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B.O.Ws that deserve a second chance...

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  • B.O.Ws that deserve a second chance...

    Was remembering some of the older BOWs from the classic series that never got re-used and were single game monsters. So the rules of the thread are to pick BOW's that you think deserve a second chance, but no BOW's that were used more than once in the series.

    So no Hunters, Lickers, Cerebus, Tyrants etc.

    My choices are:

    Chimera(RE1) I hated these guys in the first RE. They were one of the faster monsters but they could ceiling hop and make life miserable for you.The fact that they resembled 'The Fly' (cronenberg version) was a nice touch too. The REmake design was really impressive and brought out more of a 'Mistake' vibe. While the Hunter,Yawn, Black Tiger, and Tyrant were all 'successful' monsters, the Chimera was more of a freak that didnt feel finished and
    it showed.

    Good monster regardless.

    Ivy(RE2) I thought these assholes were a pretty good monster. Simple, slow but a good threat. Especially when you're in a hurry and in acid range. With a few small upgrades it could be a really successful monster for the current gen.

    The RE series kind of stopped using plant type monsters after RE2 I noticed. Code V had the giant tendrils, and Alexia's first form but not much beyond that(Outbreak series included).

    Bandersnatch(RE:CodeV) I'm not a Code V fan really, but the Bandersnatch design was something that I really thought was clever. As a monster it stood out more to me int he game because it could follow you more than most of the other BOWs in the game.

    I really did that think this monster would have been used again in future games, looking back now its kind of sad to see it only used once.

    Yer turn.
    Last edited by Wrathborne; 06-14-2012, 02:44 AM.

  • #2
    Wasn't the Chimera used in UC (Rusia) and Ivy in Survivor? meaning they can't be used here.

    I really liked Yawn, wish they brought it back.


    • #3
      I wasn't really counting Umbrella chronicles really, primarily as I didn't beat the game(finished Zero and most of the Arklay Mansion.)


      • #4
        Drain Deimos and Brainsucker from RE3 both had a kind of chimera feel, and were very challenging to fight. I quite liked them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Vito View Post
          I really liked Yawn, wish they brought it back.
          Well, it looks like we got some kind of giant snake in RE6?

          I really liked Yawn too though.

          As for other enemies. I liked the Eliminators and Lurkers a lot in RE0. (I'm not counting the chronicle games) but yeah, wish they were in some of the other games. Also the zombie animals in Outbreak 2 I loved. Especially the lions.


          • #6
            Scissor Tails? Leechman?
            They were pretty annoying.


            • #7
              I always liked the Alsatians from 1.5, they don't look quite as ferocious as the Chimera,but I think they looked right for where the series was at the time being police dogs and all.


              • #8
                Bandersnatches for sure.


                • #9
                  Unquestionably : Ticks. Yeah, they're basically just a bunch of reskinned Hunters, but I want to see what they would look like with today's graphics.

                  Resident Evil 5 could have used more infected fauna, like Titan, Gnaws/Alligators, Stalker/Lioness, etc. They would have been great in the swamp area.


                  • #10
                    RE5 needed a giant ass elephant, really you'd have thought that would have been the one animal they would have used for a BOW...


                    • #11
                      So by a second chance do you mean like parole? On tag? If you will. Because I can totally see a Bandersnatch working at a Mcdonalds, god knows theres already zombies there.

                      Only two I could really think of is the Chimera which you already said but I'd rather if they remain dead now what with the way the games have gone, Chimera in RE6 would just be another creature to blitz with your unlimited ammo. Plus they already made a creature that slightly resembles them in the Reaper but I think RE5 pulled them off what with their cutscene instant death it made them really tense Bow's. I know whenever I am stood infront of one I get a sudden rush like I have about a split second to move or become Reaper meat.

                      The second one would be the Iron Maiden/Regenador which were quite possibly the creepiest creatures in the history of RE. The way they breath is what gets me. Its like a stutter of breath or something never heard that shit before it creeped me the fuck out the first time I ran into one. Also the way they shuffle towards you almost slowly but because of their long ass legs isnt that slow at all. Again these creatures were 'kind of' recreated in Revelations with the Ooze but they were no where near as bone shattering as the Regenadors.

                      There are many other creatures which I would love to see return but not in the state the series is in at this time. I'd rather them remain dead so I can preserve those precious memories. My precious. Oh and the Crocodile from RE2 was pretty badass despite the inconsistency or lack of meaning for it being there. (If anyone can shed some light on that would be much appriciated btw) I was going to say maybe the Crocodile would be a nice throwback but they did feature in RE5. Kind of baby Croc's compared to RE2 but they were still pretty brutal, also with a cutscene kill if you got to close.

                      Edit: If you are talking about animals you would like to see I just finished on watching a documentary on Komodo Dragons how badass would a Komodo be as a B.O.W....or a Meerkat.
                      Last edited by CrimsonElder; 06-14-2012, 11:06 PM.


                      • #12
                        Well, my favorite B.O.W. that they need to use again is the Regenerador.


                        That thing was so badass, it's almost unbelievable. xD There was no other B.O.W. in the history of RE that gave me the chills like those damn Regeneradors.... spooky.



                        • #13
                          Novistador. Assholes of RE4.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Novistador--RE4--resident-evil-724206_1024_829.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	97.0 KB
ID:	401374

                          Reapers. Assholes of RE5.

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Reaper.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	310.8 KB
ID:	401375
                          Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 06-15-2012, 02:07 AM.

                          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                          • #14
                            Reapers= Roach men from 1.5


                            • #15
                              The hilarity of the novistadors for me is that they stopped cloaking for God knows what reason the second time you encounter them. For what everyone says about RE4 not having enough horror in it, the sewer sequence with that wonderful pulsing electronic score and the cloaked novistadors was a great suspenseful set piece. It would have been great to walk into those caverns and start hearing that music just to get your heart racing. Nope, instead they're just flying around, waiting for your shotgun. The invisible novistadors deserved a second chance in the game they debuted in.

