to, perhaps the box was already there). I also wonder how she reached the switch (maybe she can reach it). I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just curious as to how these things played out. Might it be possible that Elza has the option of turning the power back off if it were necessary to complete another puzzle? Perhaps the line about the door being jammed with a bar was in the PS Museum build and not the final build... I hope we can get some more information.
                    RE2 Water Puzzle in Claires Scenario says "Hi !"
                    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                    ^ Lol ...


                    • Thank you for the translations, they are much appreciated.

                      And yes, lol, was going to mention, that Sherry very much CAN move boxes in the final RE2.


                      • Whoops... I guess it has been a while since I've played RE2... Well that solves that then.

                        The translations are the least I can do since I haven't been good for much else lately ... I'm currently deciphering the subtitles that have errors based on context. Although, in each case I'm almost positive I know who is speaking.

                        (by the way, if ANYONE has any screenshots without the Bioflames watermark blocking the text, please send them??)
                        Last edited by Enigmatism415; 08-16-2012, 08:27 PM.


                        • biohazard_star, I'm very curious now to see any images that clearly show a 3D-modeled bar slid into the door hook (this would coincide with the nuance of 嵌まる, which is getting stuck or jammed in its place). It might be that the door requires both power AND the bar to be removed.
                          The one I posted is the only shot we have of the bar. You can't actually tell what it's supposed to be though. I encircled it, in case you couldn't make it out:
                          Click image for larger version

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                          As for the power, Sherry does turn it on during her side quest since the lights are on in one of the pictures:
                          Click image for larger version

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ID:	401526Click image for larger version

Name:	ROOM3XX098.jpeg
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ID:	401527
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • I see it now, thank you.

                            The clear presence of this 3D bar object, coupled with the Japanese translation, leads me to believe that Sherry DOES indeed need to unbar the door. Furthermore, the bar is gone in the shot of Sherry with Elza and Kendo, and it's the same exact group of shots of the same instance of the same build. The 3D bar object does not appear in the PS Museum screenshot with the Japanese subtitles most likely because it is an earlier build, and this 3D object was not yet added.

                            All this aside, there is overwhelming evidence that Sherry not only flips the power on, but is required to do so. Either the door needs to be both powered and debarred, or the electricity is for something else...

                            ** I also noticed that in the PS Museum screenshot of Elza at the door, there is an arrow below the caption which leads to more text. This text probably appears to Sherry as well in the same manner, and the remaining text probably says "Remove the bar? >Yes No". Since the bar object is not visible in the PS Museum build, selecting Yes probably unlocks the door with no visible change (assuming the power has been turned on). **
                            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 08-16-2012, 11:21 PM.


                            • @Gemini and Enigmatism415

                              Thanks for the translations


                              • ^^^ It's fun . I'm still puzzled over 「東東東上の東が東まってきてるぜ!こんな東外まで...地上はもう ダメだな...」. Does anyone have some context for this picture? My first impression is that it's Marvin explaining to Leon and Linda why they have to go underground, noting that it is dangerous above ground. This exchange takes place in the factory, presumably right before Leon fights Birkin and travels down the elevator to the laboratory. Or perhaps the door to the elevator section is still locked at this point.

