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Maybe new short 1.5 video. this thread is for 1.5 experts :D

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  • #91
    how do we know who to talk to about buying it though ? why arent people doing the same thing they did for the GBC ROM , id be willing to help pay for it If I knew there serious people I could trust my money to. id be wiilling to help with maybe about £1000. I live in london I wonder if there are any other huge 1.5 fans from london , all my mates dont understand about how great this ggame looks there all about next gen graphics but I love love love the graphics and art style of 1.5. Ive even hhad 2 dreams about playing 1.5 lol and when I woke up I was like NOOOOOO ! LOL so close yet so far.


    • #92
      Actually I think we should look in Japan. I'm pretty sure there are some people there who have various versions and don't really care about it anymore.


      • #93
        There are probably less than a hundred people with the game at the moment, so it's difficult to find someone who has it. Most of the people who do are beta collector's and therefore not terribly interested in giving stuff away.

        Japan would be a good place to look - if we could really get into the scene there. Between the language barrier and the somewhat different mindset it's not that simple to do, but it is possible.

        And chrisliam - if you want RE fans in the Uk, there's a lot around the Midlands. Don't know many in London, oddly.


        • #94
          I think that's where our opinions differ. We shouldn't look for collectors, but for ex-employees or journalists, etc. We should look for people who have it and don't even know that it's still worth something.

          We should post adds in some Japanese newspapers, popular websites, etc. Something that looks like "Private collector looking for biohazard 2 prototype: 2000$". Of course in Japanese and in yen. Something eye catchy. It might not bring results straight away, could take months. But at least it would be seen by people.

          And I know what you're going to reply: "We don't want to publicize it with a high pricetag". My opinion is that waiting is a loss of time. We can afford spending thousands of bucks if we have a proper donation system to support it, and we have already done it twice for the gameboy version and with the curator. But I see two bad sides:

          1) If we spent thousands of bucks in it, collectors who have it would certainly be aware of the donation and might preemptively release it for much cheaper. I wouldn't want to lose money.
          2) There are different versions floating around. I personally wouldn't want to spend thousands of dollar for a "curator version". That's worth nothing compared to the final build, which is indeed "floating around", but maybe not in the western countries. And if the curator version were to be leaked, people might be satisfied and the search for the final build would be much more difficult.

          We'd have to think about that. And I am pretty sure Hong Kong would be a good place to search for this game too. It's smaller, full of video game fanatics and otakus, and more dense. I don't know what you guys are doing behind the scene, but we could certainly organize ourselves to actively look for that game.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
            I think that's where our opinions differ. We shouldn't look for collectors, but for ex-employees or journalists, etc. We should look for people who have it and don't even know that it's still worth something.
            People who have it be it original or copy know what it is and what it is worth. It is not like some old SNES game you find in the cupboard and forgot you had.
            Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


            • #96
              Most of them will, anyway.

              The other problem is you are essentially saying, 'I wish you to break the law and sell me Capcom's Intellectual Property' which may not go down all that well with Capcom. Or the Japanese, maybe.

              If you think you have the knowledge and resources to give it a whirl, we can't stop you though.


              • #97
                Wishful thinking - gather a group, chip in for accommodation and go to Japan for a week or two.

                Wait now that's crazy wish upon a star talk

                Still, I'm sure active looking for it after so long could be worth something, even if it brings us nowhere, always have to start somewhere. 1.5 has passed my mind after all these years, sadly.
                Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                • #98
                  Out of curiosity, say RE1.5 was presented to you this very second; price tag unknown.

                  How much do you ACTUALLY have on hand right now? How much of that money can you actually spend, without ending up having problems paying your rent, food, travel expenses to/from work or school, etc..

                  Kinda curious about this, 'cause I so often see people throw around three and four digit numbers like it was pure pocket change, and when they're finally given the chance to chip in on something; they mysteriously vanish and are impossible to get ahold of. Second thoughts and/or spoke too soon on what type of money they could actually afford to spend, maybe?

