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Why Sherry Being "Superhuman" Is Not New

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  • #31
    Guess in the wake of scrapped material I never realized everything was going to lead to super humans protagonists. The movies and RE6 proved me wrong on that. Sherry Birkin and Wesker Jr. What an interesting combination. I hope they return. We could use more super human protagonists to level the playing field after so many super villains.


    • #32
      Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
      They didn't show that part in Sherry's infection because she's a kid and it would anger the censors.
      She was knocked unconscious, William found her, and when she woke up, her stomach hurt. They didn't really need to show it. We know what happened.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
        Resident Evil evolved into...Devil May Cry!

        Which is funny because is true as a joke, and now as a fact.
        Well if you had bothered reading my first post you'd know why this isn't surprising, or new. :')

        Guess in the wake of scrapped material I never realized everything was going to lead to super humans protagonists. The movies and RE6 proved me wrong on that. Sherry Birkin and Wesker Jr. What an interesting combination. I hope they return. We could use more super human protagonists to level the playing field after so many super villains.
        Nothing was ever scrapped about the G-Virus being a superhuman-making virus, tho. Nor was Sherry's infection with it or the intention of making Sherry become a superhuman. A superhuman virus creates a superhuman... whodathunkit. And like I said, reading the first post shows that the movies have no connection to it, so there's no reason to bring them up. Get with the program!
        Last edited by News Bot; 05-24-2012, 10:53 PM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • #34
          The movies are merely a comparison. That's the reason. We can't deny Alice herself was super human at a point. Never claimed G's intent was scrapped. The intent to make Sherry super powered was obvious from the get go. It's a perfect way to develop her and in turn improve upon RE6.


          • #35
            Well if you had bothered reading my first post you'd know why this isn't surprising, or new. :')

            Don't have to bother reading your post to know the sad truth.


            • #36
              The G-Virus created superhumans about 5 years before the movies were a twinkle in Mr. Anderson's creative and ingenious eye. Even as a comparison, they are not really valid, as Alice was based on Alexia, who was infected with t-Veronica. While that virus was also created to grant superhuman abilities, it was also created for an ulterior purpose to completely change the global ecosystem with a new, sub-servant ant-like race of creatures. She was also based on Wesker, a pseudo G-Human (now a Progenitor-evolved human).

              I am glad you now see that the intent to make Sherry into a G-Human, a superhuman, is obvious. I am glad my information was helpful. It is a pity not many people are more involved in digging up information for folks to enjoy.

              Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
              Well if you had bothered reading my first post you'd know why this isn't surprising, or new. :')

              Don't have to bother reading your post to know the sad truth.
              Then go drink some Haterade elsewhere?
              Last edited by News Bot; 05-24-2012, 11:00 PM.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #37
                Oh there's a comparison with using one's new found powers to go against BOWs as opposed to being completely evil. Alexia used her powers for evil as did Wesker. Alice and Sherry are out there fighting BOWs head on from different parts of the world. On such a global scale it's inspiring.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                  Oh there's a comparison with using one's new found powers to go against BOWs as opposed to being completely evil. Alexia used her powers for evil as did Wesker. Alice and Sherry are out there fighting BOWs head on from different parts of the world. On such a global scale it's inspiring.
                  Are you saying Sherry should've been a villain because no protagonist is ever allowed to have superhuman powers?

                  Needs more Mera Biji palm thrusting Hunters and kicking the heads off Chimeras. Fuck it, more CHRIS PUNCHING ZOMBIE DOGS IN THE FACE RAWRRRR
                  Last edited by News Bot; 05-24-2012, 11:15 PM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #39
                    Where did I say that Newsbot? On the contrary. We need super powered protagonists for this series. It would be boring if it was just in the movies. They should be in a game finally. Can you imagine how epic a boss fight would be with Jake and Sherry against some other super villain?
                    Last edited by Smiley; 05-24-2012, 11:16 PM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                      Where did I say that Newsbot? On the contrary. We need super powered protagonists for this series. It would be boring if it was just in the movies. They should be in a game finally. Can you imagine how epic a boss fight would be with Jake and Sherry against some other super villain?
                      It's good that you agree with me! Now get out of my topic.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #41
                        Excellent work as always News Bot.

                        Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                        Where did I say that Newsbot? On the contrary. We need super powered protagonists for this series. It would be boring if it was just in the movies. They should be in a game finally. Can you imagine how epic a boss fight would be with Jake and Sherry against some other super villain?
                        Who the hell are you? You're not Smiley!


                        • #42
                          It is excellent work. I'd like to talk about the concept behind super human protagonists. Sherry in particular given the topic. Because while the idea that she's not superhuman is far out it should be delved into for how she'll reflect the rest of the series.

                          I mean just think of the powers? What can G do for her in RE6 and what kinds of developments will accommodate the game design.
                          Last edited by Smiley; 05-24-2012, 11:24 PM.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                            Oh there's a comparison with using one's new found powers to go against BOWs as opposed to being completely evil. Alexia used her powers for evil as did Wesker. Alice and Sherry are out there fighting BOWs head on from different parts of the world. On such a global scale it's inspiring.
                            Maybe Sherry will end up being a bit like River from Firefly.


                            • #44
                              I'm currently watching that series, but not fully familiar with the characters. How would she relate to Sherry and her G abilities?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Smiley View Post
                                It is excellent work. I'd like to talk about the concept behind super human protagonists. Sherry in particular given the topic. Because while the idea that she's not superhuman is far out it should be delved into for how she'll reflect the rest of the series.

                                I mean just think of the powers? What can G do for her in RE6 and what kinds of developments will accommodate the game design.
                                Here's what it can do for her:

                                After administration, it affects a creature's cells and bestows superior vitality and regeneration ability.
                                One of the two, or both. We've yet to see her punch anything above her body weight, so for now all we have is a magazine's word that she supposedly has, at the very least, superior healing ability. Magazines also said that Barry was a fireman, Sherry was Ada's daughter and Gaiden was supposedly canon and related to BH4, so take what you will!
                                Last edited by News Bot; 05-24-2012, 11:30 PM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

