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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
    Again, that isn't the way it was meant to be by CAPCOM. This would really make this build "bastardized". I don't think the team wants to make a customized version out of it...just complete it like if it was officialy released game by CAPCOM.
    Leave retail features to retail. The visible damage on clothes is one of the many unique hallmarks of 1.5


    • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
      Leave retail features to retail. The visible damage on clothes is one of the many unique hallmarks of 1.5
      I agree. But i think that retail features would really add much more improvement to this... the Limping feature in retail adds a lot more excitement !


      • That can always be implemented later with additional patches or even be enabled with extra options when starting a new game (like the violence settings in RE2 N64). Moar features for all, at least from a theoretical point of view.

        Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
        I think c2keo's backgrounds look much better than what's being shown in Distant Memories though. A lot more detail and life to them IMO.
        Make sure not to post this on DXP's 3D modeling thread or it might brutally implode in ragespams, again.
        Last edited by Gemini; 12-08-2012, 03:43 PM.

        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


        • Originally posted by Morellus View Post
          I agree. But i think that retail features would really add much more improvement to this... the Limping feature in retail adds a lot more excitement !

          Exactly. When you were hobbling, you felt like you were really in danger, and you'd die in one or two blows - adding tension and difficulty.
          I hated in the RE0 and RE1 remake, aswell as RE4 and 5 that you could still run when on little health. It takes away some of the danger if you can run away.

          But the bleeding is unique to 1.5, and so should be kept aswell. Its a hard one to think which would be scarier, but both would be the best option, even it its only sn idea and probably won't be implamented at all.. Still.
          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


          • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
            Exactly. When you were hobbling, you felt like you were really in danger, and you'd die in one or two blows - adding tension and difficulty.
            I hated in the RE0 and RE1 remake, aswell as RE4 and 5 that you could still run when on little health. It takes away some of the danger if you can run away.

            But the bleeding is unique to 1.5, and so should be kept aswell. Its a hard one to think which would be scarier, but both would be the best option, even it its only sn idea and probably won't be implamented at all.. Still.
            i think the hobbling in REmake would be useless, because there was the crimson heads. in RE0 hobbling would make the game sux, because no one wants the bot parter hobbling.

            hey, there is hobbling in 1.5?
            Last edited by yurieu; 12-08-2012, 03:51 PM.


            • No hobbling came at retail 2, 1.5 had your outfit become ripped and bloody the more damage you got.


              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                The lab zombies are ripped directly from BIO1. So they are the exact same enemy
                No. Proof:

                His left arm has no skin, only bones.


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  I think c2keo's backgrounds look much better than what's being shown in Distant Memories though. A lot more detail and life to them IMO.

                  If I didn't know any better I'd think they were legit.


                  • Yeah. c2keo's stuff was pretty neat. Although I feel that the atmosphere/style in his renders sometimes almost seems more like final/retail era stuff (some even RE3), than 1.5-esque stuff. Still would've loved to see more of his stuff, though. (And where he could've taken things if he'd be able to work on the style)


                    • All this time, the backyard that shows the 2nd floor wall, has a window? I thought it was an indent in the building, like a small area for a roof ledge or something. Makes me wonder if c2keo had seen the real game. He is the one that discovered the alligator image was actually a bush in front of the small alley on the side of the RPD. I'm just saying maybe he has played the real game.

                      Also, the video that showed Claire as missing on a poster(I know it was made by the mod team), what else was added? Is that where the exit is? Is there really a restroom there? I don't know how a restroom would fit since I think the outside is the exit/entrance to the parking garage.You can see it slopes downward in the stills and video. That means when the vehicles goes up the ramp to the top outside, there couldn't be enough space for a room to be there.
                      Last edited by Black~Crow; 12-08-2012, 04:53 PM.
                      I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                      • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        All this time, the backyard that shows the 2nd floor wall, has a window? I thought it was an indent in the building, like a small area for a roof ledge or something. Makes me wonder if c2keo had seen the real game. He is the one that discovered the alligator image was actually a bush in front of the small alley on the side of the RPD. I'm just saying maybe he has played the real game.

                        Also, the video that showed Claire as missing on a poster(I know it was made by the mod team), what else was added? Is that where the exit is? Is there really a restroom there? I don't know how a restroom would fit since I think the outside is the exit/entrance to the parking garage.You can see it slopes downward in the stills and video. That means when the vehicles goes up the ramp to the top outside, there couldn't be enough space for a room to be there.
                        If you look next to the burning truck and the water tank it appears there is enough space for a room to be there on the inside. Whether it be a bathroom would be questionable, perhaps a boiler room might make more sense in that particular location.


                        • Is it confirmed we find a fire extinguisher for the van to gain access or something else?
                          Last edited by Darkness; 12-08-2012, 05:45 PM.


                          • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                            Make sure not to post this on DXP's 3D modeling thread or it might brutally implode in ragespams, again.
                            you know who'd post stuff like that, again? a troll.

                            you are spamming and trying to start arguments, next time you will be reported.


                            • Looking at more of the original footage, it looks like there were several zombies that were stripped of various pieces of flesh, for example in the following video, theres a zombie that appears to be missing part of his torso and one of his legs.

                              I think its amazing the amount of things that most people don't notice that are right there in the videos.


                              • Originally posted by justinlrich1993 View Post
                                Looking at more of the original footage, it looks like there were several zombies that were stripped of various pieces of flesh, for example in the following video, theres a zombie that appears to be missing part of his torso and one of his legs.

                                I think its amazing the amount of things that most people don't notice that are right there in the videos.
                                ....holy crap! I just noticed elza has a constant idle where she puts her hand on her hip in the final build. I WAS WONDERING IF IN THE COMPLETE DISC FOOTAGE ELZA AND JOHN WERE DOING IT FOR A CUTSCENE ONLY! But I just noticed in that video elza doing it even with zombies around!