                  Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                  I personally think that what we did end of 2007 was the best way to obtain it. But it would have been much better if one person had the money to buy it directly and then got the money back through a donation system. I think that's the way to go.
                  Something like this was tried with the Baldur's Gate release for PS1. So far, two and a half year later; not a single cent has been donated to neither the person who hosted the release nor the person who fronted nearly $2000 for the release. Please note that this was considered one of the PS1's unreleased holy grails. Just bringing it up, since I was kinda already touching the subject of how you can't really rely on external or group support for these sorts of things - as "strangers" really suck at delivering on their word.
                  Last edited by Carnivol; 05-07-2012, 09:53 AM.


                  • #99
                    I think the scary thing is trusting the people you are giving your money too , you always have that thought in the back of your head saying your going to get scammed. Id would like to donate up to £1000 but not right away maybe pay towards it every few weeks or so , its not like we are in a rush to play it since we waited this long already , but I also blame bioflames websiite in a funny way for creating so much attention towords the game lol.
                    but I think the more we say how much we want the game the more the collectors will keep the game, whos knows they might even be reading this post right now for all I know. but I would like to play it one day before I die lol We are only on this earth once. But also iim just a normal guy and have no clue how to get all the connections to people who might have the game, but im not going be like those idiots that use death threats over a video game , I mean it is just a game and Id love to play it of course , but not to the point of becoming a horrible human being , Id like to get the game doing all he right things , help with fundraising and just waiting a very long time lol.
                    Last edited by chrisliam2; 05-07-2012, 10:25 AM.


                    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      Out of curiosity, say RE1.5 was presented to you this very second; price tag unknown.

                      How much do you ACTUALLY have on hand right now? How much of that money can you actually spend, without ending up having problems paying your rent, food, travel expenses to/from work or school, etc..

                      Kinda curious about this, 'cause I so often see people throw around three and four digit numbers like it was pure pocket change, and when they're finally given the chance to chip in on something; they mysteriously vanish and are impossible to get ahold of. Second thoughts and/or spoke too soon on what type of money they could actually afford to spend, maybe?
                      I wouldn't spend more than 200 bucks for that game if I was a donators. But if I was the guy who could buy it and then organize a donation, 3-4000 dollars right away. But I wouldn't release it until I'm sure I can gather every penny of what I spent for that game, minus maybe the 200 bucks.

                      Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      Something like this was tried with the Baldur's Gate release for PS1. So far, two and a half year later; not a single cent has been donated to neither the person who hosted the release nor the person who fronted nearly $2000 for the release. Please note that this was considered one of the PS1's unreleased holy grails. Just bringing it up, since I was kinda already touching the subject of how you can't really rely on external or group support for these sorts of things - as "strangers" really suck at delivering on their word.
                      What's the point of a donation, if it happens AFTER you release the game? Isn't it totally stupid?

                      You'd be crazy to release a game and try to compensate afterward for the 2000 bucks you paid.

                      In the end it all depends on the community. I understand that some people don't want to release it if it involves massive bitching, threats and leechers.


                      • a guy named Tobe Russell, you may have heard of him, traveled to hong kong on a rumor and found a lost kung-fu film massacre survivor and released it after 2000 pounds were donated to him through a forum. worked out well.


                        • Alright who are we shipping to Japan for the Kung Fu 1.5?


                          • Alzaire. The man is insanely dedicated. Plus, he'd sniff a fake out in seconds.


                            • I wish there was a way I could help but how do you even find out where these beta collectors get all these rare items is there some sort of gaming black market or something out there ? I would of thought someone might of made a youtube video saying they are willing to pay for 1.5 with a fundraiser so the chances of people who have 1.5 will see it. if a fundraiser ever did happen would it be done on the assembler forums ?
                              or do we have a better chance at winning the lottery ?


                              • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                                I wish there was a way I could help but how do you even find out where these beta collectors get all these rare items is there some sort of gaming black market or something out there ? I would of thought someone might of made a youtube video saying they are willing to pay for 1.5 with a fundraiser so the chances of people who have 1.5 will see it. if a fundraiser ever did happen would it be done on the assembler forums ?
                                or do we have a better chance at winning the lottery ?
                                Better chance winning the lottery
                                Zombies...zombies everywhere...

