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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
    yes. bonus is bonus.

    what is live trigger?
    I meant to say live selection. Sorry for the confusion.

    the only thing that looks similar to the DC2 battle arena is the tron-like texture.
    Given the PSX's hardware limitations, do you think it would be possible to load more detailed 3D levels for the mini-game? Like, say, a graphically downgraded version of the factory outdoor areas? Something similar-looking to the level of detail in the RE4 mobile game, if you are familiar with it.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
      Given the PSX's hardware limitations, do you think it would be possible to load more detailed 3D levels for the mini-game? Like, say, a graphically downgraded version of the factory outdoor areas? Something similar-looking to the level of detail in the RE4 mobile game, if you are familiar with it.
      It would be possible to have more detailed scenario models, but that'd also need an increased complexity of the engine's ability to deal with 3D environments (subdivision, perspective correction, etc.), which RE engines don't seem to bother with as they are not really intended for that kind of usage. The first Dino Crisis, on the other hand, would be just perfect for that task.

      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


      • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
        What do you guys think about how Live Selection of Resident evil 3?
        It would be interesting to introduce this modality in 1.5, for example when the zombies break the entry of the rpd, the player enters the Live Selection mode, in which you are asked to choose between two possible actions (do not choose between the two represents a third choice), each changing the direction the story takes. The time for choosing is limited before the player faces the opponent.
        I liked the idea of the Live Selection from RE3, but I don't think it would be good in 1.5. Then again, I would prefer the game to be completed and still feel authentic, the Team's interpretation of how 1.5 would be had it been completed, but that's just me.


        • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
          other than that modding a game is like modding your car.
          Silly comparison. Digital content and cars aren't regulated by the same laws. Apples and oranges.


          • Maybe not, but it is perfectly legal to modify a game as you wish...because the company who made the game has absolutely no claim to the content you are adding or modifying...even on hardware, in 2005 Sony lost a lawsuit against a small time store that installed modchips into PS2's and sold them on, Sony took them to court for it, and the Judges ruled that it is not infact illegal to modify something which you own...If you actually look at the license you purchase for older games (in the manual for those who don't know, usually near the back) it states you have the right to use the data but do not own it blah blah blah, nowhere does it actually state that you:
            A. have to use all of it
            B. are not allowed to add modify or remove content from the data
            These are new rules, only implemented because of online, and the only thing they reserve the right to do should you break them is remove multiplayer privilages anyway...there is no actual law against modifying a game for your own personal use...and there never will be, companies have tried, and they always fail
            And the license agreement is a null point as 1.5 was never sold, licensed or released anyway
            Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 05-16-2013, 01:26 PM.


            • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
              And the license agreement is a null point as 1.5 was never sold, licensed or released anyway
              As wrong as wrong one can be. Being part of major large scale coding company I can assure you that all data, code etc produced inside company by default belongs to company and hence is copyrighted and especially under tag 'not to sell or give away in any form'.

              Even if I do a litle if-else script in csh for use in work it automatically goes under it.

              All external developers and on boarding employees have NDA contract. Do your homework buddy...
              ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


              • Yes it'll be copyrighted, never said it wouldn't be, but copyright only deals with who owns what and distribution, it's the user license that deals with modifications and the users rights etc and as the game was never released it won't have one, even if they drew one up it won't be in any way, shape or form valid as they come into play at time of purchase, like I said a few posts back, the only illegality with 1.5 is distribution of the original copyrighted content
                Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 05-16-2013, 03:17 PM.


                • New day new discoveries. Who wants quick turn and tactical reload?

                  Originally posted by Don Piano View Post
                  Niiiice, Do they attack each other aswell or just the player?. Will we be seeing the dobermans from eariler builds?
                  Enemies are hostile only to players. Dobermans? You mean german shepherds?

                  IGAS = I give a shit?, I always used to say IDGAS (I don't give a shit) when i was younger
                  I Get All Secrets. It is a secret to be revealed sooner or later.
                  Last edited by D.Birkin; 05-16-2013, 07:24 PM.
                  “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                  • yes Birkin!! Add in quick turn as well as being able to reload a half empty gun without going into the menu!

                    However! If I were you I would make it 'optional' otherwise you'll get another bunch of stupid cunts moaning about things.
                    4 Itchy Tasty.


                    • I say go for it. RE3 was the strange red headed stepchild of 1.5 anyways. And it had autoaim like re3.


                      • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                        Who wants quick turn and tactical reload?
                        I DO I DO!

                        maybe only for a certain controller configuration to make it optional?


                        • Whenever I hear about this DXP fellow childishly ranting about Team I.G.A.S. accomplishments, I tend to imagine him wearing some sort of cult like RE 1.5 inspired cloak, hood, and robes, in a bizarre self made temple dedicated to RE 1.5, with an image of Elza Walker and the original (shitty) RE 1.5 ammo and weapon icons stitched onto his robe, chanting RE 1.5 themed religious chants and hymns in front of an altar playing RE 1.5 music, declaring himself the sole prophet and purist of RE 1.5, declaring Hideki Kamiya a false prophet who turned his back on the most godly and spiritual RE game in existence, and declaring Team I.G.A.S. heretics for altering the holiest of holies RE 1.5, and preaching spiritual liberation and spiritual enlightenment through purist RE 1.5, where there are only a few working rooms, shitty icons, no check or file menu, no working saves or item boxes, air jesus reigns supreme (hallelujah brothers!), and the revelation that if he can get his hands on the pure vanilla RE 1.5, it will lead all RE fans into a mystical RE 1.5 enlightenment and golden age, the RE 1.5 promised land.
                          Last edited by Eteponge; 05-16-2013, 09:38 PM.


                          • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                            New day new discoveries. Who wants quick turn and tactical reload?

                            Enemies are hostile only to players. Dobermans? You mean german shepherds?
                            And the possibility of use the knife in real time with L1 without going into the menu to equip, like Resident Evil 4 would be fantastic. That is the only logical reason to have a box of standard arms in the inventary. German shepherds rules!!!
                            Last edited by The_Wes; 05-16-2013, 09:47 PM.
                            Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                            • This is starting to look more and more like RE 1.5: Deadly Silence, and I'm loving it (as long as they give us the option to turn the additional features off, though).
                              Also, D.Birkin, I noticed that the auto-aim in the build is a bit "stupid", as it doesn't actually prioritize enemies based on proximity to the player; will you eventually be fixing this as well?
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • I say nay to quick turn and tactical reload. I don't think it was an original feature. If it was to be used after you beat the main game that would be cool. Maybe have it so you beat the game on "classic mode" then unlock "rebirth mode". "Rebirth mode" would add quick turn, tactical reload, maybe more puzzles or new enemies, a higher difficulty, randomized ammo/weapons, randomized enemy spawn and so on. I think those features would fit better with and extra game mode and should not be part of the main game. I think it taints the original formula.
                                My Head-Fi Page

