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  • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
    Oh and the about analogy and poor choice of words, like I said in the beginning of my post, is due one situation being quantifiable and the other not. The value Capcom attributes to a final beta leakage of Resident Evil 1.5 could be 0$ because they don't give a shit about it. (If) they have no future plans to re-use those assets or ideas involved in the creation of it for another game, and/or the expenses involved in full-scale investigation deem the whole thing worthless. It has more to do with the dramatization of your analogy that the content itself (which is applicable from prototype's owner point-of-view, but not from the company's point-of-view).

    It's like a worthless 20 year-old molecular draft being leaked in the pharmaceutical industry for a product that's finished and profitable. If your security protocols are up to date, the head honchos are not going to waste resources pursuing its cause.
    That's what i was trying to say, the game was scrapped long time ago and never intended to be revived or it's assets to be reused by the company again, in other words a piece of garbage in a trash bin, so why would they give a rat's ass if someone leaked now and waste money to prosecute the culprits whom responsible for the leakage ?


    • I love how arguments are going on to further clarify something I'm pretty sure I summed up like a page or 2 ago...
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      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        So to go back to your sample; the problem isn't that your old draft's missing.
        This is not how corporate espionage works in the pharmaceutical industry. If a molecular draft gets in the hands of the competition, it's because the investigator (or assistants) assigned to it is in bed with the company that got access to it. No one gets access to confidential information without supervision. In other words, the asset is leaked before it even gets to the "secure" area. I imagine that this is how it happens in video game industry, too, but I'll refrain from asserting that statement because I'm not too familiar with the leakage process of the betas.
        Last edited by Kegluneq; 02-03-2013, 05:47 PM.

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        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          The Castle version had a pretty great plot, so its loss was pretty unfortunate to the series. Hallucination had amazing gameplay ideas that rivaled Silent Hill in the horror department, so it was another loss. Similar to Outbreak, they were ahead of their time.
          Wasn't the hallucination version just a gameplay experiment of the castle version? Did they change the plot for that version?


          • What Carn is basically trying to say is that people forget the big picture. It's not just about 1.5, it's about the grand scheme of things. It may seem unimportant now and insignificant, but that's only because people just look at 1.5 by itself. Like Carn says, it's more about what more might be at risk from the company perspective. Does the person who leaked it still work at the company? If not, how long did they work there and what other things might they have stolen/kept without authorization? Where did it come from? etc. Sure, chances are the people don't work there anymore or anything. But they would want to know just in case. I think the main reason RE1 GBC might not have gotten any public issues from Capcom about is because I believe it was outsourced to some outside team which is now no longer functional and probably didn't have access to Capcom internal stuff like an internal team would. So little to no further risk. But they may have still looked into it and we just don't know. I imagine like many things that a lot goes on privately that the public would not be aware of.


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              They created a small mansion with which they began experimenting on different types of horror ("ghost" and "psycho"). Hookman and the dolls were some of those experiments. There was no plot, they just carried over "infected Leon" from the Castle version and introduced a Jacob's Ladder setting of "is all this weirdness real?"
              Good to know. So even if that Hallucination demo still exists somewhere, all there would be on it would be the rooms that we were already shown in the gameplay video, plus maybe a few more unseen rooms with more or less the same type of content, just enough for the small mansion testing ground experiment. And if they didn't continue to work on that vision beyond the preview demo, there's nothing but a short testing demo that may exist.


              • ^What Alzaire said. And, regarding RE GBC, those two builds of it that are out in public one is the very same cartridge seen played on a GBC stand at a trade show in some old (TGS?) video footage and the other surfaced in a container (iirc) of random crap that someone auctioned off to pay a debt or something. And, yeah, the game was outsourced to the London based (iirc) HotGen Studios (who mostly did license games at the time and such, but did an amazing job with the underlying technical aspects of RE GBC.)


                • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                  Wasn't the hallucination version just a gameplay experiment of the castle version? Did they change the plot for that version?
                  The Castle version was completely discarded when it was scrapped, including the areas they had made at that stage which can still be found on the stage list, but they were unused in the Hallucination version aside from maybe its first trailer. Hallucination had no plot aside from "Leon is infected and seeing crazy shit" since the plot was completely secondary at the time, as nailing down the gameplay was pivotal.

                  Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                  Good to know. So even if that Hallucination demo still exists somewhere, all there would be on it would be the rooms that we were already shown in the gameplay video, plus maybe a few more unseen rooms with more or less the same type of content, just enough for the small mansion testing ground experiment. And if they didn't continue to work on that vision beyond the preview demo, there's nothing but a short testing demo that may exist.
                  Yes, neither version was as far along as 1.5, for example. The chances of it being released by anyone are substantially slimmer and there is no indication that it is in anyone's possession, again, unlike 1.5.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                    Both versions were scrapped because the GameCube hardware couldn't handle them
                    and i think the ps2 version already was being planned, so, in my mind that helped in the decision of scrapping, fail hardware. dunno if Xbox could handle 3.5.


                    • I have a question why do capcom bother keeping these old builds of games if they are never ever going to be used , why don't they just delete them ?
                      one reason I can think is just because they can rip assets from it and make another game out of it , is that about right or would there be other reasons ?


                      • Anyone else have noticed this date in the Developer Commentary - Making of Video?
                        Could be the date of this build?


                        New avatar from KeijiDragon's youtube channel
                        Last edited by Ketsui; 02-03-2013, 06:36 PM.


                        • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
                          and i think the ps2 version already was being planned, so, in my mind that helped in the decision of scrapping, fail hardware. dunno if Xbox could handle 3.5.
                          You think wrong.

                          Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                          I have a question why do capcom bother keeping these old builds of games if they are never ever going to be used , why don't they just delete them ?
                          They do. Some just slip through the cracks.
                          Last edited by News Bot; 02-03-2013, 06:34 PM.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • It wasn't uncommon I would say in the large part of the 90s and even into the early-mid 2000s for companies to delete large parts of games or game assets after a game was completed and released. With the advent of HD releases, remakes, reboots, and expansions, as popular as they are today, this trend is starting to reverse. More game companies are holding onto old games and old game assets. Unfortunately a lot of the older 90s PS games fall into that, "it's too old to give a shit/give a proper HD treatment" pile. For example, retail RE2, if a remake were to be released, it would just simply be an entirely new game, instead of attempting to reuse assets from the original, which is just too old, technology wise, to be relevant beyond just a frame of reference. A more recent example of the opposite though, is FFX, which is getting an HD treatment, but lends itself much better to that process.


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                              Last edited by Zombie_X; 02-03-2013, 06:59 PM.
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