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Is Resident Evil 6 eliminating Qucik Time Events?

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  • Is Resident Evil 6 eliminating Qucik Time Events?

    As we all know, games like God of War and Resident Evil 4 sported QTE's, these are cool of course but also getting kinda stale in video-games.

    What we have seen of RE6's gameplay footage is Capcom are taking things further, evolving the genre they made so popular the last couple of years with Resident Evil 4. You guys may not agree but
    does it seem like QTE's in RE6 are more player controlled in the gameplay mechanics itself?

    Jumping out of the way, diving forward all seem to be player controlled now, which excites me!
    Diving out of the way of that train heading straight for Leon instead of pressing a two button combination seems so much more rewarding, more scary and intense.

    What are your thoughts? will QTE's dominate the game like RE4 and RE5, or has the evidence
    from our sneak peak at gameplay confirmed complete player immersion?

    God I hope so!!!

  • #2
    More like Krauser knife fight.

    Less like everything else.


    • #3
      A QTE knife fight with a train, can it happen? maybe, just maybe!


      • #4
        Manually running away from the boulders in REmake was more tense and rewarding than button mashing in BH4.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #5
          And that's why I hope these evades are entirely up to us with no button prompts.


          • #6
            A recent magazine interview confirmed that there was a QTE early in Leon's scenario. See the RE6 thread for more details.
            Mass production? Ridiculous!


            • #7
              As its been said already, wouldn't mind as long as they are like the Krauser knife fight, Keep it fast, tense, and making you grip your controller in some cutscenes. It felt so rewarding to make it through that fight the first time I played through RE4.


              • #8
                QTE's work when they actually allow room for you to miss a couple and change the scene.

                Shenmue had some great fight sequences where by different things would or could happen if you missed prompts, little bit like what Heavy Rain did.

                But yes for the most part QTE's are completely over done now.
                Review and contributor for


                • #9
                  Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  More like Krauser knife fight.

                  Less like everything else.
                  errr that's tricky. They tried to advance the plot and Krauser's character yet the fight itself is initially distracting because you're paying more attention to the next button prompt than what the characters are conveying to one another. Tense? Sure, but at a price.

                  Make button prompts optional like in Downpour. We know how to open doors and melee. Cutscenes with QTE button prompts are kind of annoying because you can easily get lost in the story. So I'm not much of a fan of them.
                  Last edited by Smiley; 05-06-2012, 05:39 AM.


                  • #10
                    Hate QTE actually.
                    Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                    ^ Lol ...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                      Hate QTE actually.
                      Me too. I'm surprised people liked the Krauser knife fight; I found it to me one of the most tedious and boring sections of the game, particularly when doing multiple playthroughs. It simply isn't good gameplay to not have full control over your character and being forced to watch a damn cut scene every time you play the game.
                      Mass production? Ridiculous!


                      • #12
                        "Is RE6 eliminating QTEs?"

                        I hope so...


                        • #13
                          ...does anyone even like QuickTime Events? I cannot think of one person who has gone, 'Whoa, dude, that fight with the guy when you have to QTE all the time? AWESOME! Way better than actually fighting him.'


                          • #14
                            I agree, they were cool in GOW and RE4 but they have gotten stale really fast, so I hope we will have to do those dives we have seen in the trailer ourselves or we die.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                              ...does anyone even like QuickTime Events? I cannot think of one person who has gone, 'Whoa, dude, that fight with the guy when you have to QTE all the time? AWESOME! Way better than actually fighting him.'
                              Not all QTEs are used like this. I've never heard anyone complain about ME2/3s use of them, they have a nice use in the God of War games where you fight normally and then usually have a QTE finisher and high damage attack.

                              I think people usually dislike them when an entire sequence is turned into a QTE string. For example in RE5 when on the tanker, you run from the Uroboros yet all you do is press to dodge, the following part immediatly afterwards once inside you hav full control of your character but need to QTE to dodge the tentacles that burst out the ceiling. The latter is a much better method of implementation imo.
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."

