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Why Sherry Being "Superhuman" Is Not New

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Incidentally, Birkin being a "good character" in BH1.5 is likely tied to the fact that his goal wasn't evil. This is also why Annette is so upset in BH2. Despite being crazy as fuck, she believes her husband's goal would benefit mankind. He is turned into a less sympathetic character in BH2 and given a more egotistical, childish nature (along with his involvement in B.O.W. development).
    This is really interesting; never knew that about 1.5 Birkin.
    Mass production? Ridiculous!


    • Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
      This is really interesting; never knew that about 1.5 Birkin.

      Take a look at these good folks, the only one that even looks shady is Kendo lol.

      RE2 > Everyone is shady.
      Attached Files
      "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
      Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


      • Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
        Shouldn't be too difficult with "super" speed.
        Both of their powers appear to be limited, with Jake being the only one with super speed... and he has to be "topped up" with continuous injections of the C-Virus, apparently.

        Originally posted by Kaiser View Post
        What?? Umm... okay. Anyways, very cool find News Bot! If Sherry hadn't received the DEVIL vaccine, then would she still have been an adapter to the virus? Or is it similar to Jill with t where she needed the antibody (or vaccine) to "neutralize" it?

        Really looking forward to the E3 footage!
        Similar to the situation with Jill, at the moment. But that might change.
        Last edited by News Bot; 05-29-2012, 07:37 AM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • It's like both viruses are TOO potent. They need to be "tamed" with their respective vaccines before humans can adapt to it. Makes me wonder whether either William or Curtis could've adapted properly with an immediate anti-viral shot following the initial G-dose.


          • Originally posted by Kaiser View Post
            It's like both viruses are TOO potent. They need to be "tamed" with their respective vaccines before humans can adapt to it. Makes me wonder whether either William or Curtis could've adapted properly with an immediate anti-viral shot following the initial G-dose.
            Also, Sherry had the added benefit of genetic compatibility with the virus, just like Jake presumably does. They're the 0.001% (or whatever) of the population that can handle exposure to the viruses without dying or turning into monsters.


            • Originally posted by Tyrant Rose View Post
              Also, Sherry had the added benefit of genetic compatibility with the virus, just like Jake presumably does. They're the 0.001% (or whatever) of the population that can handle exposure to the viruses without dying or turning into monsters.
              1 person in 10 million can be turned into Tyrants when infected by the T-virus and 1 in 10 thousand I think turn into super-humans when infected by the Progenitor, I don't think the same was said about the G-virus, Sherry was just lucky she got the cure and it affected the way it did.


              • The G-Virus can turn any human into a G-Human, presumably. Annette does mention compatibility in Darkside Chronicles, but it doesn't seem to be a selective virus. It was intended to evolve the entire human race. There's no way to tell whether Sherry has "superior DNA" needed for Progenitor or the adaptable gene(s) necessary for the t-Virus.

                It's like both viruses are TOO potent. They need to be "tamed" with their respective vaccines before humans can adapt to it. Makes me wonder whether either William or Curtis could've adapted properly with an immediate anti-viral shot following the initial G-dose.
                Only the G-Virus can be "tamed", really. The t-Virus fulfills its intended purpose, a vaccine only renders it worthless. The same with the G-Virus, the only difference is that, on that particular occasion in BH2, the DEVIL vaccine did not completely eradicate the virus and left harmless traces of it which stabilized in Sherry's body. Whether or not she can be considered a "full" G-Human is unknown, but she certainly gains some of those particular benefits.

                That was also the purpose of the t+G-Virus, with the t-Virus acting as an "antibody" to the G-Virus. That's why Morpheus suffers no ill-effects from the virus, he is, for all intents and purposes, a "G-Tyrant".
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Sherry was only compatible in the sense that she was William's daughter and had the same genetics. An infected Angela (with DEVIL shortly thereafter) would be like Sherry. What I was wondering was whether the same would be true of William and Curtis. Does G need that second generation to achieve the desired results?


