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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Thank you Kegluneq for pointing this out, i will try it later tomorrow when i get back from college since i've returned RE6 to the shop owner after 30min of COD $hit gameplay and glitches. every time i have to wait for my stupid partner to come beside me to open a goddamn door and while i get hit repeatedly by enemies, so i decided to get back to the good old times of the first RE trilogy glorious days !Also i am now sure that the resident evil series is officially dead, thank you crapcom for ruining such a great series and keep satisfying COD action lovers as much as you like !

    Edit: Does anybody knows if the shooting range area is available in the 40% build and are there any weapons modifications in 1.5 like the ones in RE2 retail available as well ?
    Last edited by Guest; 11-05-2012, 04:16 PM.


    • Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
      Well, I don't think they look so bad after all.


      It's a pity they scrapped them, this would have made 1.5 even more unique in my opinion.
      I guess it's a matter of opinion? But personally I think they look like crap. They look worse in action too, since their tails are just giant polygonal blobs of nothing. Maybe if the team decided to go with the German Shepherds for the final and had more time to work on the textures and their models, they might've been salvageable. But currently, I don't think they look that good.


      • YES!... and i saw the images on Lebowski post, and i thing that my theory is correct... the Skin of the dogs seen in the fire range are like German Shepherd Dog, and the ones seen in the Factory video on PSM 2011 Video are the ones from the Street like Dobermans... so in the 1.5 build would be 2 breed of dogs... yes, more info revealed to be truth...

        And other one is... WHAT IS THAT TRUTH ITEM, it can be seen in the Blurry image of the Japanese Item List, i don't know who posted...


        • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
          Edit: Does anybody knows if the shooting range area is available in the 40% build and are there any weapons modifications in 1.5 like the ones in RE2 retail available as well ?
          That's a good question. It's not in the PSM video, but there are members here posting as we speak that know alot more about the PSM build than me.


          • Richard Mandel (REM?) Did a good job putting the footage chronologically and adding better door loading screens in this video


            • Has some one see that the Curators Build , one zombie with a missing head attacked Leon and the the zombie falls down and then dissappears?
              Is just like the error in RE4, you've decapitated the Ganado and then still attacking you, after a few seconds he falls down, i think that this is a bug...
              Last edited by STARSRedfield; 11-05-2012, 04:32 PM.


              • @Kennel: No clue if it's there. PSM never showed it (I think?), maybe Alzaire knows. I wouldn't count on it though, as PSM did show quite a lot (if not everything?) without really knowing what people wanted to see or not, so he didn't exactly censor things just to keep people in suspense - like how he shared the item list and such.
                Last edited by Carnivol; 11-05-2012, 04:33 PM. Reason: BOSS


                • I found it! Its in, because this is the room elza is in!
                  Last edited by Darkness; 11-05-2012, 04:36 PM.


                  • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                    Edit: Does anybody knows if the shooting range area is available in the 40% build and are there any weapons modifications in 1.5 like the ones in RE2 retail available as well ?
                    Yes. The firing range was incorporated in the PlaystationMuseum or 40% build (Beta 4 Era). It was already altered to have the doberman model and only had 4 stalls. The first appearance of the firing range was in the Famitsu build (Beta 3 Era) which had the german shepherds and the 8 stalls.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	cerberusgerman.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	104.3 KB
ID:	401915 Click image for larger version

Name:	cerberusdober.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	18.2 KB
ID:	401916

                    Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
                    I guess it's a matter of opinion? But personally I think they look like crap. They look worse in action too, since their tails are just giant polygonal blobs of nothing. Maybe if the team decided to go with the German Shepherds for the final and had more time to work on the textures and their models, they might've been salvageable. But currently, I don't think they look that good.
                    What do you mean in "action"?

                    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                    I wouldn't count on it though, as PSM did show quite a lot (if not everything?) without really knowing what people wanted to see or not, so he didn't exactly censor things just to keep people in suspense - like how he shared the item list and such.
                    Not exactly. The PSM footage showed about 20 different rooms. According to the latest info, the Beta 4 Era build that the team is working on should have approximately 40 playable rooms. So only about half of it was shown. Off the top of my head, I know it's missing the following locations: chief's room, parking lot, firing range, arms storage, b2 hall, morgue and sewer entrance. It's probably lacking footage from the factory and laboratory, too.
                    Last edited by Kegluneq; 11-05-2012, 04:46 PM.

                    BioHazard YouTube Channel
                    BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                    • Is the "I C A N ' T E S C A P E !" thing derived from creative freedom or it was intended to be there? Maybe one or other room with no data got marked out by the team?
                      Hail the heros of the revolution!


                      • At around 3:52 in the Goro Macida video, Leon goes through the same door no problem, which leads to the shutter hallway:

                        This is the correct layout right? According to the maps pieced together. At least there's no room-jumping going on here.


                        • Thanks for posting my video, Darkness. I did change the door animations and I added a couple of filler clips from the old Curator videos, but that's all. Didn't mention it because everyone here seemed ... well ... busy. Also, I knew everyone was tired of seeing the stock RE15 door - although that's probably what we'll get with the real game. Something else for Marvin to add to his pile of things to do. -_^

                          Regarding the message on the door ... who knows? To be fair, given the footage we had previously, a lot of us thought you got inside the rest of the RPD though that very same door. The Goromacinda video is the big reason why. I'm still doing it that way in my video series because I've have to rewrite a bunch of stuff to account for it. Maybe it's one of those path specific things, like what a lot of people think about who gets what gun early on. That's a good a reason as any.

                          Both the message and the fact that the door to the West Hallway is apparently locked is another oddity, like that unmapped bathroom door in the East Hallway. It's just another thing we'll either endlessly speculate about or have to let go until "savior day."

                          Good catch. Any more oddities about the new footage anyone else noticed? Here's one. Look at the light inside the B2 stairwell. Something has been added ....
                          Last edited by RMandel; 11-05-2012, 05:18 PM.


                          • Adding better door loading scenes should be high on the teams list imo. Since in the PSM build leon uses that door fine, it tells me its locked for elzas scenario so she makes it to the shutter hallway much later. Exactly like leon makes it to the lobby muuch later, because he starts on the roof, whining

                            Edit: Only confirmed voice acting in 40% is SHEERY! That's just freaking great is unknown. Can't they at least add the sound files "that's just freakin great!" and " I know a secret way in!" from the videos? Could be cleaned up from the videos. Also, are the aforementioned lines the -only- existing footage of voice acting?

                            EDIT2: 11:26 in that video. What pistol is that? It sounds more high powered and has a kick to it!
                            Last edited by Darkness; 11-05-2012, 05:35 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                              [ATTACH=CONFIG]7474[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]7475[/ATTACH]
                              Ah. Right. Also, wow, seeing those schäfers side-by-side with the others ... they look more ... meaty. Maybe they trimmed them down for resource reasons? (Or decided that "Zombiefication = no fûr for you, poochie!)


                              • I don't think the fur should be a problem. Capcom used fur for the Zombie Lion in Outbreak File #2 and Eliminators in 0. Plus, it's not like zombies are bald.

                                Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                                EDIT2: 11:26 in that video. What pistol is that? It sounds more high powered and has a kick to it!
                                That's a fan-made sound effect added to that video. The original footage from Hyper Playstation Re-Mix Vol. 9 (which can be found on or in the forums, if you prefer to download all of the compilation) has a normal sound effect.
                                Last edited by Kegluneq; 11-05-2012, 05:45 PM.

                                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project

