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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • A lot of the pre-new year hype for RE 1.5 has died down quite a lot after all the once-a-week advents leading up to Christmas where we were promised a "very big surprise" (which many suspected was either a new 5 to 10 minute video of gameplay like the halloween teaser, or a demo of early areas, or the vanilla 40% build to wet our appetite, or even the finished game ahead of schedule) turned out instead to be a delayed short 2.5 minute duration video of a guy talking about the translation process and then burping at the end.
    Last edited by Eteponge; 01-21-2013, 09:00 PM.


    • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
      A lot of the pre-new year hype for RE 1.5 has died down quite a lot after all the once-a-week advents leading up to Christmas where we were promised a "very big surprise" (which many suspected was either a new 5 to 10 minute video of gameplay like the halloween teaser, or a demo of early areas, or the vanilla 40% build to wet our appetite, or even the finished game ahead of schedule) turned out instead to be a delayed short 2.5 minute duration video of a guy talking about the translation process and then burping at the end.
      Yes that, and there wasn't even a big surprise. I already knew saving was possible. Many, if not all of us, expected to get a build of the game in some form. I can't lie, I was very disappointed with their Making Of teaser. Honestly it was short with no new info added. They showed some of their tools but nothing else. Most of us expected a release date as well, but nothing was even hinted.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
        Yes that, and there wasn't even a big surprise. I already knew saving was possible. Many, if not all of us, expected to get a build of the game in some form. I can't lie, I was very disappointed with their Making Of teaser. Honestly it was short with no new info added. They showed some of their tools but nothing else. Most of us expected a release date as well, but nothing was even hinted.
        I can see why he's making it, though. I mean, it's pretty cool to see the process and them explaining what they're doing, and it gives us an insight into the content and how they came up with the new content, what their mindset was, etc... Plus, I guess it sort of makes them feel important, and not just the invisible strings holding up the Resident Evil 1.5 release...
        I mean I think what they're doing is fantastic and I owe them everything in terms of this project, but the question is whether or not the feeling is widespread, and in the end, they are just a means to an end, and it's not a cool feeling to feel like you're just a tool to please so random people who just want to be given whatever they ask, and are there to disregard your work. The process of recreating the game is spoken of so lightly when really it is a tough process.
        Such is the fate of the artist and game developers in the industry, especially in such a destructive and critical environment now-a-days. Everything is always under blast and being critisized ,"Oh this isn't Call of Duty, etc..."
        I can only imagine the stress put on these guys by this, their art, being combined with something that's been loved for so long, they they're doing for pleasure, and I'm pretty sure, when they release if it's not up to snuff, there going to be a ton of angry voices, "How did you manage to screw up something people have waited 15 years for, etc..." and they'll be taking the heat for something they did out of the love of their hearts... Maybe the problems with the gaming industry may be partially attributed to this, what Hideo Kojima is always talking about, why so many of the modern Resident Evil games have been so actiony and bleh, overall non-Resident Evil... They're trying to maybe appeal to another kind of gamer, one hooked on action and headshots...
        "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
        PSN Gamercards


        • his new avatar is birkin mutating into his second form. its in the psm anniversary footage


          • Originally posted by Leonardos5 View Post
            I can see why he's making it, though. I mean, it's pretty cool to see the process and them explaining what they're doing, and it gives us an insight into the content and how they came up with the new content, what their mindset was, etc... Plus, I guess it sort of makes them feel important, and not just the invisible strings holding up the Resident Evil 1.5 release...
            I agree with the making of videos. It's great to see how they work on the game and it's a great way for them to get their recognition for the hard work they've done. But I also agree with Zombie_X on the no Expected Release Date, and what it is ( if anything ) that will be released to the public. We have been down this road with the Dark Biohazard mod, and it was a huge let down to the community. Some people are faced with the moral dilemma of not rushing them to release something we've been waiting forever for because it might make them not want to release it; but I could care less about sucking up and staying hush hush... A release date would be appreciated, we've been waiting forever for this and if it is coming sometime in the next century, there's no need to string us along with "riddles" and teases.
            Tired of Stupid... sigpic


            • I wonder if the avatar updates on YouTube are to show us the progress of the mod? Who knows..