                  • Originally posted by Kaiser View Post
                    Sherry was only compatible in the sense that she was William's daughter and had the same genetics. An infected Angela (with DEVIL shortly thereafter) would be like Sherry. What I was wondering was whether the same would be true of William and Curtis. Does G need that second generation to achieve the desired results?
                    Actually, if a G-Creature (already a failed adaptation to the G-Virus) implanted its embryo into a host with similar genetics, the second host would just become another G-Creature. There's a difference between a G-Creature and a G-Human. The virus itself was fundamentally incomplete, Sherry is a unique case as the vaccine allowed traces of it, despite being incomplete, to stabilize within her body.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Ah, okay. That makes sense. Either way, my anticipation for the RE6 is getting pretty high!


                      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        It'll all depend on the enemies. If the chase is only five minute long despite what's said, and the rest of the time it's a God of War deathcatholon style event, then i'll be fairly awful. If it's true about the chase and the enemies are touch even with super strength, then it could work.
                        The enemies were always formidable, though. Even the generic ones were a bit much for a typical human being. There was no need to introduce superhuman protagonists. Not unless they were after the younger crowd that would absolutely love to see such characters and play as them.

                        But anyway, if the enemies in RE6 become like the ones in DRAGON BALL Z, where Goku and the Z Warriors kept meeting stronger and stronger foes, then it could be really lame. Like in that anime, the human characters became irrelevant when the enemies became too powerful. Yamcha, Tien and others just couldn't keep up with the Super Saiyans and the androids, etc.

                        I guess Capcom wants to retire Chris, Leon, Claire and the rest of the human characters. Maybe turn them into mentors. And replace them with Jake and Sherry and maybe MANUELA.

                        Resident Evil: Budokai
                        Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                        • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                          The enemies were always formidable, though. Even the generic ones were a bit much for a typical human being. There was no need to introduce superhuman protagonists. Not unless they were after the younger crowd that would absolutely love to see such characters and play as them.

                          But anyway, if the enemies in RE6 become like the ones in DRAGON BALL Z, where Goku and the Z Warriors kept meeting stronger and stronger foes, then it could be really lame. Like in that anime, the human characters became irrelevant when the enemies became too powerful. Yamcha, Tien and others just couldn't keep up with the Super Saiyans and the androids, etc.

                          I guess Capcom wants to retire Chris, Leon, Claire and the rest of the human characters. Maybe turn them into mentors. And replace them with Jake and Sherry and maybe MANUELA.

                          Resident Evil: Budokai
                          That's ironic considering most of the main writers of the series were actually anime and Super Sentai writers. You know, the show from which Power Rangers is derived?
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            That's ironic considering most of the main writers of the series were actually anime and Super Sentai writers. You know, the show from which Power Rangers is derived?
                            If you're a writer in Japan, it comes with the territory being associated with kid shows someway, somehow.

                            And obviously, RE is becoming a franchise that caters to the younger crowd. Capcom surely hopes RE can one day become a Power Rangers-like fad... oh boy, they would luv that. It's their wet dream.

                            A power rangers pose... Or is it a Ginyu pose? Same thing!
                            Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                            • Seriously though, only Wesker has come back from the brink of death. We haven't even seen gameplay from Jake/Sherry. I fully believe that they will regenerate health and all, but there will be some sort of draw back. I.E. Jake will need super shots and Sherry will need time. Speculation, I know. Only time will tell.


                              • Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                                If you're a writer in Japan, it comes with the territory being associated with kid shows someway, somehow.

                                And obviously, RE is becoming a franchise that caters to the younger crowd. Capcom surely hopes RE can one day become a Power Rangers-like fad... oh boy, they would luv that. It's their wet dream.

                                A power rangers pose... Or is it a Ginyu pose? Same thing!
                                The series was always a franchise catered to the younger crowd. I'm hesitant to say that the only difference is that younger people have increasingly shittier tastes these days, because that sounds like whippersnapper talk, but yeah... that's the case. The industry itself also has major problems that have introduced a bottleneck in terms of style/quality/mass appeal.
                                Last edited by News Bot; 05-29-2012, 03:38 PM.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

