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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    Freedom of speech? Forums are private, there are rules here, same as when you work for a company. And thanks to these rules, if you wanna act like a dickhead, you get a ban. The attitude this guy has is the most worst thing that could happen on a beta/collector related forum where confidence and discretion are both very important.

    He's acting like a jackass leaking things without a team's permission, and he then proceed to leak private discussions that could jeopardize everything. He's just being an immature fuckbag and a ban would be well deserved. That's my opinion. And people were silly enough to push him to react even more agressively, and that was stupid as well. I understand both sides, but they all are to blame in this mess. People just need to calm down and grow the **** up.
    It should be over now since the mods have said you will get a ban if you keep going on and on about it. so he should of gone away now , it's just bugs me how there is always one person who has to ruin it for everyone else, every time we seem to get a little bit closer to 1.5.

    If MrBZork is reading this I hope he knows we are not all like that person who leaked info , Im 100% happy and looking forword to the next update at christmas time and that will make me more then happy enough.


    • I've been PM'ing him on Assembler and he doesn't seem as terrible as his public posts suggest. Granted I think he raged because of how everyone jumped him. As far as what I've been told, he was never told not to disclose that information. He also said that the original owner of the disc was the one that told him about said info.

      For now my judgement is reserved but I feel his attitude was the result of everyone shitting on him.

      As for the project it doesn't seem this has set them back at all. BZork never mentioned to me that it has any setbacks, so all is good it seems. I am glad they are mature about it and are not like "Oh you leaked some info, too bad, no beta for the community". Stuff like that has happened in the past.

      BZork, I am anxiously awaiting the next update. Please keep us informed ;)
      Last edited by Zombie_X; 11-03-2012, 02:05 PM.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • The dude has the right to speak his mind...but given he's leaking information about a game he doesn't own, worked on by a team he's not a member of, and possibly created enough bad feeling that he's risking the thing being released it's not exactly a shock he's not gotten the most positive reaction. Think about it- we've had people vanish for far less, and the team obviously wishes to remain private for now at least, and keep things to themselves. Freedom of speech works both ways - does he really believe he can speak his piece and not have people give him a piece of there minds? And if he's created enough bad feeling to get this ditched, well, he can likely expect a lot more.

        As it is, unless he does list new information, he's not really relevant. He's not a member, and he's made his opinion of THIA abundantly clear, so there's not much chance of him showing up here (although he is, of course, as welcome as anyone else should he be able to follow the rules) and as such, let's get back on the topic and not one persons actions.
        Last edited by Darkmoon; 11-03-2012, 02:19 PM.


        • Why dont we just ignore him completely ? By this I mean not flaming back or expressing fear of him ruining something. Just ignore him and if things go to far delete his posts and things will settle automatically.
          Anyway, have the healing items shown in the new video been shoen in other (older) sources before? I have gone through my image stash but could not find anything. They look pretty interesting, IMO.


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            BZork, I am anxiously awaiting the next update. Please keep us informed ;)
            You and me both.


            • What´s the point of keep talking about that Gman guy... now that a moderator posted a warning , he will shut up unless he wants to get banned (on the assembler forum). If we keep talking about this incident , then WE ourselves could risk things up... lets just forget about this and keep talking about this new footage , or speculations about new areas etc...

              On the other hand... i would like to see some Sewers or Umbrella lab (obviously the areas that got cut out of retail version) footage in the "Christmas teaser" that would be really awesome.


              • Originally posted by Morellus View Post
                What´s the point of keep talking about that Gman guy... now that a moderator posted a warning , he will shut up unless he wants to get banned (on the assembler forum). If we keep talking about this incident , then WE ourselves could risk things up... lets just forget about this and keep talking about this new footage , or speculations about new areas etc...

                On the other hand... i would like to see some Sewers or Umbrella lab (obviously the areas that got cut out of retail version) footage in the "Christmas teaser" that would be really awesome.
                yeah more rpd and sewers for christmas would be great
                is william birken in the 40% build ?


                • Have the healing items shown in the new video been shoen in other (older) sources before? I have gone through my image stash but could not find anything. They look pretty interesting, IMO.
                  Also did you notice that at around 1:47 Elza seems to dissolve when leaving the screen? Plus the flying polygon thingy at 4:15?
                  Last edited by anaho; 11-03-2012, 02:36 PM.