              Click image for larger version

Name:	birkin1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	59.8 KB
ID:	402335 Click image for larger version

Name:	birkin2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	53.8 KB
ID:	402336
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Originally posted by Original Sin View Post
                I agree with the making of videos. It's great to see how they work on the game and it's a great way for them to get their recognition for the hard work they've done. But I also agree with Zombie_X on the no Expected Release Date, and what it is ( if anything ) that will be released to the public. We have been down this road with the Dark Biohazard mod, and it was a huge let down to the community. Some people are faced with the moral dilemma of not rushing them to release something we've been waiting forever for because it might make them not want to release it; but I could care less about sucking up and staying hush hush... A release date would be appreciated, we've been waiting forever for this and if it is coming sometime in the next century, there's no need to string us along with "riddles" and teases.
                I would agree with you, but I think penning down release dates is one of the huge evils of the gaming industry. Development is not always predictable, and they could end up with a bunch of bugs and glitches, which if they don't fix, piss off a bunch of people, or if they push back the release, REALLY piss of a bunch of people. I think it would be much more understandable to have a predicted season or time period of release. It gives them more wiggle room if they're serious about just getting the game out there, which is, essentially the only plus side I see to having a release frame for a game that is still in heavy development.
                "I will stay behind, to gaze at the sun. The sun is a wondrous body. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly incandescent!"
                PSN Gamercards


                • not a shot from the psm vid either, glad.
                  Wonder just how many cutscenes were done in that build. The more the less hard their job is.


                  • Few pages back someone pointed out missing the old days. Damn. I miss too. But these days are not gone.

                    Just boot up your psx on old TV , shut doors and windows. Enjoy! It's exactly the same....
                    ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      You know, after they finish the sewers, there isn't much left then.
                      Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      All they'd have to do it use the trial games backgrounds, create boundaries/dimensions, add enemies, event script/flags, and some sound effects among other things.
                      +custom models, custom animations, game balance, maps, and it goes on. Not much left!!
                      Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      Right now I think the work on the R.P.D is done and they have started work on the sewers. IMO the sewers aren't too big.
                      Man I was starting to miss all those groundless and incoherent speculations about things we know absolutely NOTHING about

                      At that point we need a little bit more percentages and release date speculations and we're on schedule!
                      Last edited by Rick Hunter; 01-22-2013, 02:15 AM.


                      • The sewers are much larger than what it was portrayed in the retail
                        Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                        • Well, consider this. We wouldn't even be where we are now if not for us RE fans - both old and new. All that is known, all that has been surmised, the scraps of data that our resident experts and their associates have painstakingly compiled over the years, the endless (and often repetitive) questions, the speculators (even bad speculation has helped in its way), the PMODders, the fan artists, and so on, and so on. We've got one helluva database for a scrapped game, and I'm sure "da team" has made the most of it. I know the PMODders have, and look how far they got. And then of course there's the scammers, the shysters (there's an old word for you!), the hucksters, the fakers, as well as the pure grade A assholes and jerkasses - they're part of the legend behind this effort, too (whether we like it or not). Without them, well ... the ride would have been ... "less interesting?" Such a to-do over a scrapped game!

                          It's been one helluva ride. It still is - but now the end's in sight. We're almost there, folks. Just keep your fingers crossed!

                          Collective pat on the back, everyone! Okay, motivational break over - let's get back to business ...
                          Last edited by RMandel; 01-22-2013, 03:34 AM.


                          • Originally posted by Darkside05 View Post
                            The sewers are much larger than what it was portrayed in the retail
                            Oh yeah?


                            • I don't think anyone knows the extent of all of the areas in the game. We don't have all the assets so how are we meant to make factual information on that?

                              The mod 'will be done when it's done'. Much like development of retail video games, if dates are set they HAVE to be hit, most publishers won't want to take pushing back the game so they make it very clear they want it by the date they set... Otherwise there will be some bitching by the fans if not met.

                              It's possible that the team doesn't even know how long they have left developing the mod.
                              Last edited by Gradon; 01-22-2013, 07:53 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                                I wonder if the avatar updates on YouTube are to show us the progress of the mod? Who knows..

                                [ATTACH=CONFIG]8003[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]8004[/ATTACH]
                                Not new stuff, just a screenshot of Birkin coming from the elevator, what we seen in a trailer before. It looks a bit darker however, maybe the team adds a little adjustment to the color palette, or maybe just the screenshot is darker.
                                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase

