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  • Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
    I dont think the project is dead either, but stopped or going really slow. Its a very small team, they work on their free time and im sure they have other important duties on their lifes
    Yeah I don't think it's Dead , We all know they have lives of their own lol , I have just seen many fan games and projects die because of life getting in the way , so Thats why I am happy to have gotten what we have , So if it happens and it gets fully 100% completed then that's great and if it doesn't because of life and particular circumstances getting in the way then that's fine as well , life will move on as always.

    I wonder if they have all the voices actors for all the characters yet ?
    I think they still needed one for Chief Irons and Ada and Marvin don't they ?


    • I can't believe how long it's been since the project started. It's flown by. I'm always busy with things in life so the wait doesn't bother me much. I'm just patiently waiting to play a classic RE that I've never played.


      • This year 20 years 80% of the prototype.


        • Originally posted by Snake Plissken View Post
          I can't believe how long it's been since the project started. It's flown by. I'm always busy with things in life so the wait doesn't bother me much. I'm just patiently waiting to play a classic RE that I've never played.
          I was thinking about this the other day, how shocked we all were when information and images started to leak that we've never seen. That was awesome and I can't wait until the final project is released...hopefully the real %80 build one day but i'm not being picky.

          Originally posted by Unmasked View Post
          Even if im agree with you on that i cant wait that long for a game. Life passes faster than we think, need to get focused on other stuff, etc.
          As bad as we wanna play this's just a video game, I'll gladly wait as long as it takes for it to be released and then i'll play it...probably several times. I just do my best to forget about it, check the forums once or twice a week and go on with my life. People being picky about how long it has been...these dudes are doing this on their own time and it seems like people honestly don't realize or understand how much work has to be put in.
          Last edited by Guest; 04-11-2017, 08:53 AM.


          • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
            I was thinking about this the other day, how shocked we all were when information and images started to leak that we've never seen. That was awesome and I can't wait until the final project is released...hopefully the real %80 build one day but i'm not being picky.
            As much as I'd love to play it immediately, I don't think anyone has a right to piss and moan about it taking long. You're getting a classic RE never released, and for free.

            I dumped a good amount of time into the demo we got years ago and quite enjoyed seeing all the areas we've never seen before. There's something about pre-rendered backgrounds I find so much more interesting.


            • At this point in the development they are probably getting into the actual story and gameplay-flow itself. Not only is the story and all the dialogue, locations, where they take place, etc. going to involve a lot of guesswork (or just flat-out making it up as they go.......assuming they don't have Alzaire and/or Dot locked in their basement to torture for information. Still a funny mental picture that lol), now that the rooms are pretty much done they have to start figuring out all the incidentals.

              Like, how much ammo should go here? Where should we put this weapon? Or this key? Or herbs? Are the enemies too weak, or too tough? What will change from one difficulty to the next? For me, this would seem like the hardest part of the actual game creation: gameplay balance. I made several levels using the Infamous 2 level designer back in the day (none of which got less than 3 1/2 out of 5 stars Wonder if they're still around.....?), so I have some idea about this aspect of the development cycle. For those of us who can't help on the technical side of things, maybe a serious offer to beta test stuff might help speed things along?

              Or maybe that voice acting bit.......been a while since they brought it up, don't know if it's finalized. If not, I'd sure like to take a crack at it
              It matters not to me which virus you wield. Yours is merely a pathetic attempt to master the powers of death. The power you seek is MINE, and with this insurmountable power, I offer a litany of oblivion even a virus cannot prevent..............and you cannot escape.


              • Be nice to get a progress update


                • Originally posted by icemann View Post
                  Be nice to get a progress update
                  Yeah I would like to know what they are doing atm and if all voice actors have been cast yet.


                  • Sometimes silence is a good sign. Perhaps they've learned from their past mistake. Nudge nudge wink wink.


                    • Meanwhile I am still being patient as hell and have high confidence the game will release and be good as hell. Gotta remember they have personal lives to attend to and can't be thinking about us at all times. Worst comes to worst, if it gets canceled I am sure they will give us the final build they reached (inb4 its 80% build level)


                      • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                        Sometimes silence is a good sign. Perhaps they've learned from their past mistake. Nudge nudge wink wink.
                        Silence is good, but too much silence... An Update once in a while would be great to keep us hyped
                        Last edited by Unmasked; 04-23-2017, 09:45 PM.
                        ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                        • I'm confident that it's not dead. Look what happened with AM2R at the very last second. Silence is a good thing. If the project was officially over I'm sure there would be some sort of announcement clearly stating such. Have faith.
                          Last edited by Graco; 04-25-2017, 09:13 PM.
                          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                          • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                            I'm confident that it's not dead. Look what happened with AM2R at the very last second. Silence is a good thing. If the project was officially over I'm sure there would be some sort of announcement clearly stating such. Have faith.
                            I never said the project is dead. As for me, i just asked to Gemini to come and say ''Hey folks, things are going well or this is the situation''. A little update nothing more. Silence is good but too much silence in those all months is not that good, and im not talking about a project being abandoned. People can lose his interest on this or just get frustrated on waiting something without a goal/date/info.

                            At least every project i knew had their updates (trailers, pictures, social media contact, etc). Im not talking about something weird, just info. At least to know if Gemini is alive

                            Dont tell me you guys dont want to satisfy your curiosity?
                            Last edited by Unmasked; 04-27-2017, 08:30 PM.
                            ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''


                            • He used to be more chatty but has gone very quiet , he would reply to me usually sometimes but now I just get ignored lol if I ask how is development going or what are you working on at the moment , last time I spoke to with him was when he was on facebook and he was telling us about some idiot who was trying to sell his work (battle coliseum mini game) , So I told him I reported the guy and he said thanks.

                              last update I believe was that picture of the healing bottles/vials for the manual.

                              Hope development is going well for him and anyone else involved.
                              Last edited by chrisliam2; 04-28-2017, 10:03 AM.


                              • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                                He used to be more chatty but has gone very quiet , he would reply to me usually sometimes but now I just get ignored lol if I ask how is development going or what are you working on at the moment , last time I spoke to with him was when he was on facebook and he was telling us about some idiot who was trying to sell his work (battle coliseum mini game) , So I told him I reported the guy and he said thanks.

                                last update I believe was that picture of the healing bottles/vials for the manual.

                                Hope development is going well for him and anyone else involved.
                                I asked to people who usually talked to him and they dont know nothing neither. I dont think silence is that good after all...
                                Last edited by Unmasked; 04-30-2017, 01:13 PM.
                                ''Whaaaaaat?! No money?! Hieeeeeer...SEK A COK!''

