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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Well, there is no need for all of us to turn every discussion into a personal ¨I will proof that you are wrong¨ fight. I don´t find nothing funny in comments like ¨You need to play this game again¨, because being a big RE fan doesn´t mean every of us are forced to play every game a hundred times in order to know everything at 100% detail.

    We can´t assert that Capcom had literally recycled (in an obvious way like Umbrella Chronicles did) models, textures, animations, etc from 1.5 into other games. And we can´t denny that conceptual ideas from creatures, backgrounds and plot discarded from 1.5 were picked up again for other games.

    At the end, until the day we have 1.5 in our hands and can playing it, almost all we can do is speculating.
    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 01-17-2013, 08:43 AM.
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • i think 1.5 is now overrated.

      really. It cant be source of later great ideas. Its not like devs hav "Success Of 1.5: How to create cool ideas for your game.pdf" book in their disposal.

      At the time sure these were great ideas. But not all games heritaged blood on clothes effect from 1.5. And if anything has more than 4 legs-arms, it is mosnter idea from 1.5 Spiderman. Be reasonable. They should invent speed limit for wishful thinking.

      I do love 1.5 and its features found so far. But it is not bible of Resident Evil Series.
      ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


      • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
        They should invent speed limit for wishful thinking.


        • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
          i think 1.5 is now overrated.

          really. It cant be source of later great ideas. Its not like devs hav "Success Of 1.5: How to create cool ideas for your game.pdf" book in their disposal.

          At the time sure these were great ideas. But not all games heritaged blood on clothes effect from 1.5. And if anything has more than 4 legs-arms, it is mosnter idea from 1.5 Spiderman. Be reasonable. They should invent speed limit for wishful thinking.

          I do love 1.5 and its features found so far. But it is not bible of Resident Evil Series.

          oh we know it's the bible of the series but I think for a lot of people it will give them a chance to play the good old days of what made resident evil so good back in the 90's and early 2000's just pure classic resident evil classic game play , plus elza can use the shotgun !! (unlike Claire)


          • Question for Alzaire/News Bot; was there any truth to the whole "Leon had only been a cop for two weeks" in 1.5?


            • Originally posted by randomwab View Post
              Question for Alzaire/News Bot; was there any truth to the whole "Leon had only been a cop for two weeks" in 1.5?
              I've personally never heard of it. I don't think there's anything about him being a rookie either.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                The Monster-Spider grabs and bites you from the looks of it, hence the blood.

                Backgrounds are mainly taken from a CAPCOM texture dump and are actually in quite a lot of their games. The "D-2 shelter" aside (which is pushing it), none of those images show any meaningful connection. (...)

                What is the significance here? Are you referring to the "spidery limbs" part? It's referring to its ability to crawl around on walls and ceilings like the Giant Spider/Web Spinner (and Licker). Here's why they actually designed Drain Deimos. They didn't look to the Monster-Spider for inspiration, they wanted an enemy that could utilize the entire environment but did not want to reuse the Licker. The Monster-Spider has never been shown using walls or ceilings as far as I'm aware.
                I don't think we're going to reach an agreement here. Debating this issue any further is pointless because we have different views on it. Each part has provided evidence to sustain his argument. Suffice to say, those who do not have an opinion formed yet are now better informed. Overall, it's my belief that this discussion was quite productive, but dwelling on it any longer is unnecessary.

                I'll do say something else before finishing, though. Most of our disagreement seems to come from how we defined recycled material. From what I could gathered based on your stance, your definition of recycled material seems to indicate that the assets were purposely implemented in the game with BioHazard 1.5 in mind. This is not what I think. And it's mainly why asking this to the staff is completely pointless. It's been more than 10 years, and even if there was some significant influence from BioHazard 1.5 in the decision to include certain portions from it in the future games of the company, the staff is not likely to remember it, at all. They can give you an abstract list of its influences, but a complete walkthrough of it is complicated. Think of music artists that borrowed much of its influence from other bands. They will tell you that X, Y and Z artists were their main influence for the sound they created during a specific phase of the band, but they are unlikely to pinpoint the exact source (of X, Y and Z artists) of some segments of the tracks during that phase. If a lot of time has passed, this is double truth. Sometimes there are parts of a music that are almost a complete copy paste of another music made by the bands that influenced the music artist. Enthusiastic fans that have a keen ear and a deep understanding of music are the ones that might be capable of finding that out, even if that was never explicitly stated by the music artist (either because the music artist never mentioned it concretely, or simply forgot about it).

