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Is Resident Evil 6 eliminating Qucik Time Events?

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  • #16
    Just a new guy opinion here, but I think QTE's are great. Granted, RE5 definitely went overboard with them (although that one QTE in the ruins when the floor was collapsing a-la Indiana Jones was awesome), but overall I think that the occasional QTE in a cut scene makes the experience more gripping. The knife fight in RE4 is a good example of proper QTE usage.

    I didn't think that focusing on the button prompts while listening to Krauser was that difficult or distracting, if anything it made the situation more lifelike because you had to focus much like Leon would have to in such a fight.


    • #17
      QTE cut scenes kill replay value. If you get grabbed by an enemy and have to jam a button to get it off of you, I don't consider that a QTE.
      Mass production? Ridiculous!


      • #18
        I hate them and I would rather just watch a cut scene. I see no reason they would be gone any time soon though.


        • #19
          I'm mixed about QTEs, but I feel that they are important if you're gonna have game throw cutscenes at you left 'n' right. It's pretty terrible when you run the risk of a game putting your controller into sleep mode - or when a game just keeps pulling non-interactive shit out of its ass to the point where you've entirely left "the zone" by the time you regain control of the action.

          The knife fight from RE4 still stands as one of the prime samples of when and why QTEs can work (for anyone who never played Shenmue, anyway, the game that kinda coined the modernized version of the concept and more or less remaind king until a new one rose not too long ago)
          It was just tense as shit. It did camera stuff that couldn't be done in regular gameplay. It kept you glued

          Now, for anyone who wants to see a game that does QTEs RIGHT; it's time people focus their attention on a Capcom game that people just didn't give the love it deserved;
          LOST PLANET 2.

          Wanna see how bat shit insane that game is with the cutscene stuff?

          1. Most cutscenes have some or entirely unique camera handling for each of the 4 players.
          2. QTEs are player # specific, so QTEs are different for each of the 4 players and at different points during the scenes.
          3. Failing a QTE usually doesn't trigger a mission fail, but does come at a drop in mission rank and battle score.
          4. Cutscenes have branching paths based on success/failure of various QTEs in the scene.
          5. All of the above is done realtime, with player customized characters, in a game people claimed was not polished nor made with love.

          But it's true that doing "epic" shit without QTEs is truly the way to go (Chapter 3-3 in Lost Planet 2 says hi)
          Last edited by Carnivol; 05-09-2012, 06:17 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            I'm mixed about QTEs, but I feel that they are important if you're gonna have game throw cutscenes at you left 'n' right. It's pretty terrible when you run the risk of a game putting your controller into sleep mode - or when a game just keeps pulling non-interactive shit out of its ass to the point where you've entirely left "the zone" by the time you regain control of the action.

            The knife fight from RE4 still stands as one of the prime samples of when and why QTEs can work (for anyone who never played Shenmue, anyway, the game that kinda coined the modernized version of the concept and more or less remaind king until a new one rose not too long ago)
            It was just tense as shit. It did camera stuff that couldn't be done in regular gameplay. It kept you glued

            Now, for anyone who wants to see a game that does QTEs RIGHT; it's time people focus their attention on a Capcom game that people just didn't give the love it deserved;
            LOST PLANET 2.

            Wanna see how bat shit insane that game is with the cutscene stuff?

            1. Most cutscenes have some or entirely unique camera handling for each of the 4 players.
            2. QTEs are player # specific, so QTEs are different for each of the 4 players and at different points during the scenes.
            3. Failing a QTE usually doesn't trigger a mission fail, but does come at a drop in mission rank and battle score.
            4. Cutscenes have branching paths based on success/failure of various QTEs in the scene.
            5. All of the above is done realtime, with player customized characters, in a game people claimed was not polished nor made with love.

            But it's true that doing "epic" shit without QTEs is truly the way to go (Chapter 3-3 in Lost Planet 2 says hi)
            Oh man, I've seen the QTE's in LP2, It's amazing. XD Never went hands on though. Regardless, I (and many others) think that QTE's enhance the experience. They make you use your brain a little whilst cutscenes are playing, much like in real life you have to focus on more than one thing in any given situation. Is it proper for 'every' cutscene? No. But I think they're entirely appropriate for the series and the direction RE6 seems to be going.


            • #21
              I dislike them during cutscenes. I'm so busy trying to make sure Krauser doesn't murder me I miss what's being said, half the time.


              • #22
                I dont really care if it got quicktime events or not.... with or without im still gonna enjoy this game for sure


                • #23
                  Playing Asura's Wrath these days ... guess anyone wanting to do QTEs these days should take a look at that game and learn something from it.

