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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Quality looks about the same really, it just has music overlapping now. Easily edited maybe, but I think it's legit. I mean at least we got Leon's grunt...<_<

    Also when I asked about the dog, anyone got a video to just show me more evidence of the dog screenching but not dying ;_;?


    • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      Quality looks about the same really, it just has music overlapping now. Easily edited maybe, but I think it's legit. I mean at least we got Leon's grunt...<_<

      Also when I asked about the dog, anyone got a video to just show me more evidence of the dog screenching but not dying ;_;?
      Curator footage.


      • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
        showing the real cut of the video...
        For a Japanese magazine, when mine is for an American Electronic Show...
        Mine comes from a Betacam, yours from a VHS...
        What's your point?


        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
          Mr bitman, thank you for the footage. However that first clip is not E3 or anything from 1997. The quality is too good. The sound is different from the original footage as well. Interesting to think about where it came from, whether you know someone who has it, or the footage. Or you have it or the footage. I'm just giddy and curious.
          You guys are hopeless


          • Kind of arrogant of some people to be telling the owner of new footage where their stuff did or did not come from when they have no idea themselves...


            • Originally posted by GBitman View Post
              I wanted to see how the community will react if I pulled a Curator on it.
              Fail for not using Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing during the footage.


              • Originally posted by GBitman View Post
                For a Japanese magazine, when mine is for an American Electronic Show...
                Mine comes from a Betacam, yours from a VHS...
                What's your point?
                Betacam = Betamax?
                Hail the heros of the revolution!


                • Originally posted by GBitman View Post
                  For a Japanese magazine, when mine is for an American Electronic Show...
                  Mine comes from a Betacam, yours from a VHS...
                  What's your point?
                  If you mean specifically Betacam SP, then that makes sense. Your footage is clearly authentic and clearly from a tape format, I agree.

                  What confuses me, however, is the splice. The jump from the footage that you recently released to a sequence shown previously in a Japanese VHS tape was too odd to overlook, especially considering that you chose to enter the second sequence at a point when the Capcom-Friendly overlaying text would have already vanished. Granted, the quality of your version is much better and seemingly struck from the first generation tape. This is what led me to believe that you have at least two tapes, and that you captured both and then digitally conjoined a segment of each to yield the resultant video.

                  Am I right? I have no idea, I could be totally off-mark. It's just what I gathered from the video, and please feel free to tell me otherwise or disprove me.


                  • SMH at the RE community. Kind of losing hope in the fanbase when someone supplies new information and they question it's authenticity. Who in the actual **** cares? Just enjoy it for what it is.
                    Last edited by Chris' Boob; 01-11-2013, 04:07 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                      SMH at the RE community. Kind of losing hope in the fanbase when someone supplies new information and they question it's authenticity. Who in the actual **** cares? Just enjoy it for what it is.
                      Dude that's fine and all, but if these are two different cuts of footage spliced together, why doesn't he just post the rest of the footage intact? Or just post that footage by itself. Doesn't make sense to me, was it not good enough by itself that he had to splice it with already seen footage?


                      • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        SMH at the RE community. Kind of losing hope in the fanbase when someone supplies new information and they question it's authenticity. Who in the actual **** cares? Just enjoy it for what it is.
                        I didn't intend any malice or distrust. When something new and exciting comes along, I try to analyze it and make sense of it, origins included. Obviously, anything I deduce will be my own conjectures based purely on what I see in front of me, and people are free to disagree with them.

                        I've said it before and I'll say it again, thank you GrantBitman for providing us with this new footage! :-)


                        • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
                          Kind of arrogant of some people to be telling the owner of new footage where their stuff did or did not come from when they have no idea themselves...
                          Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                          • This is some great footage! Thank you.

                            GrantBitman, do you happen to have cleaned footage of other events? The quality provided by your video is phenomenal. Not even Inflames managed to get such high-quality footage off his discs. It would be much helpful to see some details previously unseen due to the lesser quality of other videos.

                            EDIT: Holy shit, this new video provided us with an additional information that I don't think people noticed. The cerberus behaviour was changed in era 5 build. In the PSM video, whenever Leon shoots them, they don't fall on the ground, they just take a few steps back. But in this video, shooting them puts them on the ground. Cerberus is probably the most unstable enemy design of the BioHazard 1.5.
                            Last edited by Kegluneq; 01-11-2013, 04:25 PM.

                            BioHazard YouTube Channel
                            BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                            • That damage grunt from leon..holy hell. and it looks like they finally straightened out the cerb's falling down by the final era. It is excellent footage you've procured, regardless where from. Thanks Bitman.
                              Last edited by Darkness; 01-11-2013, 04:29 PM.


                              • Did someone see the other video which is private right now what was about.