                My point with this wall of text being that sometimes, the influences are there, and for me, those borrowed concepts can be classified as "recycled", even if they were not copy paste'd from another game, or if they were created with said game in mind. Because perhaps, subconsciously, the game developers liked that idea and wanted to implement a variant of it in their own game, but with their own personal touch and preference. Ideas are, after all, byproducts of other ideas and experiences. A perfect example of what I'm describing is the layout and progression of the RPD in BioHazard 2 retail, which borrows some of its design from the Masion of BioHazard 1, and the battlefield idea of BioHazard 3 (using a mercenary force to gather the combat data of existent and new bio-organic weapons, or testing an experimental bio-organic weapon against an elite force for the purposes of enhancing said weapon) that was also present in BioHazard 1. You even see further examples of this in other Capcom games, such as Dino Crisis, with its decision-making process seemingly crude, but in truth, would be re-used and refined for BioHazard 3.

                Now that's done, I'd like to change the subject a bit. There was something I was meaning to ask you, News Bot. You already know about BioHazard 1.5's intended storyline and scenario, but when in contact with the staff (or perhaps from the notes left by the developing team), was there any information about the development stages of BioHazard 1.5, in particular about the different era builds and significant changes the game underwent before being cancelled?

                BioHazard YouTube Channel
                BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                • I see your point of view. It makes sense. I don't agree with all of your examples (especially Dino Crisis/BH3 decision making) but to each his own.

                  There was no such thing as "era builds" to the developers. The game was in-development and they were making changes as it progressed. They didn't separate and classify each build for each significant change. This is something else purely formulated by fans. Even the game's informal title "BIOHAZARD 1.5" is fan-made. CAPCOM initially used it to refer to BH3.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • About the rookie Leon, wasn't there an article about him and Elza stating that in the very first line of Leon's description?

                    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      I see your point of view. It makes sense. I don't agree with all of your examples (especially Dino Crisis/BH3 decision making) but to each his own.

                      There was no such thing as "era builds" to the developers. The game was in-development and they were making changes as it progressed. They didn't separate and classify each build for each significant change. This is something else purely formulated by fans. Even the game's informal title "BIOHAZARD 1.5" is fan-made. CAPCOM initially used it to refer to BH3.
                      I understand.

                      I imagine that this is how the videogame industry operates. It's us, the aficionados, that tend to separate things to have a better comprehension of the development stages. But what I'd like to know is, if during the developing process there were notes or reports explaining why some of the things were changed at different periods of development? An in-depth "making of", if you will.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • They had no need to keep notes on why they changed things at that time. They just thought of a reason, decided on it, then did it. Most likely in meetings and discussions, rather than pen-and-paper. They never even left notes on the series plot until BH3, and that's because Kawamura did it voluntarily. That's one reason for so many apparent inconsistencies in the series.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          There was no such thing as "era builds" to the developers. The game was in-development and they were making changes as it progressed. They didn't separate and classify each build for each significant change. This is something else purely formulated by fans. Even the game's informal title "BIOHAZARD 1.5" is fan-made. CAPCOM initially used it to refer to BH3.
                          This. People forget that the game was worked on every day and various elements changed every day. To them it all just melded together during the development cycle. The era stuff is all just designation for our own uses to help identify things as best as we can see them from what we have. To them, it's all just lumped together as one development spread out over a few months where they saw the changes every day, every hour.


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            They had no need to keep notes on why they changed things at that time. They just thought of a reason, decided on it, then did it. Most likely in meetings and discussions, rather than pen-and-paper. They never even left notes on the series plot until BH3, and that's because Kawamura did it voluntarily. That's one reason for so many apparent inconsistencies in the series.
                            Thanks for clarifying that.

                            BioHazard YouTube Channel
                            BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Even the game's informal title "BIOHAZARD 1.5" is fan-made. CAPCOM initially used it to refer to BH3.
                              Mikami is the one coming with "RE1.5" for the abandoned version of RE2 - at least officially. There may be someone else coming with it internally, but he used first in an interview with Famitsu (#10/10/1997):

                              Never heard Capcom calling RE3, "RE1.5". I just know that once again, it is Mikami who came with the name "RE1.9" - he said it in a DVD, where a few Capcom's staff members are getting drunk in a bar. Forgot the reference.
                              Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                              • CAPCOM used "1.5" internally to refer to BH3 for a time. Then they used "1.9."

                                Is the raw Japanese transcript or scans of that interview available? I can't rely on an old French translation.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

