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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
    I still think that there should be an option for those of us who would like to see the development every step of the way. I've been waiting and investigating for nearly a decade, so not much more can surprise me at this point. Maybe IGAS should move their big reveals to the designated "spoilers" thread, then we all win.
    Yes, I completely agree - there should still be the option for people who want to do whatever they want to.
    I personally though would still like to be surprised when I play the final release.
    I mean, who would go to see to the movies and then get shown the ending in the trailers LOL - you wouldn't would you?

    I'm sure there is plenty of secrets they'll keep for in-game only, which means we'll have to uncover them ourselves.
    As for things like enemy locations and surprise attacks (crows on 2F or 3F for eg) I'd rather, again personally, not see until I play, and be like .. arghhh! hehe

    @ IGAS - would you be prepared to make a seperate thread purely to show spoiler pics and videos - which could spoil the project for those who want to keep it all secret till they discover it for themselves? Although I do love your behind the scenes videos (such as saving/loading, menu upgrades etc)

    EDIT: Lovin' the new thread name hehe ;)
    Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 06-10-2013, 08:19 AM.
    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


    • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
      EDIT: Lovin' the new thread name hehe ;)
      Did somebody download this "build"? I thought we've got the "Colvin" build already...
      Most anticipated game of 2013? Team IGAS Resident Evil 1.5!


      • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
        @ IGAS - would you be prepared to make a seperate thread purely to show spoiler pics and videos - which could spoil the project for those who want to keep it all secret till they discover it for themselves? Although I do love your behind the scenes videos (such as saving/loading, menu upgrades etc)
        That's probably a good idea. Heck, if I could, I'd see if I can make a restricted forum they can post in (sort of like the news forum), so no one else can clogger things with their lame ass high-school drama. (Assuming Robert and Birkin wants that, of course)

        EDIT: Lovin' the new thread name hehe ;)
        I just LOVE getting spammed on Facebook, GChat, Windows LIVE, etc. (all of which redirects to my phone) by like 30 different people asking me if I've "noticed the guys spamming your forums" - especially when I'm at work and want to do something else with my lunchbreak than looking at the friggin admin panel to figure out who's said which person's daddy is stronger than the other's.


        • I'm at work. I'll look later.


          • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
            As for things like enemy locations and surprise attacks (crows on 2F or 3F for eg) I'd rather, again personally, not see until I play, and be like .. arghhh! hehe
            Yeah, sorry if I ruined that for anyone... I thought that it was common knowledge, but I had neglected to take into account all of the newcomers to the scene.


            By the way, this thread has over a million views? Golly, Aleff should receive a medal!
            Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-10-2013, 09:22 AM.


            • i am not a newcomer, but there are few things i did not know that were spoiled by lack of spoiler tags. (like with roy)

              please be considerate. thank you.


              • ^Ahuh .. yeah that was a pretty big spoiler all by itself.
                I played the game and watched the hacked/added cutscene with his chat with Elza - wish I hadn't but no doubt that'll change before its completed anyway.
                Think I may just wait till it's finished, maybe the odd glimpse to see anything devopment wise that is new, but nothing major spoilers (rooms, items, character dialog)
                Wanna play it like it's a new game and never played/seen it before.
                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                  i am not a newcomer, but there are few things i did not know that were spoiled by lack of spoiler tags. (like with roy)

                  please be considerate. thank you.
                  There's a difference because the crow thing had been "known" since the Kim Dynasty of Bioflames (that's why I specified newcomers), while the Roy thing was actually new to all of us here.


                  • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                    D.Birkin, were you able to find out and fix that slowdown-glitch when your character stood in front of the warehouse door where William Birkin came out of it? When the camera angle switched to that area, the game slowed down heavily.
                    Re-posted incase over-looked.

                    D.Birkin, probably the most important aspect of 1.5, are the events. Looking forward to what you are going to do with the events. But more specifically, I'm talking about "scary events." 1.5 has to be scary. For instance, are you planning on re-doing the dog/ventilation event in the firing range?

                    Instead of having the duct open and three dogs fly out, I would have the duct bash off the wall with the dog flying out, and two other dogs showing up off-screen (they came through the door). Also, I noticed that you don't necessarily have to take the screwdriver (or pliers, whatever it was) to trigger the sequence. If you are a couple feet away from the shelf, the dogs fly out regardless. Do you plan on fixing these things?

                    Last edited by RetroRain; 06-10-2013, 01:44 PM.
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                    • Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                      Re-posted incase over-looked.

                      D.Birkin, probably the most important aspect of 1.5, are the events. Looking forward to what you are going to do with the events. But more specifically, I'm talking about "scary events." 1.5 has to be scary. For instance, are you planning on re-doing the dog/ventilation event in the firing range?

                      Instead of having the duct open and three dogs fly out, I would have the duct bash off the wall with the dog flying out, and two other dogs showing up off-screen (they came through the door). Also, I noticed that you don't necessarily have to take the screwdriver (or pliers, whatever it was) to trigger the sequence. If you are a couple feet away from the shelf, the dogs fly out regardless. Do you plan on fixing these things?

                      I think it's safe to assume they're not going to leave buggy and incomplete events in their final version of the game. As they stated in the past, there's no need to point out bugs, glitches or incomplete features from the public build, all these issues will be addressed in the final version.


                      • Since we're on the discussion of the emergency dodging feature, I will say: it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the game, at least to me. The 18o turn would be nice tbh, if the latter and the former are included, hopefully as options 'cuz playing without that stuff is more fun to me.


                        • Ughh, posted this in the wrong thread, no wonder I was confused why posts were disappearing lol. Reposting here.

                          Do you know what it is? I've always been under the impression that this image was fake. People have explained various reasons in the past and I've pretty much written off this image as nonsense. But getting a chance to look at this image again over the weekend made me realize one important thing, what's the chance that someone creating a fake image actually got the location of the Lobby right? 103 LOBBY, what are the chances of that? Were there any public references available at the time this image was created? The goromacida video perhaps?


                          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                            Ughh, posted this in the wrong thread, no wonder I was confused why posts were disappearing lol. Reposting here.

                            Do you know what it is? I've always been under the impression that this image was fake. People have explained various reasons in the past and I've pretty much written off this image as nonsense. But getting a chance to look at this image again over the weekend made me realize one important thing, what's the chance that someone creating a fake image actually got the location of the Lobby right? 103 LOBBY, what are the chances of that? Were there any public references available at the time this image was created? The goromacida video perhaps?
                            its a photoshopped bio2beta2 picture


                            • Todays one messed up day. I get a message from a member on the 123 boards. There's a link that sends me to a download. The download contains both pSX v1.14 and Team IGAS' uncompiled build of 1.5. It only has five files (layout.ini, logo.bin, pack.bin, pack.str, ans PSX.EXE. The root of the folder also has a SYSTEM.CNF file. What the hell...

                              There's a text file included as well:

                              Last edited by Zombie_X; 06-10-2013, 06:39 PM.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • This is getting really boring now. I couldn't care less who is involved. Why does it matter?