                  • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                    yeah more rpd and sewers for christmas would be great
                    is william birken in the 40% build ?
                    At least birkin 1 is. SHERLY
                    There's footage of much later birkin too so...they got stuff to go on!


                    • IIRC, the healing items intended as "not the herbs, not again!" were only hinted in the list released by The Curator and maybe on some old Famitsu articles. It's such old news I can' remember exactly where this comes from (Alzaire can probably answer this one better than any of us), but it turned out to be what the team's using for their build, which is definitively the good approach to make it feel really authentic to the 1.5 original nature.

                      Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                      after all this new 1.5 info and video thats come out it occurred to me , why has knowone ever tried to hack the ps1 version of re2 and make it more like 1.5 but the modders tend to stick to the pc version of re2 to mod , is that because it's more easy to hack the pc version ?
                      Probably a lack of interest from the hackers who usually populate the PSX scene (we aren't really that many, you can probably enumerate us all with two hand's fingers). As for the PC hacking, it's mostly because of two reasons: 1) pc RE1-2-3 have no checksum protection on the files, meaning you can simply inject altered data and the game would accept it right away 2) you are less limited on a PC, since you can count on machines that are infinitely more powerful than a 33 MHhz MIPS processor.
                      Last edited by Gemini; 11-03-2012, 02:52 PM.

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • also to whoever was crying because they are using RE2 shotgun icon, why not? Its an icon. And it looks like the remington m870. RE1.5 at the point they got it had RE1 placeholder icons still. So kudos to improving that.


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          What you're basically saying is that you need to be moderated by an admin to realize that posting private discussions in public is pathetic and immature. What's the next step, sending them to the new york times?

                          You do realize that Bzork is reading our discussions? Do you at least slightly realize how retarded and insulting it is towards him? Because of people like you, if I was him I'd just give up on the idea of working my ass off for such a reward. That kind of attitude and behavior are childish and pathetic, and if things get screwed up as usual, it will be well deserved.
                          Yep, I'm retarded because I hosted the images elsewhere so people who were having problems to see what he posted in a public thread could see them. Yeah I'm very retarded.

                          "That kind of attitude and behavior are childish and pathetic, and if things get screwed up as usual, it will be well deserved." Because I was the one who did a screen capture of a private message and posted it on a thread in order to seek attention. Ok.
                          Hail the heros of the revolution!


                          • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                            also to whoever was crying because they are using RE2 shotgun icon, why not? Its an icon. And it looks like the remington m870. RE1.5 at the point they got it had RE1 placeholder icons still. So kudos to improving that.
                            Lol yea... who cares about that. I prefer a RE2 icon over a crappy placeholder. Btw... i saw that they used this track in the Halloween teaser... i think thats really cool , RE2 Retail has some awesome soundtracks. I wonder how many RE 1.5 exclusive soundtracks are present in the build? :O
                            Last edited by Morellus; 11-03-2012, 03:02 PM. Reason: Engrish


                            • Originally posted by Morellus View Post
                              Lol yea... who cares about that. I prefer a RE2 icon over a crappy placeholder. Btw... i saw that they used this track in the Halloween teaser... i think thats really cool , RE2 Retail has some awesome soundtracks. I wonder how many RE 1.5 exclusive soundtracks are present in the build? :O
                              I'm surprised I'm the only one that creamed over that never before heard gorilla fight 1.5 OST


                              • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                also to whoever was crying because they are using RE2 shotgun icon, why not? Its an icon. And it looks like the remington m870. RE1.5 at the point they got it had RE1 placeholder icons still. So kudos to improving that.

                                I like all the improvements the team has added as well.
                                I love love love LOVE the Character menu screen of elza's.
                                I also like the fact they added some of the re2 music in there version of the hack.
                                Its like resident evil 1.5 Final mix lol with lots of added extras.

                                Im interested to see what other backgrounds the team have made from scratch as there background making skills are amazing !!

                                If anyone on the team is reading our posts please tell the people who made the backgrounds that they look amazing.

