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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by GBitman View Post
    I came along an official Capcom tape from E3 1997 where the first 10 secondes are unknown. I wanted to see how the community will react if I pulled a Curator on it. Sorry about that... but you got 10 new secondes of footage!
    Oh yeah? How do you explain the missing footage at the beginning then?


    This is also from a tape, showing the real (read: original) cut of the video...
    Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-12-2013, 05:24 PM.


    • well, i rather this being a funny joke with eveyone laughing. it could be far worse.


      • At least we now have Leon's damage sound...
        Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


        • that 1.5 leon voice actor's damage grunt? I am so confused. I've never seen that first clip.


          • enigmatism is right, looks like there is some difference in the frames.


            • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
              enigmatism is right, looks like there is some difference in the frames.
              The video compression and color timing are different, plus the normal RPD background music jumped suddenly to the trailer music from the Capcom-Friendly video along with its footage. Come on guys, isn't it obvious?

              Also, the "new" footage was definitely captured from a VHS tape considering the video artifacts. However, I strongly believe that they are two separate videos that GrantBitman digitally spliced together. There is yet more unseen footage!
              Last edited by Enigmatism415; 01-11-2013, 03:40 PM.


              • Video went private, what was it?
                If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


                • He tricked us twice? OH MY COD.
                  Hail the heros of the revolution!


                  • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
                    Well, you sure tricked us. I guess that's what happens when everybody jumps to conclusions. It's nice to see the E3 Footage in better quality.
                    He only tricked those who continually act like children when something "new" surfaces. An avatar of a new camera view and people automatically begin saying "Someone has the 80% build, it is out there", "Let this guy talk". The same people always pull the "nice guy" card and kiss major ass when there's a potential for someone with an actual copy of 1.5. Then it turns out to be "just some 10 second clip" and those all hyped trying to get in on a copy of 1.5 tone down their interest. Shame shame.
                    Tired of Stupid... sigpic


                    • Hopefully I'm not mistaken but besides Leon's grunt, why does the dog whine like it's dead but gets back up?


                      • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        Hopefully I'm not mistaken but besides Leon's grunt, why does the dog whine like it's dead but gets back up?
                        That's how 1.5 was. Unsure if it was a bug or intended.


                        • I'm downloading it anyway. Better save that grunt before the video goes private.
                          Hail the heros of the revolution!


                          • Was it? Interesting.


                            • So where exactly is the first 10 seconds of that video from, for me it clearly isn't apart of the E3 footage it is too much out of 'place' to be apart of what is essentially a promotional package.


                              • Mr bitman, thank you for the footage. However that first clip is not E3 or anything from 1997. The quality is too good. The sound is different from the original footage as well. Interesting to think about where it came from, whether you know someone who has it, or the footage. Or you have it or the footage. I'm just giddy and curious.
                                Last edited by Darkness; 01-11-2013, 03:43 PM.

